I’ve known this person all my life, 18 years ago she gave birth to me, and she’s my mom. She’s always here whenever I need her. Her name is Yvrose Lamothe. I don’t know if there’s any significance to her name, but all I can say is her name is unique because I never heard someone with that name, and she’s a great and an amazing mother. Now, even though we’re not together, there will always be a special place for her in my heart. Everyone that has met her will tell you that she is a hard worker, strict, and generous.
Yvrose is 5 feet 8 tall and weigh 145 pounds, with brown eyes, and short beautiful dark brown hair always in a ponytail. She has a pretty light dolce skin. She’s always smiling, but she is very serious about things such as keeping her house in order, like keeping it clean, and always welcome to friends. She is a very stylish person. As a teacher she would wake up in the morning and ready to go to school, dresses with her beautiful dress such as silky orange top and a beautiful white pants,
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My mom doesn’t like kids but that doesn’t mean if the kid in question is in need of something she’s not going to pay attention to him. During the hurricane Ike and Hannah in Haiti in 2008, we went to live somewhere safe, at my mom's friend, for a couple of days. We went there during the night and in the morning my mom had already found another child to love. It was a little boy called Willberson, who I had to call my little brother later because when everything was calmed, we went home and she was making plan to adopt the boy. I didn’t like the idea because I didn’t want a brother and also because I didn’t want my mom to have another child to love. She didn’t care about my opinion and was determined to adopt him, and she did. She was able to do it because in Haiti you don't have to go to any form of process to adopt a child as long as the parents agree to it. Everytime I look at my little brother I can see why people say that my mom is
ORYX are the team behind the Da de los Muertos, which is a mystical themed slot, and one which features rather poor graphics, if we’re being brutally honest. How mystical? Well, the slot is actually closely linked to the “Day of the Dead” celebrations in Mexico. Da de los Muertos features your usual 5-reel setup, upon which sit a total of 15 paylines. The overcomplicated wagering bar towards the bottom of the screen will allow you to take total control over how your bets are constructed in this weird slot. Coin sizes of 0.01 up to 1.00 can be selected, with up to 10 coins per line possible. What you are looking at with Da de los
Theory is an attempt to explain the world around us. It is defined as a set of concepts, definitions, and propositions that projects a view of phenomena by designating specific interrelationships among concepts for purposes of describing, explaining and predicting phenomena. In the world of healthcare the nurse through the understanding of theories attempt to explain why nurses do what they do. Nursing theories are the creative products of nurses who seek to thoughtfully describe relationships and interactions that exist within nursing practice (Ingram, 2009).
My daughter, Lauren, often surprises me with her readiness to jump into the unknown, but very rarely have I ever worried about her not being able to handle herself in an unfamiliar situation. She has always been a very adaptable person, making friends easily and adjusting her routine accordingly. Though Lauren loves to try new things, she also loves having routine and structure. Most of the time these things don’t go together but somehow she manages to mix them just right to fit her needs. Editing her routine to better fit her environment is just one of the many skills she has obtained from moving around so much. It will probably take Lauren a little while to settle in to the family’s routine and develop new habits. This might cause her to experience feelings of homesickness for some familiarity, but I am confident she won’t feel that way for long.
This week’s readings really hit home because according to paper my mother was diagnosed schizophrenia, mildly retardation and borderline personality disorder. These disorders are very scary and can take a toll on many relationships if they are tended to. I once had a neighbor who was a sufferer from schizophrenia and she would always come to my driveway and yell at my children and I to stop watching her. There were times that she would come banging on my door screaming to the top of her lungs to take our surveillance system down or she was going to take it down herself. We never had a surveillance system up, so after reading the chapter I realized she was having a delusion about the surveillance cameras.
Have you ever sat back and looked at your life and wondered where you would be if it weren’t for the selfless act of another human being. My biological mother Marlene Georges is more than just a brave and courageous woman, she is my hero and I believe she saved my life. My mother spent the first five years of my life struggling to feed me, bathe me and clothe me. We encountered complete poverty and every day was a struggle to find food, water, and shelter. This heroic woman made the selfless decision to give me up for adoption in hopes that one day I would have the opportunity to live a better life.
Question: Examine the ethical issue on capital punishment and discuss the extent to which it should be allowed.
