
Personal Statement: A Career In College

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The past year has been a stressful one. I have been faced with the biggest decisions I have ever had to make. Decisions that mark out my future and essentially set me up for the rest of my life. I had to decide which college to attend, what to major in, what I want to be now that I’m grown up, etc. I also have to worry about how I am going to pay for said education and where I will live. Don’t grow up, kids- it’s not fun.

I constantly worry about my future and career plans. Even during times when I think I am so sure about what I want to do after after high school, and then later after I get my degree, I still have all these doubts about whether things will work out according to plan. Worrying about the future is not something that only students …show more content…

I’m going to try to major in kinesiology in college. For me, I may as well be committing academic suicide because I am NOT a science or math person. I am so scared of failing, but I know that I can’t be. Proverbs 24:16 says that, “Though the righteous fall seven times, they will rise up again.” Failures and disappointments are not meant to pull us down, instead, they are meant for us to use as stepping stones to our glorious future ahead. We are worth more to God than just our jobs and careers. Failing never means we are not good enough. His grace is sufficient for us and His power works best in our weaknesses so we should find our strength in the Lord. He has our …show more content…

I could worry myself into a frenzy, or ask for His peace to fill my heart. I am blind to what is ahead, but I know God has a crystal-clear view.
One night during an extremely pessimistic venting session about how I’m gonna end up failing college, one of my dear friends reminded me of Mark chapter 10. In this passage, a blind man named Bartimaeus sat beside the road — as he normally did — when he heard a commotion. He soon discovered a large crowd of people following Jesus. And they were all headed his way.
Bartimaeus had no idea what was going to happen. Having no sight, he could have felt threatened and anxious and fearful that the crowd might trample him. He could have been concerned that he would be unnoticed and overlooked, yet again. Instead, he focused on what he could see with his heart rather than what he was unable to see with his eyes.
He excitedly began to shout, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” (Mark

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