I became interested in missions when my family and I lived abroad in Laos, Singapore, and Costa Rica; we had adopted my youngest brother and were in the process of immigrating him back to the United States. I believe that I can use my majors, Spanish and music (piano pedagogy) in evangelism and in furthering Christ and His Kingdom. Living in a Spanish speaking culture, Cahuita, Costa Rica, not only helped improve my Spanish language skills, but also helped me learn about the culture and how to become accepted into their community - by interacting with them and making an effort to learn about them and their culture. Many of the expats people living in Cahuita were living in the village, but were not a part of the community because they kept apart from the locals, lived in expensive houses, separated themselves from the community, and weren’t as accepting of the Cahuiteños and their culture. But by living modestly and …show more content…
As a Spanish major, I believe knowing Spanish will help me advance Christianity by helping me build relationships across cultural and national divides. Through learning the Spanish language as well as learning more about Spanish/Latin American cultures and consequently other cultures as well which will help me with evangelism and make me more open to learning from other cultures. Crossing cultural boundaries is also possible with music; learning music from other cultures and will be able to help me connect with people at a deeper level than I could if only using music types from my own culture. The medium of music is more likely to spread Christ’s message when we communicate in a way at first that is familiar to them. Using music that is initially more familiar to them it can create more opportunities to witness for Christ. As a Christian musician one should be able to integrated a wide variety of music into one’s repertoire so that it can be an effective venue to share our faith in the
Hi I’m Diego Rodriguez I’m in the ninth grade and I intend Energy institute high school. I was born in Houston Texas and I’m Mexican. When I’m in school I study hard but I struggle through school because I make mediocre grades. But in my free time I play sports and hang out with my friends. I can be sociable person and someone you can have fun with and talk to.
As long as I can remember my accent has always played a role in my life. There have been moments of uncertainty, discouragement, annoyance, and lastly pride. Throughout each emotional stage I’ve learn acceptance and responsibility of what defines me as a women who happens to be Latina. In Tanya Barrientos “Se Habla Español” she defines what resonates within me “Without having to offer apologies or show remorse. If it will help, I will go first. Aqui estoy. Spanish-challenged and pura Latina (45). She beautifully states the acceptance that too many find difficulty fitting in. Especially in a world that will defined you not only by your looks but as well as the way you speak.
When I was in eighth grade and my class was choosing our schedules for our first year of high school, I was told that for the diploma I wanted, I would have to take a foreign language. I chose Spanish, because I thought it would be easy. Little did I know that that decision would change my life forever.
Even though my mother was Mexican it was hard for me to speak to my friends who knew mostly Spanish and a little English because Spanish was not my first language. As years went on, I went to high school, where now I can have a full conversation with my Spanish speaking friends, and since it is an international high school, it brings in more cultural diversity. With this international high school in El Paso, it has helped me learn new cultures and experience the dozens of traits they do for activities or how they celebrate
I am Jonelsy Gonzalez and I am a senior at Eastside High School. In school, I’ve played an active role throughout my four years. Starting from freshman year I have been in Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps which shows students how to become well-rounded individuals. From my freshman year, I have been moving up through the ranks by showing my abilities as a leader and also through academics. Through my hard work and dedication, I was given the honor to be my battalion's Executive Officer my senior year. My job is to ensure that the battalion runs smoothly by supervising my staff. My staff handles things such as operations, security, and equipment. Also, my job is to ensure a connection between our Senior Army Instructor and our cadets. Without motivating myself, I wouldn’t have started my battalion’s service learning project and also be an example of how a better citizen should be. I also am a member of the National Honor Society since my junior year which promotes academics and giving back to the community. Since the beginning of my senior year, I have been the Vice President of the Spanish Honor Society. The Spanish Honor Society promotes
Math, science, leadership, computer science and competition oriented clubs (i.e. clubs that only exist for the duration of the competition or primarily to prepare for the competition) consistently played a role in my high school extracurricular activities. Researching new algorithms and finding new ways to better secure our digital world remains a chief goal of mine. Enjoyment arises from working with complex math and having to think in novel ways to solve complex problems that affect people of all kinds. Involvement with social changes remains important to me, especially as they affect the digital world, and thus I also feel that I need to know how to lead and stay involved in my community. I joined UIL math & science as well as UIL computer
