On october 7th I met with a clerk magistrate and the prosecutor for the Wayland Police Department to be tried for offenses that I had committed. The morals I have taken away from my experience will ultimately serve as a building block for my future well being as a whole. I now understand that in a community there is a strict code we live by that is in place for a reason, to protect and keep the people of that community safe. As a minor, only in possession of a Junior Operator's License, it is my responsibility as part of the community to abide by the regulations set in place. I displayed an extreme lapse of judgement in failing in my duty to adhere to these rules, and may have put my own life and the life of my friends in jeopardy. For this reason I can never forgive myself. I have discovered that in …show more content…
Roy H. Williams, a man who dedicated his life to the study of humanity once said, “A smart man makes a mistake, learns from it and never makes that mistake again. But a smart man finds a wise man and learns how to avoid the mistake altogether.” I admire this quote because it paints a very accurate portrayal of my current situation. Yes, I made a mistake, and I take full responsibility for that mistake and its implications, however, I believe this mistake also holds opportunity. There’s now an opportunity to learn from this, so now I can say, with confidence, that in the future I will never make a mistake like this again. The “wise man” I needed to find in this situation was the U.S. Justice System. They brought a sharp sense of reality into the situation, showing that all actions have a reaction whether positive or negative. I have learned that I must only act in a way that will provoke a positive outcome. I promise that I will only act in a way that will push me toward my future goals, not hinder my progress to get where I want to
I have then since worked my way up to Customer Loyalty as a Representative and have more recently been working towards a leadership position in the Customer Loyalty Department. I enjoy my job so much and I absolutely love what I do. We are in the business of saving lives and there is nothing more fulfilling then knowing I am able to help people and give them a sense of comfort every day. I put a lot of energy and spirit into my work and when I am not at work I have been participating in a Drug and Alcohol abuse program. Taking group and one-on-one counseling sessions as recommended from a Substance Abuse Evaluation. When I am not participating in the sessions I would surround myself with good friends and family. We spend quality time by going to the movies or going the park with my little brother to play football with him. I do greatly regret the decisions I made on that night but at the same time I and grateful for them. I feel as if the night I was cited with those charges it was a moment of realization. It made me truthfully see what I was doing to myself, my family and everyone else around me. It did hurt me gratefully to know what I was doing to them and see
The definition of excellent leadership is the process of social influence that increases the efforts of others toward the achievement of a greater good. In the book, Lord of the Flies by William Golding, the author introduced us to Ralph and Jack, two boys fighting over leadership. Some may say that Jack would be a better leader. However, Ralph shows leadership qualities that prove that he is a better leader than Jack such as respect, maturity, and productivity.
Being ignorant of what one’s self can do may lead to mistreatment by others. The person with the most knowledge has more power. In the novel Animal Farm, written by George Orwell, that figure was Napoleon. He turned the truth into ways to gain power. The leader of the Russian Revolution, Stalin, did exactly as Napoleon did.
Today, I still deeply regret the actions that have led to my arrest. However, I have learned
My initial perceptions about the students of St. Angela were very stereotypical. Honestly, I expected those students to come from single parent backgrounds and come from a low income household. I expected to deal with students who live life in a survival type of manner. What I mean by survival type of manner is for one to be on defense seeing the type of the children are from the Austin area. Walking in to St. Angela I expected to deal with kids that didn’t listen and know respect for authority. I expected this due to my upbringing in the same neighborhood.
Growing up in a home with divorced parents began my real-life experience as it related to the areas of law and criminal justice. My parent’s divorce was a very long process due to a contentious custody battle. It was very eye opening as to the relation between the law and these types of legal proceedings. The divorce lead to my parents living in separate homes; essentially causing us children to be essentially split between two people we loved. My parents were with very malicious people both abusive in their own ways. My father began a relationship with a woman who was verbally abusive. My mother began a relationship with an alcoholic who was physically abusive. He was also abusive in other ways, but my family never knew about that part. With both relationships, there were many times law enforcement was called. These law enforcement individuals were the ones that showed me as a young, innocent child that police officers did not merely hand out speeding tickets, but they were there to protect those who could not protect themselves. Every time the police were called they always asked if I was okay or if I was scared. One of the times I gathered the courage and told them how frightened I was. This lead to them taking my mother’s boyfriend to jail. The abuse I was subjected to by my mother’s boyfriend as a child is what lead me towards a goal of working in law to help those who may be in the same position I was as a child. I never shared the additional abuse I encountered as a
Throughout my writing this semester, I know where I struggle with writing and I have learned many skills to improve my writing . Also it will be all about all the activities we have done and how they have helped me with my writing. I will talk about the areas I struggle with and what I have learned in this semester.