Alexus Casidy is out of her teenage years and now twenty, with a whole life ahead. The name Alexus may be a common but, the story of how it was picked, was not. Her father named her after a nurse at a Psychiatric Hospital, that he said was pretty. Not only did he name her after a nurse but, he chose the spelling of the car, Alexus. She grew up with her two younger siblings in Beloit WI, and I am yet to wonder if her sibling’s names have a comical story behind theirs as well. My peer went to high school at Beloit Memorial, graduating in 2015. Where she was an active cheerleading and softball player, also where she met her boyfriend, of three years, Ryan. Most don’t see that she is a mother, student, girlfriend, and employee; holding many different roles in all statuses. Alexus studies at UW Rock County and is undecided with fulfilling her dreams for becoming a children’s nurse or a teacher. Also, is hard-working employee at the factory Prent Corporation in Janesville, WI as an Inspector Packer. Where the money pays for the house her and her boyfriend own, with their one year old, Brooks.
I was an only child for six years. I basked in the glory of my parents’ attention. One day my mother interrupted my enthralling game of Polly Pocket’s to inform me that we were going to adopt a baby. I had no idea what that meant, but boasted about it on the playground anyway. For a while after this news, our lives were pretty uneventful; a baby didn’t suddenly appear in our house, and I wasn’t a big sister. This changed suddenly, my mother received a call from an adoption agency that informed her of a soon-to-be mother who thought we were the perfect fit. My parents were elated, yet frantic; they had received the news nine days before the child’s due date and hadn’t begun the required paperwork yet. This late notice was followed by even later nights. I
The paper was set on the wooden desk and a pen was poised in her hand. She chewed her lip and flicked the pen, contemplating what to write. How could she sum it up? This was the last thing she'd ever write. Explaining it all would take too long. It had to be something short. Something that would tell her family and friends why.
I'm not a person that would just pick up a book and read. Reading is not my thing, but after reading this book in class, it changed me. I used to care about how people thought of me and I had to try to be like them. I'm not popular or the first choice. I always thought that I had to make myself better to fit in, but now I know I don't have to. I thought to myself on why I care what people think of me. To be honest I don't know why I did. I am me and I should be proud of it because there is only one of me in the world so why would I change it. After reading your book,Tuesday with Morrie it made an impact in my life, I don't need to care what people think.
In this paper I am going to tell you about my mom's life, her name is Tracy and she was born in Dubuque, Iowa, at Xavier Hospital on December 27, 1972 . I am going to tell you about her family, her early influences, her education and finally her interests.
For this narrative, I interviewed my mom, Amanda Lopez. At first, she seems mean. That’s very blunt but it’s true. My mom is a very guarded and self-reserved person. She does have manners and she is nice but, she won’t open up immediately to a new person. She is also very hard working and independent. She wasn’t born with these qualities, she went through a lot of different struggles, but that’s how she ended up where she is today.
Throughout my life, I remember times of my mother’s endless struggle for her children. I recall a memory of when I was in third grade and my mother came to pick me up. It was snowing and extremely cold outside and the floor was completely covered in ice. She came directly ten minutes after dismissal with my baby brother. Both of their faces were as red as blood and numb, they were freezing. After my mother kissed and caressed me, we began walking our long way home. That 's when I asked her “Why don’t you drive Mommy? It is getting really dark, and the floor is covered in ice. We could slip and there is nobody else outside.” Then she looked at me, straight into my eyes and gently placed her hand on my face and said: “Don’t worry, I won’t let you get cold”. But I replied right away, “That’s not the answer, why don’t you drive, all of my friend’s mommies do it.” She would chuckle a little to herself, then she would say “ Pray to God and it will come true"
Erika Lynn is my Mother. Although she is no longer on this earth she will always be the most important person in my life. She meant everything to me as well as I did to her. In the short time I had with her I thought I learned enough about her to remember for a lifetime. She was beautiful, hard-working and most of all a loving mother.
A tired mother reclines before a long mirror, beginning to prepare her ten-year-old daughter for bed. As she works out the last few tangles from her hair, the woman’s gaze turns to her reflection—the dulling of her once youthful body palpable in the company of her youthful daughter. Author Sharon Olds uses the narrative of a mother-daughter relationship to address issues of aging, death and replacement, juxtaposing the youth of a ten-year-old with the maturity of the thirty-five-year-old. “35/10” takes readers on one woman’s journey of sorrow as she copes with the loss of her youth, but deeper than that, her confrontation with grief as she realizes her daughter will one day replace her. The woman feels as though she is beginning her life’s decline just as her daughter begins her ascent into womanhood, inquiring, “…Why is it / just as we begin to go / they begin to arrive…” (lines 4-6). Olds takes on the voice of this despondent woman in her poem “35/10,” using rich, honest language and metaphoric comparisons to communicate observations about the cycle of life and the pattern of replacement.