11.38 pm. Sleep seems to be away in a distant land far from my reach. I lie in bed and stare in fixed fascination at my night light. I miss you in the most unusual and unexpected way. My fingers itch to type and hit ‘send’ sweet words and late night confessions. The need to be understood at 2 am and the longing for unreal kisses on my cheek intensifies. I want to say a lot, but I don’t know if I should. How strange it is what I am craving. The false impression of presence in the persistence of absence. I feel restless. I've been too reckless with my words. This feeling is heavier than a neutron star. It persists like an annoying toothache. I need some water, but I continue to lie in bed. Nothing seems to fascinate me more than my night light right now.…. …show more content…
I want to make amends. Where are you? I get up and catch myself in the mirror. Tousled hair result of tossing and turning in bed trying to catch some sleep. Sitting in front of my laptop, I aimlessly scroll through my Facebook page. I see words and pictures, but nothing really registers. My thoughts entirely on you. I hear some noise, Facebook automatically played a funny video. Oh, you are going to laugh at this one! I miss you. Is that unusual? I can’t even understand it myself. Do I even have the right to miss you? or should i "not miss" you? The latter sounds safer since we may very well just be passing seasons to each other and not all ‘attractions’ are meant to live. We are set to fear what we can’t control. But somehow I have come to shamelessly share with you, something you achieve only after spending time, space and memories with someone, however, short-lived it may be. 12.29 am: I feel blue and grey. I suppose those are the colours of guilt and of wanting to kick myself. I made a mistake, a horrible one. if I could I would take back those words because you don’t deserve
One day, when Elie returned from the warehouse, he was summoned by the block secretary to go to the dentist. Elie therefore went to the infirmary block to learn that the reason for his summon was gold teeth extraction. Elie, however pretends to be sick and asks, ”Couldn’t you wait a few days sir? I don’t feel well, I have a fever…” Elie kept telling the dentist that he was sick for several weeks to postpone having the crown removed. Soon after, it had appeared that the dentist had been dealing in the prisoners’ gold teeth for his own benefit. He had been thrown into prison and was about to be hanged. Eliezer does not pity for him and was pleased with what was happening
The Holocaust. One of the most memorialized events in the history of mankind. Tragic deaths that tallied over 20 million total. The majority of those ( 6 million ) were of Jewish ethnicity. This novel follows the life of what was a young prideful jewish boy, to a what turned into be a hopeless, near death, young man. This is a non-fiction book known as Night ・ Elie Wiesel.
You must act quick! Go into hiding with Maria. Ensure that your father, mother, and baby sister go as well. You don’t know the horror that awaits you. If you find your current situation unsatisfactory just wait for Auschwitz. I know right now that word means nothing to you, but trust me, Auschwitz contains immense suffering for millions of Jews. If you and your family don’t go with Maria right now, your mother and little sister will die promptly after arrival of the death camp and ,your father will eventually follow. Your two older sisters will be separated from you as well if you don’t go right now. This is the last chance for your whole family's lives to be saved. Show this letter to your father to convince him that this is the best option.You
What would an individual do if their entire life was being stripped from them? Well, that’s exactly what Elie Wiesel had to figure out throughout the book, Night. The autobiography, Night, is about a teenager and his family trying to survive the Holocaust. The main characters in this book are Elie Wiesel, Tzipora, the dad, and the mom. The Wiesels get taken to a concentration camp just because they are Jewish. Elie Wiesel had to overcome facing death and hardships just to barely survive another day.
From reading the book “Night,” one thing that’s struck me with great depression is the time when when Elie quit believing in god. When Elie quit believing in god, his whole attitude changed for the worse about how life is and that what we have is how it’s going to be. In a sense, Elie betrayed god because he believed that he never helped anyone that needed help when they asked for it. The main reason this had a huge impact on me is because I can’t even imagine how life was being shown in Elie’s eyes. Elie’s way of life was changed in such a dramatic why that I can’t even think of how I would react to it. I don’t cherish religion like Elie did before going through the Holocaust, but it strikes me as being very tough
Some people believe that humans don’t owe each other anything, while others have different opinions on the simple acts they believe they owe others. The most basic answers to this moral dilemma can oftentimes be found in times of survival. When humans are brought to their natural survival instincts, it becomes rather clear whether they believe they owe other humans anything. Elie Wiesel touches upon this topic in his memoir, Night. Throughout his memoir, Wiesel relays his memories of his experience during the Holocaust and while in concentration camps.