Lessons can be learned from unexpected sources. One morning my sister Kenadee and I were playing with toys. We had buttered toast that morning; it was as tasty as ice cream. Kenadee was being really silly and put her buttered toast in our VCR player! I thought I could get the toast out of the VCR player with no problem.
By 3:00am my life had inexorably changed forever. I was charged with Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol (DUI). I spent four seemingly endless hours in jail. I went home and started thinking about what I wanted to do with my life, what kind of path I wanted to take. I knew that I was in trouble, but my mind was preoccupied with matters far more serious than not being able to drive for one year. I was terrified that my arrest would affect my ability to study in the United States as an international student and derail my future forever.
I said sorry. For the time I hit my sister. For the time I spilled food on the floor. For the times I was right. For the times I was wrong. For the times I made mistakes. I meant it when I said those three words, “I am sorry.” Because they represented much more. They represented the guilt and regret that I was feeling. And I was forgiven. For the time I left a bruise on my sister. For the time I made a mess. For the times I was right. For the times I was wrong. For the times I made a mistake on accident or on purpose. But saying sorry didn’t make the bruises go away. The words didn’t pick up the mess. They didn’t take back the accusations that were right or wrong. But I was still forgiven, even after I repeatedly made the same mistakes.
Today, most people get judged for the mistake they make. No matter how big or small the mistake is. Mistakes are made so we can learn from them and grow. Mistakes allow us to not only learn, but to grow stronger and become a better person. President Reagan said that "mistakes were made". Everyone makes mistakes and it happens everyday they may not be a big deal but it still happened. For some however, mistakes are good because they learn what not to do again. I have learned from many mistakes and have become better because of it. A mistake I have made, learned from and accepted responsibility for is, losing my favorite Victoria Secret bra.
“Help.” I’ll never forget how she said it. She was terrified because, for the first time in her life, she wasn’t in control of her body. She had already passed out before, so her voice was frail and weak. She needed help. She was pale in the face and her lips were a dark shade of blue. She was experiencing many life-threatening symptoms, and she needed to leave, fast. I looked around, but I was alone. And honestly, I was afraid. The burden of another human being’s life was now on my shoulders, and my decisions in the next couple of minutes would be the deciding factor between her life and death. Doing the only thing I could, I radioed in to get someone to our location, and I sat with her. For the longest 2 minutes of my life, I talked to this woman. I asked her about her day, her life, anything to get her mind off the fact that she might die. As soon as people arrived, I knew I had to do something. I immediately put her on emergency oxygen and we all helped her on to the nearest boat and drove her to the front, where an ambulance was waiting. She ended up being okay.
Throughout the incident, I sincerely did not consider the consequences in my actions. I felt that I was justified in my actions because of my situation. It was only after I was caught that I realized that how I addressed my issue what incorrect. I recognized that if I ever come across an incident like this one or related, I would look back on this experience and clearly access the outcomes before making a decision. Going through this entire process has given me some insight on how I address my personal issues. It has given me a sense of empathy on how my actions do not only myself, but also others. Looking back, I am glad I was so honest when I was caught after the incident. I’m happy that I was
Lessons taken from failure can be fundamental to later success. I experienced a major failure in my life. Though the failure was not my own personal failure, I was deeply affected. Almost a year ago my parents separated. This was a very emotional time and changed my life forever.
Then the day came that I stood before the judge, as he sentenced me to 60-days in the county jail. I had just kissed my kid’s goodbye outside, as I didn’t want them to see me handcuffed and taken away. Watching their eyes fill up with confusion and sadness, broke every part of my heart that remained. Explaining to them that I did something bad and needed to be punished, was something I felt ashamed of. Especially that I would be absent from their lives, was by far my greatest struggle. I just knew that I had to rise from this and come back stronger than the person I was