“Trang! Come up here, right this instant! It’s Grandma, she’s--” My mother’s panicked voice was cut off by a series of incoherent mumbles. My sister’s head snapped back, and after a heartbeat of stunned silence, she rushed up the stairs. “I’m coming! What’s wrong with Grandma?” My mother began to choke out a reply, but the sound soon spluttered out. I heard a faint thump, and then, nothing. The house had gone deathly silent, as if holding its breath. By now, I had realized that something was seriously wrong. My mind raced through all of the possible scenarios; escalating until I abandoned my school assignment and dashed after my sister. For a brief moment, I wondered if my footsteps had ever been this loud--they seemed to reverberate against the creaky stairs. The silence, I figured, was getting on my nerves. …show more content…
Suddenly, I felt a multitude of emotions well up inside of me: regret, shock, dread, trepidation. My mother and sister stared at my grandmother’s lifeless body, each lost in their own world. Their movements were stiff--robotic, even--as they carried my grandmother back into her room. Wordlessly, I walked forward and tapped my sister on the shoulder. “What happened?” I whispered. My sister shot me a heated glare. “Get the phone. We’re calling an ambulance.” I thought to ask about my grandmother’s condition, but quickly decided against it. Instead, I rushed into my room and grabbed the small, antique device. My sister followed suit, and promptly snatched the phone out of my hands. “Go tidy the living room,” she hissed. “I’ve got this.” I nodded,
My mother and father sat downstairs and talked, Bella sitting with them, while I folded my clothes and put them into my chipped white wooden dresser. I could hear them murmuring between themselves, but I couldn’t hear specific words. My mother came up the stairs about ten minutes later as I was putting the last of my clothes into my dresser. Her five feet two-inch frame stood just inside my door with a Mona Lisa smile. Her eyes were sad and I could tell she was trying to hold back tears. I was confused as to why, and I was going to ask what was wrong, but she told me that my father had something he wanted to talk to me about.
I could hear my breathing as if it was a voluntary action. As I saw my mom car come screeching into the driveway, she rushed out, I ran up to her as I tearfully asked, "Is he okay?" With hesitancy and a sorrow- filled voice she said, "He's dead," I screamed over and over again, "No, no, not my brother! Anyone but him!" and I broke down crying, I felt as if I was paralyzed, I felt like I was suffocating; as if a giant hand was clamped around my heart, I wanted to run, I wanted to scream, I wanted for it to not be
My mother was out of town, so I knew it was not her. I grew afraid of the strange woman in my house, the maroon-colored walls in my bedroom was giving me an ominous feeling, making my room look stained with blood. I went quietly out of my door and down the hallway, knowing that they were arguing in the kitchen by the volume of their voices. I paused in the middle of the hall, unsure whether to continue or to go back to my bedroom. I only decided on the former after I heard a muffled shout and the woman’s voice laughing. This decision was the biggest mistake of my life.
Losing grandma was and up until now the worst feeling I’ve ever felt…On this date, August 18, 2007 at 8:00 pm I received a telephone call. The phone call that I had received was obviously not a good one. That person who’s my grandfather told me, “Grandma’s dead.” I then replied to him and told him “no, this can’t be true.” After that his voice started fading Losing grandma was and up as he then started to cry over the phone and said, “at this point I don’t know what I’m going to do without her.” I began shedding tears because who knew that this day would’ve ever come. Although she’s gone, she’ll never be forgotten.
“OH MY GOD” my mom screamed running toward me. She had picked me up, and ran faster than i've ever seen her run before, and went straight to the car. My grandma had been in the car already and was to the left of me in the back seat. I had my arm on a pillow barely conscious.
I answered. “Mija, where’s your grandma? Go get her now! It’s important.” that’s all I remembered from that phone call, but the moment I handed my grandmother the phone I saw her bright smile turn into the world’s most darkest frown. Out of the speck of my eyes, I saw small tears running down her face, with big worries she ran quickly to get a sweater and her purse.
“Great to have you home, hon.” Mom calls to me through the door from the kitchen as she’s walking back upstairs to her bedroom, each syllable get harder to hear. I should have known that I’d wake her up, making that much noise in what was technically the middle of the night.
“Molly, we have something to tell you,” my parents said, walking into the living room with saddened looks on their faces. I paused the movie and awaited their news. “Your grandma has been diagnosed with cancer.” I definitely was not expecting that to be the news, so it hit me like a brick wall; I was troubled and overwhelmed by the news to such an extent that I was speechless. She has been an important figure in my life for as long as I can remember and has always been there to listen and give me advice whenever I need it. Her insight into the important things in life has helped me and will continue to as I pursue my dreams for years to come.
It all started when I was getting ready for bed and my mom got a call from Granny.
“Yes, hang on,” I responded. I handed the phone to my mom. I was anxiously waiting for my mom to get off the phone with Tena.
Ever get the chance to put together your own outfit for the day? Well, I mean literally have you ever had to sew together your outfit? If not, well let me start it off with “WOW!”, grandma's work isn’t as easy as it seems. Not only did i learn how difficult it is to sew, but i had the chance to be able to express my funny side. This week i chose as one of my portfolios a unique project, where i sewed together my outfit. At first, i envisioned it being a joke, since i would never wear it personally, but I saw the fun and good vibes it would bring to the classroom atmosphere. We started off with the simple idea of creating one of the outfits used by one of the boys in the movie, The Sound of Music. First, we had to sketch out a drawing of the outfit to get an
Soon the room was silent, and only your breathing could be heard. You were perfect, and now mom and dad could see that. Sirens filled the room, as you sat on the red and white bed, waiting to go back
“Ring, ring, ring! Hello? She did?! Thank you lord!.. Wait what?... Oh okay okay...We're on our way!” Says my dad in a shaky loud voice. I could hear my dad from the other side of the room because the walls are thin as paper. I hear the bed squeak as my parents get up from their bed. Their footsteps sound like elephants. I hear my door knob being graved and the door opens. My mom comes running into my room and then I knew something was up.
Both my parents burst through the doors, looking slightly concerned. “Mehak, why are you screaming?” My mom questioned. My eyes started to get watery, thinking of all the terrible possibilities, and I got a feeling in my gut that something was wrong. “Grandpa... H-he...w-were t-talking a-and h-he started c-coughing a-and the l-line w-went d-dead.” I stuttered, not knowing what to think. My dad flew out of the room, probably to contact my grandma about what was going on.
As my mother pressed the button, a sizable crowd had gathered between Mom and me. “Ding!” went the elevators, and the doors slid open to reveal that the elevator was empty. All of the other people in front of the elevator had rushed to get in. My family went in, too, without me. The humongous crowd had already filled up most of the space in the elevator, so my family members were squished into the corner. When I had tried to enter the elevator, the doors began to close.