The wind inevitability has been blowing me to life's serendipity and catastrophe. I have to accept every challenge. Face it and nail it. My thoughts still drift gleefully on what I had envisaged that which only almost happened. I need to be fearless and tough because, at the end of the day, every choice, decision, and action I make will reflect me as a person. I've striven to fit in the society by changing who I am. Limiting my credibility from the things I can do and really want to do where I can make mistakes or discover my potentials, decisions where I can learn new things and actions where I can explore new experiences. I've deprived myself of wanting what I really want and changing myself in this cruel world is suicidal. I …show more content…
I’m done running, “I’d rather be hated for being true than being loved for who I'm not” As the wind blows by, I decide to be myself, to live with no regrets and to love and accept my flaws inevitably, ignoring their opinions and bushes, I face the ripples of my fear by knotty all the exquisite endowment that people around me offers, I voice out and my opinion and speak the truth, break rules where I learn and appreciate new things, meet new types of camaraderie, being the one who asks a classmate what's the answer to the questions, making a friend laugh at your stupidity, listening to someone when they feel dramatic, laughing at someone else when they fall. This is a once in a lifetime experience I did all that can be done and because I did so. These little pieces make up my lives. Good or bad, long or short, I will always continue to hold every new improvement and opportunity that can make me a better person and strive to do better even though I cannot predict future... I can still bravely heading towards the
Take a second and ask yourself this question. Who are you? Are you really that different than anyone else? Like most people, you probably fall into the small range of what our society has deemed society acceptable. You wake up in the morning head off to school or work, talk to all the same people, doing most all the same things. It's your routine, and it's all very comfortable and consistent. As just another victim of society you've lost your individuality, it's the product of fitting in and following the standards of our society. It's normal for people to thrive off the simplicity and routine of normal everyday life but for some people such as Chris McCandless everyday life is agony. Chris McCandless was a nonconformist who always managed to
I connected the most with the character E.K Hornbeck. He was a supporting character in the book "Inherit the Wind" by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee. Hornbeck and I have similar personalities and preferences. E.K. Hornbeck is mainly known as a city dweller that is a columnist for the Baltimore Herald. When he enters the town of Hillsboro he makes a strong first impression that he strongly dislikes the town along with the towns people, he sneers politely at everything.
Underneath the sound of my voice is a song, “Seminole Wind.” If I still myself long enough to stop bringing my own voice and words to life, the song gives me images. The scenery that unfolds in my mind’s eye belongs to the memories of a young girl, who was so confused.
Debashish Mridha, an American physician, philosopher, poet, and author said, “Whatever happens in life happens to make you stronger. So fear not, accept it as a gift from the universe. Use the event to capture the essence of this journey we call life.” People get stronger from the journey not by reaching their destination. People should see that sometimes the journey is the best and most learning part of the trip not the destination. Everyone has a destinations that can include accomplishments, geographical destinations, death, the ultimate destination. Some learn and take the wisdom and experiences from the journey, and not the destination.
	Brady and Drummond, two former partners, beginning their legal lives working together. Now each one strives to be superior, confident in their ways and beliefs, trying to out-do the other. Despite a common goal, the two gradually became very different people, as is evident in the play and movie,Inherit the Wind. Throughout the years, as each one fought cases, established a name for themselves, and gained popularity (or notoriety), they kept a careful watch on the other. Learning of the others triumphs, which pushed them to try even harder, become more set in their ways, believing that their heterogeneous beliefs were right, and that if they kept those beliefs the focus of their existence, they could eventually prove themselves
In Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee’s tense drama, “Inherit the Wind”, three strong characters express powerful opinions: Bertrum Cates , Henry Drummond, and Mathew Harrison Brady. First, Bert Cates, the defendant, is charged with teaching “Darwinism” to his sophomore class . Second, Henry Drummond, the defense attorney for Cates, displays his beliefs of the right to think. third, Mathew Harrison Brady, the “big-shot” prosecuting attorney, illustrates his bigotry of creationism. To conclude, these three essential characters are fighting for their personal beliefs.
That is why he asked questions that were impossible to answer. Brady was a very self-centered
I think Rachel was looking for the ways for her independence and willing to protect Bert during the trial. Rachel believed that Bert was innocent.
