Profile Responsible hard worker with great driving skills and know the rules and regulations of the roads. Safety is key and keeping up with paper work for the day. Ready for whatever task is thrown my way. Open Availability mornings, days, nights, weekends, holidays. Experience Floater, harris Teeter; raleigh,nc — August 2016-current I currently work at Harris Teeter, Store 367 in Wakefield as a part time floater. I am known as a floater, meaning I can work several departments thru out the store. I work cashier, customer service, fresh foods, receiving, dairy/frozen and overnight. Currently I am working and over the Dairy/Frozen department. With each part of the store I work in Customer Service is the number one thing next to safety. …show more content…
Cashier, Harris teeter; Raleigh, nc — 2013-2015 I started my first job with Harris Teeter as a cashier and two months after being hire was moved up to a Customer Service Clerk. Being a Customer Service Clerk I was in charge of making sure customers were happy with their shopping trip, helping find products or taking care of a problem they had. I would also look over the front end department assisting my cashiers and baggers with register problems or whatever else they needed. Some other task were answering the phones, money orders, western union, lottery and the main thing excellent customer service. In May 2014 I was transferred out to another store in Wake Forest/Durham border to help watch over the front end department and the customer complaints they were having. After a month of being at this location, I was able to get complaints down and also some of the employees bad behaviors. The customers had noticed that things were running a bit smoother and that if they were having a problem with something that they could always come up to me and I would help and try resolving the problem. My main goal was excellent customer service and making sure when a customer walked out of the store that they were satisfied and got everything they came in for. Dynamic Property Services LLC; Raleigh,NC — 2015-Current This is a good friends business. I work for them every couple months or whenever a new job/project begins. When I get the call to come help I do all the data entry,
Canada’s Wonderland - The position I currently hold is Merchandise Team Lead. I’ve been working at Canada’s Wonderland for two years. I am responsible for managing day-to-day operations in my store, assisting with job training of associates, delegating tasks to associates, providing outstanding guest service, answering guest questions and concerns, and handling all cash functions in my store; including revenue bags, returns, voids and auditing registers.
The Affordable Care is only available to documented immigrants and American citizens, but there are still other branches of healthcare that may be available to undocumented immigrants.
My best friend Leah Nepomuceno is one of the strongest people I know, especially when it comes to family. Family to her is everything and she has done all she can to try and keep hers together as a whole. We were in sixth grade swinging on the swings outside at recess, whispering and giggling about our usual gossip when she received news from one of our teachers that we knew was serious by the look on her face and fear in her voice. She came up to us and told her she needed to go the office and that she was being dismissed, she gave me permission to walk with her inside. On the short but long felt walk inside Leah's heart was pounding, her hands were sweating, and her eyes were slowly filling with tears. Her mom was
One cold sunny weekend in February of 2014 in Madison, MS the Saint Stanislaus boys just arrived to the hotel where they would stay for the night before the big game. All was good the night before we ate and later went to sleep. We all woke up around eight in the morning and had breakfast. We left for the fields around twelve because the game was at two in the evening.
For many freshmen coming out of high school, declaring a major at Cosumnes River College is one of the most difficult things to do, because there are two education options. The two options are going to school to earn a certificate which often takes one to two years, and the second option is going to school to earn a degree which takes four to six years. One career that is an option at Cosumnes River College if you decided to go to school to earn a two-year certificate or a two-year Associates degree is the Cosumnes Rivers College Ford Asset automotive program.
In the unit 3, my conformed profile is INTP. I like to be alone, therefore I should care to communicate with colleagues or teammates. However, though I don’t like to communicate with other people, I think there is a way to be an ideal leader. I know the importance of talking each other, the value of conversation. On the other hand, I want to improve my skill as a professional level, second to none. I imagine to appeal my attitude to aim for my works or tasks. Though I don’t join in a conversation well, I want to get a trust by my masterpieces, and want to be respected.
Aiden is calm, logical and has superior intelligence. He also can come as rather detached, and sometimes threatening when need be. He is from a wealthy family, which manages health care and is the youngest of three. He prefers to sleep late, often due to business and schoolwork keeping him up until the wee hours; and he suffers from hypotension, which makes rising difficult. He is very polite to people who are in power or related to it, and claims he only helps people who can benefit him somehow. Aiden has short, black hair, usually styled into a smart/casual look and has brownish-grey eyes. He is thin; five feet, ten inches tall and wears slim, rimless glasses. Aiden is always impeccably groomed, dressed appropriately for any occasion, and is naturally stylish and neat. He decided to go to
A person’s identity is shaped by many different aspects. Family, culture, friends, personal interests and surrounding environments are all factors that tend to help shape a person’s identity. Some factors may have more of an influence than others and some may not have any influence at all. As a person grows up in a family, they are influenced by many aspects of their life. Family and culture may influence a person’s sense of responsibilities, ethics and morals, tastes in music, humor and sports, and many other aspects of life. Friends and surrounding environments may influence a person’s taste in clothing, music, speech, and social activities. Personal interests are what truly set individuals apart. An individual is not a puppet
The locality I have based my community profile on is Ardoyne. I feel that Ardoyne is familiar enough for me to carry out my research as I have lived here all my life. Although my project is based in Belfast city centre, we work with many groups and young people from the Ardoyne area. this would prove beneficial to myself as I would sometimes have already developed a relationship with the young people through community life.
School, to me and among many peers of my age, is not a distant term. I have spent one-third of my life time sitting in classrooms, every week since I was seven years old. After spending this much time in school, many things and experiences that happened there have left their mark in my memory. Some are small incidences while some have had a great impact on me. However, regardless the degree of significance, things that happened all contributed to shape the person that I am now.
There are many personal characteristics that can affect a person as an individual and his professional success, namely openness, ability to learn and adapt etc. These personal characteristics can sometimes make a person successful and sometimes doesn’t. As I spend more and more time as a professional, I perceive that there are few characteristics that are essential for professional success: namely ambitious, creative and adaptable. These characteristics come out in many different ways. Have you set your goals? Have you decided the path you have to take to pursue your goal? What are the sacrifices you can do to achieve your ambition? How much can you think out of the box to resolve a particular issue or bring new idea to the table? How
I have to admit that I was skeptical in completing the personality profile. I thought, “How could a few questions determine everything about my management style”. When I received my results, I was astonished at how accurately those results portrayed my personality. While deciding which of my personality traits were advantageous and which were detrimental to my management style, I became conflicted as all of my scores can be portrayed as both positive and negative depending on the situation.
Over the course, I have learned that all people are unique and have their own personal traits and qualities. One person does not just simply fall into one category, but various categories. What is beautiful about all of us is that we all have diverse personalities, traits and qualities. I have learned that we should be proud of and embrace these unique qualities of ours.
There are three very important aspects that play a major rule in my life. They can be categorized as intellectual, social, and spiritual. My intellectual self is interesting because I am mainly right-brained which means that I tend to use my creativity more than my mathematical skills, also making me a visual learner. My social self consists of friends, family, and my surroundings. I spend most of my time at home with my family. Whenever I am with my friends, I observe their behaviors and listen to their opinions. I am more of an independent type of person. Being with different people has influenced me into appreciating different cultures and beliefs. I have learned things that have now been incorporated into my own set of beliefs and
When asked to describe myself I never know what to say, but I should know myself the best, right?