I worked by myself for the most part, and was given tasks by either Tom Kelly or Eric Dykeman. I was given access to everything that Tom would tell me to do, and that includes seeing billing info, and on the bills I would you tell the company how much they owe the Chamber in dues, I also was to see why they left and complaints that they had. With Eric I would be given tasks like making schedules, finding people to contact for meeting, and to organize how the meeting was going to plan out. Almost every day was different, and there was always something to get done or to visit. I traveled with Eric a lot to the town of Braintree where there would be meeting, and I also traveled to see where they are trying to build more infrastructure. I would
I have a petty theft misdemeanor. I was going through a hard time and was trying to get food for my family. I was given a citation and ordered to pay a fine. I am currently in the process of getting my record expunged. I am a honest hard-worker with a strong work ethic. I am a fast learner and very goal oriented. I work well in teams as well as
I played football in high school for all 4 years. My freshmen and sophomore year I wasn't very good. I was a backup and never played. Then came along my junior year, I was still undersized and didn't start but I improved my skill greatly and I started to increase my work ethic. The off-season before my junior year I went hard in the weight room and became strong. I also lost some weight and gained some height. That's hard work in the offseason is what lead to me having a great senior year. My senior year was full of emotion, I felt tired, determined, and at the end of the season I felt sadness with no regret and the love for my brothers. The first thing we had to do to become a great team was build a brotherhood with kids who wanted to try.
I have been working like a machine for the past seven days. I have been getting up at the crack of dawn every morning and getting our oxen ready to go. I try as best I can to help with breakfast so that Mrs. right doesn't have to take care of us that much. After that I wake the children up, we all eat breakfast, and head on our way. When the sun is high in the sky we stop for lunch. Lunch is most likely a sandwich and a small drink of water, then once again, we pack up, and then continue going. A few hours before the sun is about to set, we set up camp. All of the women start making a big dinner, all of the men round up the animals and put them in the circle of wagons, and the children play for a little while. Once that is done we all
While some people around me flourish in their athletics, others succeed in their schoolwork. Personally, my most outstanding strength stands as my work ethic. When certain activities do not come naturally for me, I work as hard as possible to get better at them. Multiple instances of this have occurred over the past few years. For example, this year I participated in lacrosse for the first time. I usually spent my time playing soccer, but after a concussion that prevented me from playing again, I decided to give something else a a try. Going into a new sport like lacrosse was initially difficult for me. I had no idea how to play, everyone else had far more advanced skills than I did, and my confidence level started to deflate. My mom
So, imagine a stocky six foot black man who had a shiny bold head. Alright, now make that same man a veteran and a drill sergeant. Now give that man a raspy voice and an almost permanently
There are many things that sets me apart from other candidates applying to California State University, Long Beach, but one that specifically sets me apart is my work ethic. I have disciplined myself to the point where if my work is not done I am not satisfied with what I have done. Not only have I disciplined myself, but I have been disciplined by my parents to work hard and anything can be achieved if you aren’t afraid to fail and put the effort needed. Without discipline I would not have the grades I have, I would not have the GPA I have, and I would not be able to have the opportunities I have now. I was not the best student at one time, but I wanted to accomplish my goal, which is to be successful. I had to build up my work ethic to be able to achieve this goal.
Thank you for reading my work - I'm glad you enjoy it and might find it useful.
This year school year I promised myself that I wouldn’t wait to the last minute to do my homework/assignments and I wanted to try to procrastinate less. So far I have been successful in doing so and I feel like my work ethic has gotten a lot better. For example, instead of waiting until Sunday to do my homework I’ll finish it on Friday or Saturday before coming back to school on Monday. This way I’ll have more free time during the weekend. The reason I chose to do this is that I was always stressed out because I would always wait until the last minute to do everything, so I went with the obvious solution. In doing this, I feel like my work has more quality and it makes me feel proud of it.
Of all the aspects of my personality, the most distinguishing is my work ethic. This is best exemplified in the ways that I have risen to the top within the groups I have worked with and the projects I have worked on. The most recent example: I am currently working with a student committee at my high school to organize a “Career Day”. Although I came into the group on their second meeting, I am now the de facto leader as I have accepted the most responsibility and been key in communicating with administration to plan and schedule the event. When nobody will take on an assignment or when I feel an assignment is not being completed well enough, I step in, and that is what happened with my involvement on this project. For another example, I went
Darla, you are a woman with huge faith. I debated on whether not to share this, but here it goes. I had huge faith like yours and today I do. But as I was studying Job one day, it all hit. It seemed we had it all financially. But then we lost our home and everything in between. Tribulations came in such a huge way including becoming hungry and homeless. More tribulations came that I should not share here. The more I read into Job the worse it got. No one could believe it. Then came the “Christian” friends who offered advise, just like Job’s friends. I kept trust God for a miracle. I kept seeking Him, then one day I just kind of gave up and said, “God do with me what you want.” It was at that point I think God said, “Finally.” Seemed like everything
About me: I’ve lived in South Florida all of my life, specifically going back and forth between Miami-Dade county and Broward County. My Mom emigrated from Nicaragua and my dad was raised by North Carolinians which makes for very interesting holiday meals-for Christmas we had Vigorón and Sweet Potato Casserole. I can be persistent if I really, really want something; my mom wouldn't allow me to get a dog so I spent a year taking care of a plush toy in the fifth grade. The good news is that she finally allowed me to adopt Bella, my maltese-a disclaimer: I was eleven-named after the Twilight series (if I had gotten her a year later, I might have named her Katniss, which would be sort of awkward for a dog). I’m still deciding what I want to “be”.
As I sit on the toilet at 5:02 P.M. waiting for it to be 5:04 to find my answer. Negative or Positive? I walk into my room with the tests in my hand to show my fiancé, his big blue eyes lights up with excitement. I have taken four digital tests all saying negative. This particular test was different, there was a faint positive result! I didn’t think anything of it, because It wasn’t quite time for my period anyway. Soon enough, I would find out how accurate that last test was.
Today my alarm clock went off at 6:30am letting me know I had around an hour before I needed to get in my BMW and drive to work. What’s my job? I am a Therapist for the company, Mumble and I specialize in clients with severe depression. As I made myself my normal everyday breakfast, two sunny-side up eggs with a piece of whole-grain toast and a cup of orange juice, I got this strange feeling inside of my stomach that something strange was gonna happen at the office today. When I arrived to work everything seemed completely normal for a day at the office. Bobby was at his desk sanitizing it, Nataasha was in her office screaming at whoever brought her coffee in 2 degrees warmer than it’s supposed to be, and Edward was staring at his computer
I was never late, I worked day after day at “P” Check Cashing Place. I worked there for two years. My position their was a Shift Manager/Cashier. I try to get along with the employees I was in charged of because I wanted my shift to always meet the quarter at the end of the week. Having the position I had was a lot of responsibility, I loved it because I like to feel in charged and because I like to dominated, tell people what to do. If i had the chance to do it again I would.