I believe that this school needs a better eating system. There have been multiple times I have seen raw, pink chicken. Along with those greasy, canned vegetables! It will not help us grow.
The school’s lunch system, Taste of Tampa Bay, needs to improve their food quality, or we should just go without it, and grow our own food at school! We could surely take that RV for the Middle School Building and turn it into a garden, then transfer the Middle Schoolers to the FLC. Isn't that the reason why there are classrooms? It would take money, so we could do a fundraiser for it. We can grow our vegetables here, and get our meat from trustworthy resources, instead of relying on a company to make it if it's all going to be fake. Greasy, surgery
Have you ever thought actually about how school lunches taste? School lunches are horrible. Students and even the staff from the school has complained about how disgusting school lunches are. School lunches should be improved because what the cooks and the district make isn't enjoyable to eat.
You may never know if a student is allergic to the food that the school provides until he or she is sick.Some students won’t eat the school food provided, which could make them starve if they don’t eat their lunch.Some school doesn’t taste too good to eat but I will eat whats put jn front of me. I do like eating fast food every once in awhile but at the same time it gives students some free time to be outside and visit with their friends. I feel that the food our school provides is just as bad as the fast food that we eat on a daily basis.
Having past those awkward teen years, I know exactly what temptations lurk around the corner when dealing with weight. I can only say it gets progressively easier to maintain a healthy weight as you get older, but only if you follow my tips. Tip 1: Do not smoke, drink or take "recreational" drugs. Am I serious? Well considering smoking is anti-beauty, drinking is a fattening sugar alcohol and drugs can lead to eating binges, my answer is yes. Tip 2: Don't eat school lunches. The reason schools created lunches were for busy parents who didn't have time to prepare lunch at home. The result? Fattening choices like French fries and deep-fried chicken nuggets, desserts and ice cream. If you are wondering why you have gained weight during the school year, you
Students are posting their anger over the program using Twitter at “#ThanksMichelle.” this shows that half of the people think we would keep the lunch and it's delicious , but half think that is awful , nasty,and not healthy for us.
One in three Americans kids are obese or over weight which is a staggering and alarming rate at the same time. So looking 20 years into the future that number could double if nothing is said and done about what we are eating. The public school food in school lunches are unhealthy for many alarming reasons, but not much can be done immediately due to strict guidelines and budgets that schools must follow. A lot of it goes to kids not exercising, and more time watching TV, or playing on the computer. And now days more families have less time to make nutritious home made meals. So they tend to eat School cafeteria lunches that have minimal nutrition’s and harmful calories. To prevent your kid from being over weight mean adapting what you eat, and having to exercise at least 60 minutes a day. If the changes are made to change school lunches, it can help them from being obese, children can improve their lifestyle choices, and lastly it prevents them from getting harmful diseases.
I believe students should have a say in the lunch menu. If students helped make the lunch menu more students would eat their lunches. They would be happier, and they would not complain about what they are having for lunch. If we have cheerful, and full students then we all have a better day. Twenty-four out of twenty-five students in the 8th grade class say they would rather help make the lunch menu than not. A lot of kids throw away most of their food and waste it, or students are bringing their own lunches now.
In the recent survey more than 54% of high school students say the school lunches don't have enough food or nutrition. Students should have the right to eat healthy and good tasting food. The district who orders the school lunches have been losing money for buying the lunches every year. Leading to a continuous decline in quality. The lunches are not enough nutritious for any athletes or the kids in general. The kids do not have enough food to stay healthy and energized. The school has lost to much money for lunches, and they are leaving kids hungry, sluggish, and miserable.
