Many different people go to college for many different reasons, some people wanting to become doctors or lawyers, others in sports or sometimes just for fun. When thinking more personally I feel like college for me is to find myself. Somewhere where I can become physically and emotionally ready to become an adult and be able to stabilize myself. One of my many fears is not being able to show people who I really am. From the time I was extremely little I have been really shy and quiet. I don't talk much, but I obverse the people around me. I see the good and bad in people before they even realize it sometimes (which is pretty cool I must say). But because I am this way, many people don't realize that I'm around or that I even exist.
In The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller John Proctor and Elizabeth Proctor’s relationship changes from the beginning to the end because, John commits adultery, John goes to kiss her and she doesn’t kiss him back, they show affection towards each other at the end. Relationships are hard especially after the significant other cheats, they don’t feel good enough about themselves and it’s hard to recover. In the play, the Proctors are focused on fixing their relationship and keeping Elizabeth out of the trials. When Elizabeth is accused John fights to get Elizabeth out of jail and he wouldn’t allow them to chain her up. It was never John’s purpose to hurt Elizabeth, he truly loves her. Elizabeth just wants to be good enough for John.
Antonio was born a healthy, full term baby with normal developmental milestones. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2014), within the first two months, most children are able to smile at others, briefly calm themselves down by bringing their hands to mouth and sucking on their hand, look at parents, coo, turn their heads toward sound, and pay attention to faces. Antonio easily met all of these qualifications. He was able to suck on his fingers, pacifier, or anything else near his mouth, would smile at his mother, Hilda, and turn his head when he heard her voice. He was also capable of laughing and cooing. Within 18 months, most children are able to walk alone and drink from a cup (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014). In this case study, Antonio was able to walk on his own and drink from a cup by 14 months. Antonio was capable of doing what most children could do by a certain age, meeting requirements socially, emotionally, cognitively, in language, communication, movement, and physical development by age 4.
There might be a time where people ask you, “why are you in college” or “why to decide to go to college.” People might reply by saying that they want a degree, that they want a higher paying job, or they need that for a future career that they are pursuing. Those responses are the most typical reason of why people go to college. Sure you can say that having a degree means that a person can get a better job with better pay rather than working in the manual labor fields with minimum pay. A college degree is the fundamental stepping stone to the future, it lays the foundation of where to start. College is everything to me; I’m in college so I’m able to unlock more potential in myself, to be able to make my mother proud with everything that she has done and hopefully becoming the first.
I decided to go to college because I felt like this could be a way for me to experience new things and help me get to where i wanna be in the future by doing something I love. I wanted a better education other than just having a High School Diploma. I was very fortunate to go to college, so I want to make the best of it. Going to college is way for me to make good life decisions that would be beneficial for me in life. Also, it is a great way for me to acquire a successful good paying job and to teach me how to learn new skills on my own. In college, I hope to figure my strength and weaknesses so i can be aware on different areas that i need to improve on. Establishing an academic goal is another achieve for me because, making good grades and
I decided to go to college because I believe that education is an important part of life and that being educated has many advantages. Like many, one of the biggest reasons for deciding to attend college is to create a better future for myself. Being a first-generation college student my parents have implanted on me the importance of college education, as it is something they wish they would have done themselves. As the first of four children to go to college, I feel that it is my responsibility to be a good example to my younger siblings, and show them that it is important to have goals in life and to better yourself as a person through education. I understand that an university education may not be for everyone, but it felt like the right choice for me. What I hope to get out of college is a life-changing experience, not only to get a better education, but to find something I am truly passionate about. I think it is important when choosing a career or a major to find something your heart truly wants and not just a career that will make you able to afford expensive things. I also hope that somewhere along the path to graduation and adulthood, I find myself as a person and develop ideas, opinions, and to be able to approach the world with an
Through college you learn many skills that will help you in your career. One reason I want to go to college is that more jobs are available after completing college. Many employers look for a college diploma on a résumé when hiring. I want my future job to interest me and this will help. With more options I can get a job that pays good and interests me. This way I will enjoy going to work everyday. I also need good pay so that I can get the things I need. Of course this all will help provide for myself. For example, food is an obvious priority. Also, I need clothing and a home. Overall college is a great way to prepare for a job, provide for my everyday needs and get a career that interests me.
Throughout my entire life--or, only as much of it as I can remember--my family struggled financially, as we still do. I had become so accustomed to my family’s penny-pinching tendencies that I would constantly compare prices whenever I went to the grocery store to see if I could find a cheaper price.
Why? This is the question that is before me right now. Why am I attending college? What degree is it that I am pursuing, and why? The expected answers to the question, “Why are you attending college?” is, to make better money, or to provide for myself and my family. With me, the answer to this question is different.
For me, going to college is a step for me to accomplish my dreams and aspirations in life.
I want to go to college so I can learn and be prepared for the real world. College is a place where I can get a fresh start. I can be a better person by how I matured in high school and becoming the man I am. I can break out and be who I want to be because of some peer pressure I had in high school. I want to meet people that will be my friends for a long time. My Mom had a college friend over this weekend and they shared some stories with me and I want to be able to tell my kids stories with my best friend. College education will give me the opportunity to pursue and learn something that I love. College gives me the chance to have my own responsibilities. I want to show my parents that they raised a smart
To support my education I am currently applying for all possible scholarships that I qualify for and are available. At the moment I am waiting for their response. I have also made contact with Central Michigan University to find out what amounts I will receive based off of my FAFSA application. On top of all of this I am performing to the best of my abilities academically and striving to make the most of the end of my high school career and to better prepare myself for the higher education that is to come. Outside of school I am also working for my Dad when I can in hopes that I will be able to save money towards my college education. I do not work all of the time because I like to have my education at the center of my attention so that I
Education is key. My parents have always taught me that whatever you learn stays with you for the rest of your life. College is my aspiration. I want to attend a four year university to maintain a better lifestyle. I love learning new things; it’s like an addiction and you just want to absorb more knowledge. I witness my parents arrive home everyday tired because all they desire is to give me a better life. They want me to succeed and I have just opened my eyes and realized life is harder than I thought. My parents want the best for me and I want the best for myself which means if I try my best I can achieve my goal into making it into a four year university and graduating.
The major reason of going to college is to get a good job. College prepares us with academic knowledge in order to succeed in the future. Many people think that a higher education is essential to prepare a person for their future. As
When I tell people that I grew up in a small college town, they automatically assume that my entire time was spent bored out of my mind. This could not be further from the truth; there's far more to Muncie than frat houses and college football. I spent much of my childhood lost inside the stacks of the public libraries, helping out the librarians, or serving on the teen advisory board. Some of my favorite memories have been at the college; Often, Ball State invites people of influence to speak, from politicians to Holocaust survivors. Although these speakers are invited for the benefit of the college students, many of these events are open to the general public as well. The local children's museum has hundreds of exhibits on everything from
As June 6th approached of this year, I was anxious, nervous, and scared. I was at the end of my high school chapter and had many questions lingering about my future. A new chapter in my life was beginning, and I had no clue what my plan was or what I was going to do. Should I take a year off to figure out what I wanted to do, or should I join the military? Should I go to trade school and pick up on a trade, or should I go to college? All of these choices had risks and rewards. I was faced with decisions and time was not on my side. If I wanted to go to college, I would have to act fast and get all the paperwork done so I would be in as a student for the fall semester. The only reason I was hesitant at the start was for a couple of reasons.