Language and culture coincide and go in harmony with each other. “Our culture is what shapes our language and our language is much more than just a tool; it is a rink to our surroundings that determines how we are perceived and understood. ”(Tuncer 1) Spanish is such an fundamental
There are few certainties of what one will encounter during life. A common joke names two: death and
Not everyone is suited to be a missionary, the career takes patience, endurance, as well as a passion to take on any task at hand. This occupation presents an opportunity to travel to foreign nations and be immersed in exotic cultures. Although missionaries are not paid well -if paid at all- the worldly knowledge and gratitude received is reward enough. This is more than a career, it’s an all-consuming life style. The goal of a missionary is to enlighten non-believers of Jesus Christ and integrate new-believers into the community of God-fearing people. Mission work is the most intrinsically rewarding field because it grants the experience to travel the world while spreading the love of God, build personal relationship with other missionaries
“Vivir apasionadamente es vivir exitosamente.” To live passionately is to live successfully. As I took my first steps into the heart of the historic city of Madrid, Spain, I was immersed into a new world, finding clarity in why I chose to learn Spanish. Cooking with Spaniards and admiring Flamenco performances made me fall in love with new aspects of the Spanish culture. After my trip, I became mesmerized by the culture, which further ignited my passion for mastering the language and expanding my knowledge of the Spanish speaking world. After this trip, Spanish no longer seemed mundane. As my curiosity piqued, I became more dedicated to the mastery and understanding of the Spanish language. It drove me to work harder and harder each day, knowing
In addition to the mission trips I take every summer, I am passionate about evangelization and spreading God’s love to all as seen through my co-leading a high school Bible Study at my parish. I am also quite open minded and willing to try new things as I have quickly learned the importance of flexibility through leading a small group at Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton for a number of freshmen and sophomores. Learning to be accepting of all these people I interact with so regularly as well as being able to share the faith with them has helped develop my character into an honest and loving person. I believe I deserve to go on this Mission Trip because not only is my dedication shown through service, but also through my grades and participation in many extracurricular
I have taken both Spanish and French since the 7th grade and quickly found that I was good at and enjoyed learning foreign languages. I continued taking both throughout high school and they soon became my favorite subjects in school; sometimes they were the only classes I genuinely looked forward to going to. I knew that I wanted to continue taking foreign languages in college, become fluent, and travel abroad. The problem, however, was that I also knew I wanted to be premed. I knew it would be impossible for me to double major in Spanish and French along with staying on the premed track. I struggled with the thought that I would ultimately have to choose between Spanish and French, which I loved both equally.
I was born in a country where lord Buddha was born, where at time corruption, crime and battle was almost unheard off and there was no place for hatred and racism. I am also from highest peak in the world to the deepest gorge in the world with diverse culture,tradition and architecture. Although Nepal was alluring with its culture and its natural beauty, it was also full of corruption, violence and sometime very unpleasant to live. Nepal education system was and still is substandard compared to other school, which means I could not pursue my dream and help my community cease to where it's heading and help become more productive and enthusiastic. With all the struggle and obstacle and with hope for the better
Missions has always been, and continues to be, a cornerstone of my passion to serve. As I continue to look for the most impactful ways to support the causes that are most important to my ministry, I will take into account how to unify by second passion dear to my heart, children and youth with my desire to serve through mission. Missions is a service concerned with providing saving decrees to God’s living children in our communities and throughout the world. It is a service that goes beyond the four walls of the church. I envision, from this stewardship effort, I can create a space for youth to transform their community, city, state and the world through mission. A world where young people are able to engage, embrace, and promote a prospering life that supports those they encounter through their service of mission.
I have a passion for serving others and putting people before myself. I am someone who loves people and loves doing what I can to help out in others lives. I enjoy being able to brighten peoples days and just show kindness and compassion. It’s a passion of mine to help others and serve. I have been involved in a total of four mission trips that have been organized through my church along with other service projects. Two of the mission trips I have been to the Dominican Republic and the other two have been to South Carolina. One of the service projects I have been involved in is called Feed The Hungry and I’ve also helped with the Bryantsville Hunger Relief Project. These mission trips and serving opportunities have been life changing for me and really show