As I look around the cafeteria the happy students of cherokee peacefully enjoy their only true break they have from the various stresses of school in their day. Suddenly the 5 minute bell runs through the halls at 10:56 completely and utterly shattering the false illusion of happiness that lunch has created. A intense panic erupts, countless students simultaneously start shoving the large remainder of their lunch down their throats. Smiles turn into tears as students who lab day it is must leave their friends, their food, and their time for only relaxation in between the times of 7.35 to 2:26. At the same a whole separate panic occurs. Students who have lab first half of lunch face the problem of trying to find their friends eat their lunch and somehow make it to their next class all within
Have you ever taken a bit in your school lunch and just want to spit it all back out? Or how about the little portions you get? These types of school lunches should not be allowed to be given to the students because there are many reasons why school lunches are bad for health reasons. Although the school lunches are supposed to be healthier and better for our well-being, school lunches should change because it’s not very appetizing, there are little portions, and there isn’t any difference in the health level before.
If school lunch prices do rise in cost, then one out of three people in Hebron would probably be struggling to provide food for their kids and family. While some people may be able to afford this change of cost for school lunches, many people who qualify for ALICE were already struggling and making the lunch prices go up by even as little as 10-20 cents could make things a lot worse for these people. Although the lunches are healthier, it’s not worth making them healthier if students can’t afford them and therefore bring unhealthy lunches. Aside from that, students could just buy the unhealthy option from, for example, vending machines opposed to the healthier school lunch just because it costs less which would make the whole change overall,
In the United States many citizens face hunger, starvation and malnutrition on a daily basis. This food insecurity affects millions of Americans. Food insecurity is caused when Americans don’t have enough money to purchase food for themselves and their family. When children experience hunger if affects them both physically and psychologically. “Children who are denied an adequate diet are at a greater risk of not reaching their full potential as individuals. Undernourished youngsters have trouble concentrating and bonding with other children and are more likely to suffer illnesses resulting in school absences.” (Karger, p 371) It is important for children to meet their full potential in order for society to continue thriving into the future. If children are not receiving an adequate education because they have an empty stomach, then they will not continue to higher education or they will do poorly. In order to combat hunger in children the federal government responded with several major programs. Two of the programs the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and the School Breakfast Program (SBP) are targeted towards school age children. These programs provide students with breakfast and lunch while they are at school.
I will never forget the words a guy named Johnny said to me when I decided to take the initiative to alter my entire life. Johnny, who I barely knew up to this point of my junior year of high school, approached me and in a hallway packed with students, told me I was fat as hell. I will most certainly never forget the faces of the bastards laughing hysterically as he continued his tirade. “Worthless… shitty…. bastard…. POS” (just to name a few). While some kids expressed concern and asked if I was okay, even though I know they didn’t mean it, most others just jovially agreed with him, not caring how it made me feel. Some even joined in the assault. Honestly, I wanted to punch him in his face right then and there.
Looking at Sandy, Zach just smiled and nodded, the gesture evoked a wink in response as they approached the serving line. Their first stop was the appetizer station where they were presented with today’s selections; caviar with all the accoutrements, reindeer carpaccio drizzled with olive oil and topped with shaved white truffles, foie gras topped with a hazelnut and grape sauce, or a hearts of palm salad. Having to make a difficult choice Zach decided on the carpaccio, while Sandy settled on the hearts of palm salad, you ordered by picking up a card that corresponded with your selection.
The students of our school should rally together and hang the cooks in the Cafeteria. Well, maybe that is a little too dramatic, but something has to be done about the school lunch. The stuff that they serve the students is truly awful. Students should not be forced to eat in the cafeteria because the meals are not prepared well, there are foreign objects in the deserts, and many kids have gotten ill after eating certain items.
There needs to be some sort of regulation imposed on school lunches, in order to fight the growing obesity epidemic. Many people disagree with this statement, and have their own thoughts on the matter. The National School Lunch Act was passed in 1946 by President Harry Truman. All over the country, school districts joined lunch programs designed to feed children at free or reduced prices. In doing so, school districts had to follow specific guidelines that these programs required. Over the years, these standards have changed increasingly in order to provide children optimal nutrition. While many districts have fully taken advantage and successfully made the turn for the better, others struggle or are taking a little more time in