
Personal Statement: A Career As A Social Worker

Satisfactory Essays

I just want to be happy and satisfied with whatever I do. I used to think that i had to work a 9-5 .I used to think that I was going to be a millionaire by the age of 25. The older I get the more i realize that I don’t want any of that. I just want to find love in whatever I’m doing. I know that I am destined for greatness and that I will be successful no matter what I choose to do. I always wanted to be a social worker to help people who went through the struggles that I have faced. That’s still a dream of mine but how can you really help someone if you aren’t fully helped yourself? I know that things aren’t going to be perfect for me but until I get myself fully together then how can I truly help someone else with their life. A few months ago I took a career interest survey to show me what career path I would be more stable in, and yeah you probably guessed that I got social worker. That right there just showed me that is really the path that I should go under. It was very surprising that I got the career that I always wanted. I thought about this career so much and I feel as if it’ll really fit me. …show more content…

The tasks that I would be performing is helping families and teens get through hard times. Skills that I would need to have are active listening,emotional intelligence,organization,critical thinking,empathy and that’s just to name a few. The local economy does have a need for social workers because of all of the poverty going on social workers help prevent and get people out of it. I think that this’ll be a very good job for me because I love to help people I’m a very good listener and I have what it takes to become one of the best social

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