Hey have you ever wanted to know about why I love iTunes music. Well I really love iTunes music because it tells me what I am. For example, I am brave,caring,cool,and frightening. Now I will explain to you why I am all those things.First of all I brave because I am only afraid of heights and not many others. Second I am caring because I care for my family sometimes and mainly my friends.Third of all I am cool because I do daring stuff that everybody likes. Last of all I am frightening because when I have my bad days I look crazy and I have many fighting stories. I am relating this to iTunes songs because I really love eminem songs and I admire him because he is all these things brave,caring,cool,and frightening. I will tell you why I really
His vocals are just as important as the music in the background. They go hand in hand and allow Eminem to create songs that sometimes sound more like stories being
In order to fully understand why Eminem became so popular in the rap community, especially among black rap artists, one needs to know his backstory. Born October 17, 1972 in St. Joseph, Missouri, Eminem was raised in a very broken household in which his father left when he was 5 years old, and his mother was an alcoholic. Eminem was constantly moving between Missouri and Michigan, and rarely every stayed in one house for more than a year until he and his mother permanently moved to a house in Detroit, Michigan. It was there in Detroit where Eminem was exposed to rap for the very first time and where he learned to art of freestyle rap.
Everyone that's been to a performance has loved him, such as family, friends, and fans. Kid Blue and BSK get gigs where they go out and perform their songs that they haved worked super hard on. Kid Blue works his butt off to get all of the lyrics, all of the beats, melodies, and rehearsing the songs he writes. The most recent performance Kid Blue had, was in a contest. There were probably about 100 people, and 1 of those people just happens to be Eminem's DJ. Eminems DJ was there to help everyone that performed he gave them stuff they could work on to be a better performer. For him performing is awesome, he took a whole new level.
Orchestra has always been one of my favorite classes to go to during the day. After choosing to play the cello in middle school, I continued playing the instrument in high school. It was in this class that I had made most of my closest friends, many of whom I still love to this day. I also loved how the rich deep tones that came from playing each note of the cello and how they were able to blend with the rest of the orchestra. I knew from my freshmen year that I wanted to get into the top class, Chamber Orchestra. I thought that I would have done everything in my power to get into the class, however when the time came I could not even bring myself to audition.
It has been one year since the passing of my dear friend Stephen Gregory Cord. I met Steve on February 20, 2010 when I went to his house to pick up some audio equipment that I purchased from him online. It seems like I knew him for a lot longer than 4 years but that is what my saved email correspondence with him indicates. Steve and I were kindred spirits. We hit it off immediately and Steve quickly became a member of our family. He shared holidays with us, including Thanksgiving and Christmas. Steve also shared his passion for hi-end audio with me through advice and numerous modifications to my stereo equipment. In August of 2014 he asked that I be the executor of his estate should he pass away. Steve had a lot of health issues and
My mom said ‘’We should eat beerbutt chicken for dinner, after your sister and I get home from the grocery.’’ 2 hours later …. My mom and my sister were home from the grocery.
Marshall Mathers, widely known as Eminem, is an American rapper, record producer, and actor, who is recognized as one of the most controversial and best-selling artists of the early 21st century (“Eminem”). Marshall writes most of his lyrics through his personal life experiences while adding a comical “I don’t give a S***” vibe to them. He struggled through a rough and lonely childhood, had relationship issues, became a father at a young age, and worked hard with dedication and persistence to get where he is today.
Personally, I am not up on the ITunes as I really am not an apple person I truly just listen to the radio for music. I believe though that ITunes has paved away for music to be purchased and distributed without even leaving the comfort of our homes. It has also paved the way for competition as there are many apps that offer music for free with ads or for a small fee and would be ad free. I believe having music avaible at a digital level is a huge advantage as the music that an individual desires to hear can be taken with them anywhere they go. Nowadays, everyone has a smartphone and pretty much has it with them 99% of the time so permitting music to be purchased through devices like ITunes was a very smart marketing move. Another great factor in my opinion is an individual does not have to purchase an entire CD for just a couple of songs that they enjoy. I recall being a teenager and doing just that and being let down by most of the album but, it worked and in that time we paid for it as there was no other way. As far as disadvantages go I feel it would hurt those in business, if less CD's or albums are physically selling there would be less stores up and running and the ones that were it may cost them a bit more than it had in the past to stay in business.
Movies have failed miserably at enlightening the public about tarantulas. Case in point: a villain in the first James Bond movie (Dr. No) puts a tarantula in our hero's bed. As Bond wakes to see the stocky black spider crawling on his shoulder he appears to be sweating heavily—presumably because this creature could kill him.
So, the next time you are listening to music you can think about how the type of music you listen to describes you and your personality
However Eminem did this and I personally admire him exceedingly. Stimulated and encouraged by his songs, I obtain and gain unlimited courage and confidence. “Eminem is a legend. Not only in hip hop, but the entire worldwide music industry. He's certified.
“There is no way a guitar shop is in these buildings.” I thought to myself. The short stalky buildings are in a perfect line. Each one with their own sign hanging above the door. I’ve heard others mention this shop in east Nashville. After finally peering around I found the shop. The sign read “Eastside Music Supply.”
It started with an idea of wanting to play a game from his childhood, instead, this time speed running the game and streaming it online for others to see. To his friends it sounded like an odd idea, to begin with, streaming your game online for others to watch instead of just playing the game yourself? Loren didn't let this stop him, with the computer, stream layout and TV connected to the console all set up and ready to his satisfaction he was all set for the long haul. Setting up marathons that would include having snacks on hand to chugging energy drinks to stay away just to make that 24 hour stream time limit.
I could tell a story about how music has shaped my life and has became a necessity in my life. I could explain the importance of my religion and how it has transformed me into a better person. I could mention the fact that I have ADD and because of that I learned how to work hard. I could express my love of cooking, adventure, travel, literature, nutrition, and science, and the list could continue. However, I will not use any of those ideas that have been overused, I shall a tell of what some people may think to be an idea of make believe, but for me is a reality: superpowers. I happen to be gifted with the talent of being a Psychic, and i am especially lucky with the fact that this gene is recessive and both my parents have the non superpower dominant gene. The only downfall to this is knowing that other
Downloaded an average of 12 tunes per month, housing libraries between 25 to more than 300,000 songs from the internet