I was lying on a table in a dark hospital room. The only light was that which penetrated its way through the cracks under and above the door, and the dim light that came from the ultrasound screen. It was your traditional hospital room, only much smaller. The floor was linoleum tile, the walls white but unseen in the darkness. At the foot of the bed stood my husband, and to my side the tech who was performing the ultrasound. As the wand glided over my belly, I saw the look of pride on my husband’s face and the look of concentration on the doctor’s face both slowly change into looks of shock. “Oh my god,” said the tech. “Oh my goodness,” my husband said. “What what was is it!?! Is something wrong?” I blurted out, somewhat terrified of what they might tell me. Silence hung in the room like a deep fog, behind which was something horrifying waiting to take me in its …show more content…
I had been met with a level of morning sickness I hadn’t experienced with my first son. Sure, I had had some trouble with my first pregnancy. That one was similar to climbing a really tall mountain, one where I could see the finish line in the distance. This time was more like running straight into a brick wall that I would have to scale over the next nine months or so. I was so sick that I lost 15 pounds in the early months of my pregnancy. My doctor had said that chances were this was just a normal pregnancy that carried with it a lot of challenges. My husband and I had asked on several occasions about the possibility of having a multiple pregnancy, but that was largely dismissed as a highly unlikely scenario. At one point when I was in the emergency room as a result of a particularly nasty wave of morning sickness, we asked if the doctors could check for a heartbeat to make sure the baby (or babies) was (or were) okay. The doctors checked and they said everything was fine, that we had a perfectly healthy
I am glad I got to read what Prose wrote about learning to write by reading. This explains why I am not a good writer, because I have never been a good reader either. I grew up in a culture where reading was very rare, plus finding a book to read was hard. I do agree with her that reading enhances writing. Most of the time when I write I tend to follow the tone or the structure of what I read before. I also agree with her that sometimes a good writer puts you to shame. I have read peer papers in class before and sometimes I was blown away by the good work I was reading.
I’m not going to lie, when Overruled was brought to my attention I was expecting some sort of Cop game or Lawyer game, like Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, but what I got instead was a boring, half assed game that failed to entertain me for more than 1 hour.
Have you ever actually tried locating a needle in a haystack? It’s an exasperating task, I assure you. Sometime back in the fifth grade, I was spending a day at my close friend Tyler Clarke’s farmhouse property, emptying soda can after soda can, wreaking havoc on the woodlands surrounding the barn, and terrorizing his sister’s prized horses in our sugared up state. Typical irresponsible schoolboy stuff. Polar opposites, no other term could be used to describe Tyler and me. Ordinarily, I was a timid, small-statured
Dan was an ordinary 13 year old boy. Dan hated school just like most people in the 8th grade of Rocky Silvers Middle School. He had a few friends, but they didn’t talk to him. They just didn’t bully him so Dan liked them. Many people knew who Dan was, not as the popular, nice, awesome kid, but as the kid to tyrannize everyday.
From a young age, I was referred to by numerous as a difficult child. Everywhere I went I would constantly be boisterous and disruptive. Of course, I didn’t act disruptive intentionally, I simply couldn’t help saying everything that came to my mind the minute it came to me. Due to this behavior of mine, I had trouble staying involved in activities, such as sports and scouting. Without these hobbies, I had trouble fitting in with the other kids. What made this even harder was that I moved every two years, which meant I had to make new friends every two years. However, all of this changed when I moved to Huntsville, Alabama.
"Anything wrong?" He poked through the sheets and gazed at the inside of the fort. I was solemn in a corner, I shed my sweater and let my wings out, in nothing but jeans and a tank top. The back was low, as not to give my wings any unneeded friction. When the words so much as left his mouth, I felt my lungs chained up, prisoned in my ribs, looking out through the bars, wishing to speak, to breathe the air. I was not okay. But I couldn't voice myself. For the past few days, I've felt nothing but hollow, and a new species took over my body. I do not feel as if I'm making my movements, verbalizing my words, or seeing my sights. Everything seems to be grey now, like there's no life here, not in me or anyone else.
