
Essay on Personal Narrative: Why Trust is Important to Me

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Personal Narrative: Why Trust is Important to Me

Trust can take on many meanings in today’s society. It can exist in all aspects of our lives, and can have a dramatic impact on one’s personality. Trust, as a noun, is an assured reliance on the character, strength, or truth of someone or something; or a property interest held by one person for the benefit of another. Trust, as a verb, is to permit to stay or go or to do something without fear or misgiving.

Trust is very important to me. I, myself, have had numerous experiences with trust, many helpless and some hopeful. It has affected my life in every way. I must place my trust in my family, my friends, and most importantly, in myself. I deal with it every day of my life …show more content…

This also relates to my own experiences in that trust has led us both to develop phobias. I, myself, have never been able to overcome the struggle of maintaining my self-confidence in the presence of large audiences, during discussions or presentations. For example, my valedictorian speech posed a serious problem for me. Even the thought sent me into a dilemma. As one can see, I have come to the conclusion that trust can be held responsible for the numerous phobias that exist, since one most often lets pessimism make them falter, and does not learn to cope with problems through optimism.

Martine also never trusted Joseph. “You keep away from those American boys. You keep away from them especially. They are upset because they cannot have you,” echoed Martine’s constant warning. Martine was always trying to control Sophie’s relationships, making sure she didn’t get involved with the wrong crowd of people. She didn’t trust Sophie’s friendships. Sophie often disobeyed her mother’s words and was forced to lie to her mother, so as to protect her from disappointment. My mother has often misplaced her trust in me, as well. She truly didn’t believe I had the potential to achieve something. For instance, she didn’t entrust me in many situations dealing with friends, or on expeditions. I could never go outside or on class trips, without the constant warning of being careful when crossing the street, or not falling and injuring myself,

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