
Personal Narrative-What Is Something Wrong?

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I was lying on a table in a dark hospital room. The only light was that which penetrated its way through the cracks under and above the door, and the dim light that came from the ultrasound screen. It was your traditional hospital room, only much smaller. The floor was linoleum tile, the walls white but unseen in the darkness. At the foot of the bed stood my husband, and to my side the tech who was performing the ultrasound. As the wand glided over my belly, I saw the look of pride on my husband’s face and the look of concentration on the doctor’s face both slowly change into looks of shock. “Oh my god,” said the tech. “Oh my goodness,” my husband said. “What what was is it!?! Is something wrong?” I blurted out, somewhat terrified of what they might tell me. Silence hung in the room like a deep fog, behind which was something horrifying waiting to take me in its …show more content…

I had been met with a level of morning sickness I hadn’t experienced with my first son. Sure, I had had some trouble with my first pregnancy. That one was similar to climbing a really tall mountain, one where I could see the finish line in the distance. This time was more like running straight into a brick wall that I would have to scale over the next nine months or so. I was so sick that I lost 15 pounds in the early months of my pregnancy. My doctor had said that chances were this was just a normal pregnancy that carried with it a lot of challenges. My husband and I had asked on several occasions about the possibility of having a multiple pregnancy, but that was largely dismissed as a highly unlikely scenario. At one point when I was in the emergency room as a result of a particularly nasty wave of morning sickness, we asked if the doctors could check for a heartbeat to make sure the baby (or babies) was (or were) okay. The doctors checked and they said everything was fine, that we had a perfectly healthy

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