As a kid I wanted to go into broadcasting. I loved watching people going into the field and reporting about interesting topics, uncovering crimes through investigations, and talking to important and influential people of our time. I am someone who loves to talk to people and felt I could enjoy traveling around the reporting on international events. But soon I learned that broadcasting you usually can’t dealt to help people in need. As a kid I watched the 2009 tsunami devested Asian coastlines. You reporters and journalists reporting but are told that they can’t help because they lack the skills to help in the recovery. I realized all you can do in broadcasting is tell not help; the radio that tells people things not the person who is changing the world. Then I saw a triage center with children that they were showing on screen. When I saw them kids my age in …show more content…
I want to say that wanting to become a doctor was my choice because of family, but not because a lot of my cousins are Doctors or in Residency, that my parents want me to be none of that. I was inspired by my family to further my interest in medicine. My grandfather was a Doctor back in his home county of Pakistan after he left the Navy and he is one of my greatest role model. I never meet him sadly he passed away before I was born. But learning about him and his achievements cemented by interest in medicine. When I went to see his grave in my parent’s home country of Pakistan, I went to the clinic he worked and to talk to some of his patients who he helped and those who worked with I found great respect for him. He saved lives and prevented others to be affected; treating every patient with the highest of care no matter if they are rich or poor. I may have never meet him but I want to be able to be like him. Knowing the memory of what he did was something I want to aspire to
Walking away from everything you once knew and starting over is never a picnic. Leaving Iraq, and moving to America has impacted my life more than anything. I was only 4 years old at that time, and the only English I spoke was “excuse me, water please.” My family and I did not know it then, but our lives were going to change; we would become “Americanized”. Learning English was one of the massive changes that occurred, the way I dressed (culture), and even the way I had power to go to school and educate myself.
It was the day the junior high volleyball girls played Madison Grant! They were the only team that we lose to last year.We were going back and forth and back. It was a really good game. Who won the biggest rivalry in Frankton JH?
Over my years of school, one big influence on me has always been sports. Ever since a young age, I have always enjoyed playing and watching sports. In my four years in high school, I have fell in love with the sport of lacrosse.
I woke up and took one bite out of my pop tart but that one bite was all I could eat. My legs were shaking, and my heart was pounding. My dad told me, “It is a true honor to even make it this far so go out there and have some fun.” Once I heard this statement, I knew I was ready to go. I arrived at school and boarded the bus. The car ride was an hour and fifteen minutes of hearing the squeaking of the wheel on the bus. My teammates were getting their heads ready for the big game.
If I were to write the story of my life so far, I would title it “Diving Deeper”. Throughout my life, I have been through many tough circumstances, and taken chances on the road less traveled, all culminating in an interesting journey that has lead me to where I am today. Specifically, in my college decision this past year, I chose to take a less favorable path by enrolling in courses at a community college for a year before transferring to a university, in order to save money and redirect my life a bit. Although I went into this year with fears of loneliness, I combatted those feelings by trying things I have never had the guts to do, such as getting a drastic haircut and learning how to drive, and found deeper pieces of myself along the way.
When I was in the 8th grade, I read your book, The Hiding Place, for the first time. I am not much of a reader, so I struggle to get excited over books. However, from the very first chapter, I was captivated by the emotion and heart that was put into the book. It changed my outlook on how lucky I am to live in a country and a time where I can freely worship God without fear of what will come. I had no idea how much persecution was shown toward the Jewish community during the early to mid 1900s. It brought to my attention how much of a problem religious tolerance, or lack thereof, was during the time period. Even today as we struggle to follow and respect our religious values, we can look back on this time and be grateful for what we
Growing up with a father in the military, you move around a lot more than you would like to. I was born just east of St. Louis in a city called Shiloh in Illinois. When I was two years old my dad got the assignment to move to Hawaii. We spent seven great years in Hawaii, we had one of the greatest churches I have ever been to name New Hope. New Hope was a lot like Olivet's atmosphere, the people were always friendly and there always something to keep someone busy. I used to dance at church, I did hip-hop and interpretive dance, but you could never tell that from the way I look now.
John- Hey you hear about the kid from the west side of town that got lost?
Alice did as she was told and pulled a chair up across from Mai. " I wanted to apologize for the other day. I was completely out of line....I tend to fall back into my normal mode when I feel uncomfortable or nervous. Im not sure if you have read my file or anything but my upbringing wasn't what you would call normal...Now im not using this as an excuse....not in the least. My actions were completely derogitoy and uncalled for however I would like you to understand so if it happens again you know." Alice took a deep breath before speaking again. " In the corporate world if you are not the biggest person in the room you need to make yourself the biggest. You do this by insulting bribing or blackmailing any and everyone you can. Its the only
When setting out on my search, I felt confident I would have the most luck on Google. There I searched for not only “Jocelyn Nadeau”, but my name along with each of the towns I have lived in. I was aware depending on the search engine used, different results can be found. Consequently, I used the same tactic on Yahoo. After searching on a large scale, I decided to scour to the online archives of my local newspaper. I also signed up for a free trial of, in the hopes there would some exciting information there. And, a helpful friend recommended trying out Instant Checkmate, which although I had never heard of, was willing to give a try. My last course of action was to search social media sites. I do not use social media myself, nevertheless, I wanted to see if my name was out there. I checked Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, and Myspace.
It was a Thursday, May 21st in the year 2015. My grandfather had gone into surgery for what was suppose to be the removal of his gallbladder. However, when he came out of surgery, that is when the life of my family and mine changed.
I've struggled with acne for half my life at this point. It's definitely come with its emotional turmoil and made it so much harder as a teen learning to love herself. It was never just one zit on my forehead and a couple on my cheek, oh no it was everywhere even on my ears. However, as a teen this problem was so much different because it's something that is pretty much expected, but as an adult it's so much different. Breaking out makes me stressed and the more I stress out the more I break
Please, tell me, what meaning do I hold, having abandoned the purpose I once served? I'm broken, neglected by the world you oh, so adore, Yet you laugh, blind to my obvious terror.
The war was coming, and we all knew it. The bomb dropped on Hiroshima, or even Nagasaki, would be considered a dust mite in comparison to what the world had now. Families had begun digging up safe rooms, others buying places to live in mountains or underground. Only the wealthy were assured of safety, and we all knew that the government had plans for them. The general population didn’t get to know the plans we were just stuck, and we all knew that out days were dwindling.
Today was slow, like every other day, I walked the halls and watched time fall away. There were no actions to how I was feeling, No clue that inside, It’s hard to keep breathing. Memories come and go Pain comes and stays. When she let me go, I was left out like a stray.