At the beginning of the semester, my main goal was to declare a major and this class was supposed to help me. After attending this class a few times, I was not sure it was the class for me. The syllabus included resumes and activities that did not involve declaring a major. Now that the semester is over, the activities that involved declaring a major helped me tremendously and the ones that did not still have benefited me. Even though I thought I did not need to learn more about those other topics, I learned more helpful tips on top of what I already knew. With this class only being once a week, most of the content has helped me learn about myself, future, and the work place. In The Career Fitness Program book, I found all the chapters …show more content…
This test helped me put into understand where my personality and skills will fit best in the workplace according to my results. Although some people felt that their results were not accurate, I feel like my results were. While looking at the majors listed, I can see that they are in the same field of work; therefore, this makes the Strong feel more accurate. On the other hand, the careers suggested were not necessarily ones I am interested in, but there are jobs that are related to the suggested ones that I can explore more in depth. Taking the Strong was a large part of being able to switch from wanting to be in the medical field to business. Another helpful part of the semester was when we had a guest speaker. She was easy to listen to and had helpful information to share. She gave great advise on how to stay focused on school and how to be the most efficient. With her study, reading, and time management tips, she motivated me to do well in all my classes. Having her speak to the class was one of the times in the semester where I felt like I was given amazing advise that I can hang on to for the rest of my educational experience and life.
Overall, I feel like this class has benefited my greatly. If I had not taken it, I would not know which major to declare and would feel lost like I did before the semester started. Now, having the information I learned from this class, I have improved and gained many skills. With
I chose to take this course because I am preparing to transfer and this class meets the UC art requirement. Also this class doubles for me as my last major requirement for a second AS degree in behavior and social sciences. Although there was actually one other class (LALS 14) that I could have taken that fulfilled those requirements I picked this course because it looked like it offered something entirely different to what I have already received thus far in my educational journey. My end goal is to become a nurse one day and I want to make sure I chose classes that will expose me to different things and enable me to become well-rounded and educated
Reading over the outcomes and objectives, how will the skills developed in this class apply to your chosen career or field of study? If you are “undecided,” how will these skills help you in your future in college and in general?
I learned so much about myself and became more confident in who I am. I learned that I am not good at accounting or finance and that you will probably never see me walking down Wall Street. This semester I learned that I have a new passion for health and wellness. I love learning about nutrition and how to fuel your body properly. My business classes taught me how to get out of my comfort zone and be able to present in front of a large number of people. I learned so much about myself that I would not have learned if I did not come to a liberal arts
One thing that I accomplished this semester that I never recognized the value of, was
Part of the reason as to why I was so motivated to taking this course was due to my lack of knowledge when asked about what I was studying. Based on what I do know, the value of a liberal arts education is important. In the liberal arts, you learn from a range of topics. You get a taste of analyzing, mathematics, humanities, communications, and so much more. You are not just focused on one topic—as with most degrees—you are focused on a different aspects of different studies [...].
At the beginning of the summer I wasn’t really sure what to expect from this class. I had never had a philosophy class in high school. I didn’t really know much about philosophy besides the stuff that they slip into television and books. I found that I enjoyed the readings that we were assigned in class. They were mind-opening. Through this class I learned how preconceived notions affect how you experience things, how everyone is living in bad faith, and how choices affect your life.
I feel like I've learned a lot of thing from this class that I probably would have never thought about before. Firstly, I learned how community colleges work and about some of the policies they go by. I also learned about a lot of different career options that I never explored before. I think this really helped to open my eyes to all the options so I'm not limiting myself. Lastly, and most importantly, I learned about ways of managing stress and my time. This is something I have always struggled with and now I feel like I have the tools to change. I think this will really improve many things in all areas in my life but especially school. It was really great to hear everyone's dreams and goals as well as their stresses. It just shows that
Many of the topics that were covered this semester were helpful to me, but the information that benefited me most is on majors, degree audits, and CODA. I already knew most of the information about time management, organization, and the classroom setting, but knew very little about majors, degree audits, and CODA. It was most useful to learn about something that I knew nearly nothing about. The most important reason that I need to understand this topic is so I can schedule my classes. Had I not known about the degree audit and my major requirements, I would have greatly struggled to schedule my classes for the spring semester. Scheduling classes is something that I am going to have to do every semester, so I am glad that I learned about the degree audit this semester. Also, since I am in the Life Sciences First Year program, I will have to change into my actual major of Human Biology. Knowing about CODA is important for helping me through this process. In addition, if I ever decide to change
This class was a breath of fresh air for me. I am a student in the School of Journalism and Sociology department at the University of Kansas, and many of the classes I take outside of my journalism major do not interest me or do not give me tangible critical thinking skills
Jessica, I definitely can relate to your post. I feel like with any class, if one has the time management skills and drive, they can accomplish anything- no matter what the subject may
Throughout this semester reading about different ways of interpersonal communication I came to the realization that there were many things I could work on to better myself as a person. Things I never thought about in depth until taking this class. Areas I have improved on throughout this semester are using I language more than the use of you language, what empathy was and how I choose to become better and lastly how I deal with conflict.
Prior to attending this class, I thought that it was going to be a very boring one with long frustrating lectures. I was surprised at how much I was enjoying this class because it had to do with an area I have interest, which is, working in the community. Some of the challenges I encountered in this class was conducting a needs assessment, identifying advocacy article, and the elevator pitch. I can say honestly say that I learned how to conduct an actual needs assessment, although when I was doing my paper I did not quite grasp it at the time. It was not until the presentations I understood how it is done based on the information presented and the comments and explanation given by the professor. It was very important that I learned how to conduct the needs assessment, because my interest is working with low income individuals in different communities. Now that learned how to conduct a needs assessment I am excited to go out and gain some practical knowledge with a team. The lecture and the advocacy piece assignment helped me to understand what advocacy is all about; I now able to write, research and recognize and any advocacy document. The elevator pitch was novel to me and I had a hard time understanding how someone can give all that information in a minute. After the different scenarios that were role played during the presentations I got knowledge on how it is done. I also
I have learned numerous things throughout the entire course of the semester, including, how to find and composite better research through the use of many resources found at the campus library and the internet, and how to cite my research work correctly using MLA format. The last thing I learned from the class is revising my paper until I feel everything is on track and sounds good.
I have learned so much in this class to prepare me for a successful college experience. There were some topics that caught my attention more than others. Such as, time and stress management, University resources, and critical thinking.
In this course, I was able to identify a number of different things I was unsure of before the class. I now have an idea of what pathway I should take (the one best suited for me), and how long this may take me to carry out. Through this course I was able to discover where I see myself in five, ten, fifth teen and even twenty years time.