Working on the Identity wheel let me know a lot about myself. Being from a different country my nationality and my culture was very important to me and keeping my heritage. Although I am not able to read or write in my language I am thankful that I can fully articulate in my language. The most relevant thing that makes me who I am today is my family, being a dad at a young age and my school because that is where I spend most of my time and that is where I have most of my friends that I associate with on a day to day basis.
I think coming from a male-dominated society in Nepal has made an impact on how I view things like how a man is supposed to be the breadwinner and take care of the family. I feel the need it is my job to protect my wife.
I left everything behind and refused to go back. I left the one thing I wanted the most, but found the one thing I needed, freedom. My dark cloud of regret was behind me as I entered my salvation, Amsterdam. I entered the gates of Amsterdam and saw a multitude of smiling faces and entered the light. I had no recollection of how I got there, but I knew he wasn’t here I could feel it. I was finally free and I walked through the golden gates knowing I could start over.
Over my years of school, one big influence on me has always been sports. Ever since a young age, I have always enjoyed playing and watching sports. In my four years in high school, I have fell in love with the sport of lacrosse.
I grew up in rural Indiana with three brothers. Our family was a little different than most because all of us children had been adopted. The oldest of us, Andy, was two years older and had cystic fibrosis which meant he probably wouldn’t live to be 30 or more. The remaining three of us were biologically brothers. Triplets in fact. Our parents adopted all three of us together for some brave reason. I used to joke that there was a buy one get two free sale at the adoption agency and that I was the only one they actually wanted. It was never hidden from us that we were adopted, but it always left me feeling that I didn’t quite belong in certain family functions. I wanted to feel like I belonged in my environment. The military
Overall, my first semester has been going pretty well. The semester is going like a roller coaster up, down, and fast. I have some bad days and some good days. Through this semester, I have many challenges I faced which I honestly did not want to face. Even though I just wanted to dodge or run away from the challenges, I still face them and fought through them. Some challenges I face this semester, hopefully not in the next, are procrastination, time management, and laziness. I have not only gone through challenges; I have also gone through successes. I am proud of turning assignments on time, passing tests and quizzes, completing my SCR points, and being involved in clubs. Being in Biomed has helped me grow as a student in the area of knowledge.
What do you want me to say? (Throws hands up in the air) That I am so excited to be moving to another foster home? That my parents didn’t want me to begin with in the first place? How can “parents” do that to someone? To be excited to be treated the same as I have been in every other home before? No. These people are going to be just like every other set of parents that I’ve always had, not excepting and judgmental. They will be excited at first to meet me, get to know me, and then a few years down the road, they will say that they can’t connect with me, and can’t do this anymore. If you’re wondering if I care, I don’t and I am not excited. (She turns her body to look at Mike) But you know what? All of this won’t even matter in a couple years, I’m going to be eighteen in a few days, I am not a baby
Have you ever been so desperate for something that you redevelop your motive in its entirety? Throughout my life I’ve found myself placed in this frightening situation multiple times; the most confusing of which would be what I’ve endured this year. People in their 20s have it rough anyway. We’re old enough to feel like we’re supposed to know what we’re doing, yet young enough to be clueless and it still be acceptable; then there’s those of us who think we’ve got it all figured out only to be proven tremendously wrong. I have learned, however, that being tremendously wrong can lead you right where you need to be.
only time we will discuss is yours, and the only applause will go to you. Many self-help books bring in other people, but I call that baggage. If it’s not your personal baggage, then it’s too much luggage.
An important part of every humans life is having something they believe in. Having something to care about is essential for people to reach their full potential in life. People need a special person in their life, or a great job that sparks passion in them to bring them happiness. There are many of these types of passions in my life but to better understand who I am, there isn't just one, there are three people who have shaped the young adult I am today. My two little sisters and my little brother. However they aren't exactly normal siblings, they were given to us by the City of Cincinnati for temporary care, while their mothers tried to recover from heroin addiction and battled in court to explain why their child was hospitalized because of a lack of food.
Today, my team of two, Kadeyn, Jasmine, went with me to the lowest area on this Earth, the land alongside the dead sea, and started to dig. We we dug 38 kilometers into the crust with a huge shovel contraption attached to our capsule., and as we went through, we saw huge pockets of the mineral Halite, which Jasmine kept licking for “the greater good of science”, and also saw lots of sedimentary rock which we took samples of.
Who am I? I’m I considered African or African American? So what is my social identity? Social identity is a person’s sense of who they are based on their group membership(s). Social groups such as family, organizations, sports team, etc plays an important role a person’s pride and self esteem. Interacting in such groups gives us a sense of belongingness, which leads to our social identity in the social.
When I immigrated to the US, I struggled with my identity, unsure of my place in my new home. This feeling was further intensified with sense of loneliness I experienced when I began community college. For a while, I tried my hardest to fit in but my accent and dress were an indication that I was not from here. In order to avoid the awkward bigoted questions and remarks that would make me feel that I did not belong here, I spoke less and shortened my interactions with others.
Strolling into my last hour of the day like any other, only to find that there was a substitute, another day of busy work instead of reviewing for the test. I sat in my assigned seat in the back of the class as usual, while the sub introduced himself.
What determinate who we are? That might sound like a easy question, but when we start to reflect about it, we eventually realize how difficult it is to attribute our character to one single factor. In order to understand who we are, we must comprehend the human being as a web, nothing is disconnected, everything influence every action you take.
Their is a choice in life to be oneself or to follow in the footsteps of someone who has already succeeded. I believe that it is best to travel on your own paths than walk on one that is worn out because you will find your own identity and you're your own differentiator.
Ok so I was randomly stalking a page on *Justin* but I was was going through the comments and there was a comment that was something among these lines "Wait so are you a girl or boy?" And I was like I don't know your just on a page on and the person you clicked on has a name and the name is Justin. Does that sound like a girl name to you? I didn't think so. And then there was a commen that said "Me too...on his bio IT said IT was transgender". Like 1st off you don't call someone "it" everyone has name so use their name. And all the people that ask for his birth name his name is Justin it has always been and always will be.(unless he changes it). And Like nobody told you to come and hate on people. If you wanna hate so