
Personal Narrative: Uncovering

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As a kid I wanted to go into broadcasting. I loved watching people going into the field and reporting about interesting topics, uncovering crimes through investigations, and talking to important and influential people of our time. I am someone who loves to talk to people and felt I could enjoy traveling around the reporting on international events. But soon I learned that broadcasting you usually can’t dealt to help people in need. As a kid I watched the 2009 tsunami devested Asian coastlines. You reporters and journalists reporting but are told that they can’t help because they lack the skills to help in the recovery. I realized all you can do in broadcasting is tell not help; the radio that tells people things not the person who is changing the world. Then I saw a triage center with children that they were showing on screen. When I saw them kids my age in …show more content…

I want to say that wanting to become a doctor was my choice because of family, but not because a lot of my cousins are Doctors or in Residency, that my parents want me to be none of that. I was inspired by my family to further my interest in medicine. My grandfather was a Doctor back in his home county of Pakistan after he left the Navy and he is one of my greatest role model. I never meet him sadly he passed away before I was born. But learning about him and his achievements cemented by interest in medicine. When I went to see his grave in my parent’s home country of Pakistan, I went to the clinic he worked and to talk to some of his patients who he helped and those who worked with I found great respect for him. He saved lives and prevented others to be affected; treating every patient with the highest of care no matter if they are rich or poor. I may have never meet him but I want to be able to be like him. Knowing the memory of what he did was something I want to aspire to

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