
Personal Note On Eating Meals

Decent Essays

Part B: 1. Usually, I take food four times a day. My week schedule basically stays same. The weekend schedule is little different as I always had late dinner and snacks time is not always on same time. I never had pizza for snacks, which I had on Sunday. I generally eat rice, vegetables, milk, and cereal and snacks fruits and candy bar. Mostly, I make food at home as I am not working on weekdays. I rate my eating habit around seven ‘on a scale of one (really bad) to ten (really great).’ 2. I eat faster when I am very hungry. My eating speed is slow if I do other thing or sit with family at kitchen table. However, if I am myself and in locations like car or employee break room, I eat hurriedly. When I have lunch or dinner with my family, it influence positively on my food choice because most of my family do not eat meat. So my diet will be rice, vegetables, and legumes. Taking food only myself will have negative influences because my diet will be rice and meat, and eat faster. Part D: 2. During my three days of diet anaylysis, my average daily intake recommended kcals is less in total, which is 2000 kcals. I feel okey taking lesser than 2,000 kcals as I stay whole week at home taking care of my baby. However, after looking my food chart, I see that I was taking more one thing on one day and less or not even any on next day. For example, I took fruits more than recommended on Friday, less than needed on Saturday, and none of the fruits on Sunday. It is not acceptable to

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