The Silent Killer Did you know the Holocaust, the most gruesome genocide in history, had an unknown, silent killer? In his memoir Night, Elie Weisel highlights the horrors of the Holocaust. Although many events and moods are displayed, a focal point of Night and many other accounts of the Holocaust seems to be remembrance and silence. Going with this theme, Elie expresses many times how silent the quiet murderer of victims during the Holocaust. In his Nobel Peace Prize speech, he states, “We know that every moment is a moment of grace, every hour an offering; not to share them would mean to betray them.”
In the memoir, Night, author Elie Wiesel portrays the dehumanization of individuals and its lasting result in a loss of faith in God. Throughout the Holocaust, Jews were doggedly treated with disrespect and inhumanity. As more cruelty was bestowed upon them, the lower their flame of hope and faith became as they began turning on each other and focused on self preservation over family and friends. The flame within them never completely died, but rather stayed kindling throughout the journey until finally it stood flickering and idle at the eventual halt of this seemingly never-ending nightmare. Elie depicts the perpetuation of violence that crops up with the Jews by teaching of the loss in belief of a higher power from devout to doubt they
I 'm here, sitting in the shortest shorts and the lightest weight shirt I can find, because in my one bedroom apartment here in this slightly dinky DFW suburb, it is the early afternoon as I start this letter, feels well over 100 farenheit, and, of all the viable places to put my desk in this home I am paying far to much for is directly next to a goddamn west-facing window. Cheap black out curtains can only go so far. I am many things on this nasty and ungodly hot afternoon: I am sweaty, I am tired, I am inspired, and I am, most of all, a coward. When was our last unfortunate encounter? Ages ago, it seems, although I suspect fourteen months is a more accurate guess. I must seem foolish and ridiculous, writing you this pathetic cacophony of thoughts--that 's the first time I 've ever thought to use that word...am I correct in its usage? The longer I type, the more I feel my diction becomes grandious, as though I am trying to write you a gothic romance novel. Perhaps that would be a more interesting read. Perhaps I should send you a copy of Jane Eyre instead. I have one, actually, if you would like to borrow it.
Clock strikes and we climb up the stairs to a balcony where the night untraces the constellations of your cheeks
An Apology Mouth seething and lips chapped with drool I am mad at The turd I left in my brain The front doorstep That everyone can see That tells my nightmares how To scare me I am mad that I can’t clean My porch I can’t make myself presentable Because fall came And I can’t rake my lawn empty Clear Free of drenched flimsy leaves Sticking to my attitude
This absence aches in the soul’s essence, that burns within my dreams and haunts me. This infinite absence of nights and days is endless. It was so easy to say that “Farewell,”
As I lie in bed, my deep brown hair, like the bark of an oak tree frames my pale face. I try to force myself to sleep and be drawn into the World of Dreams. Instead, I’m pulled into a whirlwind of thoughts. Like quicksand, the more I resist the further I’m sucked in. Jack. Jack, Jack, Jack. A tired sigh escapes my lips and I shift my gaze from the marble ceiling of my room to my left. I see nothing but a perfect white sheet and a high, plump pillow. Untouched and cold against my fingers. Abandoned like the tall bottle of Ampoule in the cabinet. As I run my hand against the once used pillow, I brood over the sense of tranquility I felt when I’d see Jack next to me, and the warm rays of sunshine I’d welcome every morning with comfort and contentment. I think about how worried he’d get when I was sad or concerned. I relive what I felt when I’d come home from work to find a beautiful candlelit dinner with Joe Henderson’s ‘Recorda Me’ blaring through the speakers. My heart aches at the thought
I cannot stand the silence that accompanies loneliness because as soon as I am on my own, the voices in my head start to sing their songs of somber thoughts.