I just keep going after all the action and all the things looked normal. When I want to take a right turn to school, I saw the red and blue light behind my car. Through a double check, my heart became cold. I know what happened, I got a big trouble. Then I did the second dangerous action, keep going. Actually, I just want to find a safe place to stop. But the police did not on my side, and then he began whistled. I do not know why I ignore the voice and just keep going. I will not do the stupid thing like that.
Cause we're scared to see each other with somebody else” - Drake ‘Doing It Wrong’
“Every time I turn around, Andrea is trying to kill her bother. Half the time, Isaac is either being a pervert or a show off. Six, it’s annoying,” I whined.
Once I got in my 6th period class I sat down, and began my work like everybody else did. As I finished my work; Coach Bell seen me upset, he ask “What’s Wrong?” I told him that my Uncle Charlie isn’t doing so well and I’m I getting check out at 1:25 to go see him. About 1:20 the enter clam came buzzing on asking for Jana Boothe she’s being check out. So I grabbed my stuff, and left going down the hallway I ran into my friend Skylar, and he asked me “Where am I going?” so I told him that I’m getting checked out to go see my Uncle Charlie. After I told him say that I hope he gets better and everything; after he said I smiled and gave him a hug and thank you for being here for me. When Mom and I got in the car my brother and my uncle were already in the car, so just headed towards Conway to see my Uncle Charlie for a few hours. By the time we got there my mom told to stop crying and look happy as we pulled into then drive way I stopped crying. As I got out of the car I walked up to the door, and knocked on it then I walked inside gave my Uncle Charlie a huge hug, and told him that I loved. Then after I did I went to sit over by my Grandpa by the time I got over there supper was almost finished, and yes I was starving I barely ate lunch at today because my nerves were shot. Once supper was completely finished I
Now that I know what areas I lack in I know what I need to change and have made plans to change them.Along with there not being enough funds to purchase my medicine I was hesitant to take the medication.I thought I would be able to do this semester and beyond on my own.I was wrong and realized I overwhelmed myself.I plan on taking classes in the afternoon so I can go to tutoring first.I realize now by the time I'm off the bus it would be 4 or 5 o'clock .By the time I got to my room I was exhausted.No homework or studying had been done much less eating.As a result I'd be half asleep studying .My tired state allowed for very little actual learning on my part.Half way through the semester I became very depressed.It was hard for me to get out
As I walked into the gym my heart was pounding out of my chest. Yes, I’ve played volleyball before, but not in two-whole-years. Everyone was already better than me when I played before. Now not playing for two years, they’ve only gotten better and I just got worse. Let’s be real I can’t even jump and touch over the net.All the other girls played club, I only ever dreamed of being good enough to make a good club team. I had a difficult decision to make, try and fail or not try at all.
The one time I experienced failure was last year in April. I had just finished a great indoor season and I was eager to start outdoor season. The reason why was because I wanted to accomplish some of the goals that I didn't get to accomplish during indoor season. I wanted to train hard, stay dedicated, and motivated. I started giving it my all at practice and no matter how hard practice was, no matter how tired I was I refused to give up. I told myself that this season would be a great one but I was wrong. Unfortunately, there were other plans for me, I ended up pulling my hamstring that year and not only was I devastated but I was upset. I put so much hard work and so much effort for someone to tell me that I might be out for the rest of
I awoke to bright lights, making it difficult to see my surroundings. I could feel the soft bed beneath me forming to the shape of my body. The faint sound of a beeping heart rate monitor replaced the silence of the room. As my vision cleared, I glanced upward to see a group of concerned doctors conferring with one another. I tried to sit up, only to realize that I didn’t have the strength to. I became more confused and began to desperately ask the doctors questions.
It was my 23rd birthday, my first ultrasound. It was finally time to see my baby and to find out what I was having. My heart was pounding and my nerves unsettling. Finally the nurse comes in the room. She puts the camera on the right side of my stomach, and I see my baby. She moves the camera to the left side, I see the baby again. Thinking to myself wow that baby moved fast. But then she moved the camera to the middle of my stomach, my heart went from barely pounding to about to beat out my chest. I was having twins, they were laying on top of each other like the Ying-yang sign.