Trump recently went on a triad, referring to Sen. John McCain military record with malice and disgust. He emphatically stated, “He was not a war hero” (LoBianco, 2015). Later, he corrected himself by saying he was a war hero but he didn’t like McCain because he was captured (LoBianco, 2015). I find myself no longer wishing to support such an individual like Trump, in any way I can control. I personally take offense to what he has said over the past several weeks and will under no circumstances support any of his businesses or brands if I can control it. He has repeated blasted a culture based on a stereotype and thought process that is untrue. He has insulted a community without any thought and remorse. He has repeatedly questioned
Anyone with a TV, Radio, Newspaper, Phone or ears have heard nothing but horrible things about trump over the past year or two. Every corner you look, or media you scroll on something will be pushed in front of your face on the negative aspect of Donald Trump. Casually scrolling through facebook and I notice yet again another, horrible headline for Trump. “Donald Trump Wrongly Corrected A Veteran About The Suicide Rate”. Being intrigued I clicked on it. It was a video, taken at the the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America Commander-in-Chief Forum. Rachel Fredericks, aviations operations in the Marine Corps, asked trump a simple question on what he planned to do about the sing rates of suicidal veterans due to PTSD. Trump did not respond, instead he decided to 1. Not answer the question completely and 2, corrected Rachel with wrong information.
Staff Sgt. Mark R. De Alencar died in Afghanistan on April 8, his wife Natasha De Alencar got a phone by Trump days later and he it said,” I’m so sorry to hear about the whole situation. What a, what a horrible thing except that he is an unbelievable hero and you know all the people who served with him are saying how incredible he was and just an amazing,amazing guy.” This proves that Trump can actually keep his word--too some. After Trump attacked Florida Democratic Rep. Frederica Wilson her role in the phone call between him and Myeshia Johnson, the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, after he was killed
It was the morning of September 11, 2001 in New York City. I woke up at 6:00 am to put my uniform on and say goodbye to my wife and children as I head off to work. The morning started off just fine, the sun was shining the skies were blue, and traffic was heavy as businessmen and women were headed to work. I work with Brooklyn’s Ladder Company No. 157 as a firefighter. I went into work and greeted my friend George johnson who is also a firefighter. It was around 8:47 when I got the call that they were dispatching us and telling us to head to the north tower because there was an attack. When I heard the news I was in shock and couldn't believe it, but I knew what had to be done. I remember running into that building and all I could think about was am i going to make it out to see my family again, my main goal was to stay safe, and help as many people as
Since the start of his campaign, Trump has offended many different individuals groups of people.
Tiara, I think you hit the nail right on the head. The United States government is a case in point that has helped a lot of countries and we continue to do so, on a regular base. We the people or government that the people elected help so much throughout the world because of our Christian faith this country was built on. There are times, such as after a war, the United States disengages from the country early leaving the citizens and an unprepared military to fend for themselves. Although things may have been not the best before we engaged in war, when leaving a country in an unprepared situation can result in rebel forces taking over, creating a possible more threating situation.
Trump dismissed Senator McCain’s military service when he remarked “I like people who weren’t captured.” Trump has yet to apologize.
I myself do not associate with the typical Republican Party values, however I bring myself to appreciate certain aspects of candidates. While I see plenty of comments on republican candidates, Donald Trump more often than not, it was at least an informative and interesting experience if not tolerable to see these opinions the American public has formed in action. Trump, for example, does not mince his words. While blunt truth may seem intimidating, at least he is one to speak his mind. However, his comments heavily outweigh an honorable character. One of the most offensive of details, which was brought up in a question rather than by Trump himself, was framed around him being offensive to women. There have been accounts of him calling women on twitter “fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals” on the basis of looks. On top of direct insult, Trump allegedly made sexually harassing comments on twitter, too. While a few of these questions have
More than any other candidate, Trump has understood how deeply rooted these feelings have become and he has successfully built an entire campaign around them. If Democrats think they will have an easy time stopping him in the fall, they might want to take a closer look at the characters who have been attracting the masses in recent years.” I feel as though Zelizer’s opinion upon the situation is partially right, but I believe Trump has gained the population's vote, and has sustained loyal members of his political party, by being a truthful candidate. Unlike other candidate’s Trump speaks the cold hard truth most of the time, whereas other people like Hillary Clinton fluff up the truth not exposing how critical situations have become in the world. In this case trump is the anti-hero and Hillary is the hero, people don’t want to live in a fictionalized world made up of lies promised by the candidate, they want the real world and action done now, and they know Trump is going to be a dynamic character if he becomes
Donald Trump recently gave a speech discussing rising Radical Islamic Terrorism, immigration from the Middle East, and a need for a rise in national security while Manchester, New Hampshire on June 13th 2016. He centers his whole speech around discussing how bad a President his opponent, Hillary Clinton, would be in difficult times. Trump graduated from the Wharton School of Finance in 1968 with a bachelor 's degree in economics, and has become a very successful businessman. He’s the Republican nominee for this upcoming presidential election, and is a very controversial candidate and person. He has come under fire for many of his views that he discusses in his June 13th speech. While Trump does make some agreeably points, he renders his speech ineffective because of his heavy reliance on Clinton’s opinion to form his own. If Trump were to become President, his stance on important issues would need to be reached with careful consideration, and not just based on doing the opposite of his opponents.
Throughout time, many dictators were named cruel and bad leaders. Although not all dictators were cruel, some made a huge difference in their country. Napoleon is a character in Animal farm and is cruel to his subjects. Juan Peron is a president that many of his people were loyal to. Napoleon, from George Orwell’s Animal Farm, and Juan Domingo Peron, a President of Argentina, are different and alike in some ways like their rise to power, laws and policies and their cruelties.
When you are trying to conceive, one of the best things that can help you is over the counter fertility drugs. The great things about these drugs is that they are natural and do not have any side effects to worry about. However, there are several options, so learning more about them will help you make the best decision possible. Here are some of the most popular options out there.
turning my head again I saw Simon dive to my aid. He did not utter a
Donald Trump may be one of the most controversial businessmen of our generation. He has never failed to grab the eye of the media when he wished to and even sometimes when he didn't. Now he has become more controversial than ever as he has gone from businessman to President of the United States of America. As many American sit and wonder how this could have happened, we look back and see the factors that not only allowed President Trump to become such a powerful man but how he was able to win the election.
A hero is not a person with strength or a person how fight monsters. A hero is a person that inspires you to be the best you can be, a person how tells you that there is nothing in the world that you can’t do, a person how will speak to you in a different way. My hero doesn’t need strength or able to fight monster, but their able to change your life in a different way. My heroes inspire me to be the person I can be today and other every day. The people in my store inspire me to do thing I never want to do but they make me do it by changing my mind. The reason I picked these people because they don’t just inspire me they inspire other people to.
Being a ‘War Hero’ isn’t always a title that is filled with honor. A loss is painful regardless of how it occurs, however, a loss where the chance to say goodbye is never given, is far worse. In an attempt to retaliate against Baghdad Iranian F.14 fighter planes were sent out, many lives were lost. Marjane attempts to give her grieving friend Pardisse her condolences for the loss of her father stating that, her father was a hero. Nevertheless, Marjane’s efforts failed as Paradisse reacted by saying, “I wish he were alive in jail than dead and a hero.” (86) The family of the deceased feels no honor, only sorrow.