
Personal Reflection

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At the beginning of the semester, my main goal was to declare a major and this class was supposed to help me. After attending this class a few times, I was not sure it was the class for me. The syllabus included resumes and activities that did not involve declaring a major. Now that the semester is over, the activities that involved declaring a major helped me tremendously and the ones that did not still have benefited me. Even though I thought I did not need to learn more about those other topics, I learned more helpful tips on top of what I already knew. With this class only being once a week, most of the content has helped me learn about myself, future, and the work place. In The Career Fitness Program book, I found all the chapters …show more content…

This test helped me put into understand where my personality and skills will fit best in the workplace according to my results. Although some people felt that their results were not accurate, I feel like my results were. While looking at the majors listed, I can see that they are in the same field of work; therefore, this makes the Strong feel more accurate. On the other hand, the careers suggested were not necessarily ones I am interested in, but there are jobs that are related to the suggested ones that I can explore more in depth. Taking the Strong was a large part of being able to switch from wanting to be in the medical field to business. Another helpful part of the semester was when we had a guest speaker. She was easy to listen to and had helpful information to share. She gave great advise on how to stay focused on school and how to be the most efficient. With her study, reading, and time management tips, she motivated me to do well in all my classes. Having her speak to the class was one of the times in the semester where I felt like I was given amazing advise that I can hang on to for the rest of my educational experience and life.
Overall, I feel like this class has benefited my greatly. If I had not taken it, I would not know which major to declare and would feel lost like I did before the semester started. Now, having the information I learned from this class, I have improved and gained many skills. With

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