TBI is defined as an acquired brain injury that occurs if the head is violently or suddenly struck causing damage to the brain (Shen et al., 2016). This injury may be focal or diffused, open or closed Skull injury depending on the type of causes (Blast, accident, sports related injury, violence) and severity (mild, moderate, severe). Brain injury resulted from external force causes macroscopic tissue damage at the time of injury and initiate cellular processes that evolve over hours and days. Generally, it takes less than 100 milliseconds to initiate the primary injury, which further results in prolonged and progressive pathophysiological events known as secondary injury, the later outcome of the biomolecular and physiological changes following
Since my younger years I have been compelled to differentiate between enduring and overcoming. From my parent’s divorce, our financial instability and my multiple social dislocations, I had to learn to adapt to ever-changing environments and circumstances. Before my grandfather died he shared with me one of his favorite quotes and one that I will never forget, which says that, “the key to life is found by
In the story “The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind” the author and I will prove how hard work is the key to success. Picture a boy going to school late everyday, and rarely ever doing his homework, but still gets A’s and B’s because he is smart. However, then you have a boy that gets to school everyday on time and if he almosts misses the bus, he runs. The boy always does his homework and puts full effort into school but gets C’s. Who would you think would be more successful in life? I would say the C student because he puts hard work and effort in. William and his family are very hard working, and although they may not have everything that others have but they work with what they have.
In the United States and developed countries around the world, it is generally accepted that schools play a tremendous role in the lives of children, youth, and families in urban, rural, and suburban communities with populations of widely varying socioeconomic resources. However; in some communities there seems to be a clear need to provide more program support for organizations, and to provide programs and services for hours outside the parameters of the school day. In these communities, “at-risk” child and youth populations and their families require more from the agencies and organizations that strive to serve the needs of the public in education, health, and
In “ The Name of the Wind” Patrick Rothfuss once said, “ It’s like everyone tells a story themselves inside their own head. Always. All the time. That story makes you what you are. We build ourselves out of that story.” Our identity is what we know ourselves by how others view us in the world. Their many identities that we have some examples are race, gender, fashion, class, sexuality, etc. All these identities shape the way we think, act, and view the world. We may not know it, but our identities impact one another either in a negative or positive way. Either we make our identities by our interests or what we feel like we should be viewed as. Some let others make their identity for them, they’re influenced by what they see on T.V. mainly by what celebrities are wearing. I know for me when I was younger I would watch all these NBA games and see these players wear Jordans. Jordan 's back when I was a youngin and still today where cool shoes you had popularity if you had Jordans. All the cool kids had Jordan 's and I wanted to be like that a cool kid. So I acted like someone I wasn 't, buying many pairs of Jordan’s (which are expensive) so I can fit in and so everyone can know me as a cool kid because as a little boy at Colonia Middle School I wanted to have recognition as the kid with the expensive shoes and the showy clothes. Also, I was pressured by my surroundings to buy these items because I saw a lot of kids being bullied for wearing inexpensive clothes and I didn 't
Everyone experiences adversity. Challenges that everyday people experience can potentially shape, improve, or destroy one's sense of self and personality. Through all these hardships and seemingly impenetrable obstacles, the most pertinent component of one's ability to overcome can only be shown in actions taken despite the odds. People have one of two options; to let those obstacles overwhelm them and keep them from pursuing all that they were destined to accomplish, or to march forward, fight harder and push past the seemingly impossible circumstances to become greater than they ever expected to be, but until they take the step that enables them to be successful -- they are stranded. All of our actions, mistakes, successes, and behaviors shape our person and what we can or cannot become, but what will always matter is our individual decisions and actions not those of the people around us because at the end of the day, we are the ones who have to deal with ourselves.
The article is a quantitative research study. There were three types of data collected in this study. Data was collected through structured interviews, inter-rater and validity data, statistical analysis, and descriptive data. Interviews took place at the Department of Forensic Psychiatry in Stockholm. A trained research assistant carried out the interview after receiving preparatory training that consisted of 12 test interviews, under the guidance of the first author. These interviews were instructed to clarify the exposure information if the interviewee was inconsistent in their response by using other sources such as (police reports, medical files). The structured interview covered offender and offence-specific information, exposure to alcohol, and illegal and prescribed psychotropic drugs. The inter-rater reliability test was conducted using two raters score information independently from 16 sit-in interviews. Data was calculated using Cohen’s k for categorical, nominal data and for continuous data intra-class correlation coefficients (ICCs). The two-way ANOVA, random model type, was used to permit generalization of ICCs to others individual raters. The descriptive data was generated using the participants age ranging from 17 to 76 years old; including principal clinical diagnoses assigned according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV). However, the Standard Mentel-Haenszel methods, sparse data in each stratum, were used for statistical