
Personal Narrative: Work Now, Play Later

Decent Essays

So, imagine a stocky six foot black man who had a shiny bold head. Alright, now make that same man a veteran and a drill sergeant. Now give that man a raspy voice and an almost permanently angry face. Now that you have that image in your head, you have a slight, just a slight visualization of my coach. His name is Edward Wrather and he carries many labels. He’s a volleyball coach, player and guru. He’s an entrepreneur, veteran and a very very grumpy old man. He is also capable of saying some really hurtful things. But he was also a very wise and full of different philosophies that he formed from his one life experiences. “Work Now, Play Later” was probably the only one that I actually still remember but that is the way it is for a decent …show more content…

After we all had the chance to share our thoughts it would be his turn. Usually he would rant on about nonsense, his club, his problems, people he dislike, and stories from his younger years. Although, on that day he told a story that helped shape my perspective. Basically, he got in a fight and as he was running away from the security guard, the dean grabbed and pulled him to the side and told him some inspirational words. There were a lot actually but the one to stick out most was to “Work Now, Play Later”. Those few words helped change the course of his life drastically. After he was done telling us the rest of the story, he asked us this “would you rather have all the fun in world right now, party instead of go to school, drink and smoke all the time but while in the process drop out of school. Have to get a minimum wage playing job and have to keep that same low playing jobs your whole life if you’re unlucky.” He could this playing now and working hard later. He then ask us a question that was quite opposite of the one before. That was, “or would you finish high school, take care of your current responsibilities, have correct priorities and then go off to college and then earn your degree. And then be able to land your dream job and really be able to

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