I remember that feeling as if my stomach was coming out every time I did something wrong. My mother had guide me to become the person who I am now. She had show me respect, honesty, perseverance,etc. Now that I am older I laugh when I remember the stories that my mother told me to prevent me from doing wrong, for example that if I lie, santa will get mad with me and I would not get a gift. Of course now I do not believe these stories but thankfully they helped me to become a better individual. Throughout life this has been building me up until the person that I am now. Every time I see someone in trouble and I see I can help them I do my best to help. I feel really satisfied whenever I help someone and I see the expression of gratitude in them. …show more content…
I had heard a lot of stories of people who die from pure medical negligence and in my opinion this is really bad. When I grow up I will also help those who can not afford a good medical health care because in my country those who are poor can not afford a good medical healthcare, and most of the times they die from things that can be easily solved. It is very disturbing just thinking about how many families are without an important member because of this. I want to help others to feel better and this will also make me feel good because I will be helping others. I admire how doctors save the life of many people in danger, how they give a kid more time with his mother, with his grandmother, with his beloved ones. We have to be more tolerant and compassionate toward others, and in my point of view this is something that is missing a lot in my country. I would like to start helping those in need. It is time to change this world, after all each moment is a new moment. Remember , not everything is about how much money we do, but the effect we do on others around us. We have to choice if that is positive or negative, I encourage myself everyday to be better and I also encoruage you. Remember, we will all die and the things that are left from us are the memories, we want to leave a legacy so that it will also change other´s in a positive
My specific career ideas are still a little vague, but, I do know mental health is something that I am going to pursue in one way or another. Mental health has always intrigued me a little because I had an Uncle with schizophrenia, I never met him and my Mom’s family doesn’t really talk about him a whole lot, but I still think about him a lot. I got to see what happened with his family after, but I can’t see how they were before, and I will always wonder about how he might have influenced my life. My interest in mental health became more directed when I took my first psychology class, the introductory psychology class at Montgomery college in the fall of 2014. I really liked it, partially thanks to the teacher I had, but mostly because it gave me a better understanding of what mental health is. The next psychology class I took was on personalities and it confirmed that psychology and mental health are something I truly am passionate about.
My lifetime goal is to become a Registered Nurse since I was 18 years old, but, unfortunately I did not have the opportunity to go college, but to go to a technical school and get a medical assistant degree. Since then, I worked in many different doctors’ office in Florida as a Medical Assistant until 2 years ago when I met my husband and moved to Maryland. Luckily, with my husband's support, I have been having the opportunity to go back to school and continue my education.
Strength can be said to come from a position of having the power to handle a certain situation. As I have been working in healthcare for a while, I have expertise in clinical performance which is my strength. Though it is at times overwhelming, talking to patients and advocating for them is an area I am most comfortable with. I advocate for them by reporting to the nurse a change in a patient’s status and reporting it promptly; whether a patient is hypoglycemic or hypotensive. Being a nursing assistant gives the necessary insight to acknowledge areas that need to be prioritized when dealing with many patients, such as what patient to attend too first. As a nursing student also and working as a patient care associate gives me a better understanding to identify these certain changes.
The nursing field gives a person the opportunity to work with and care for elderly, sick, and injured patients. I want to join the registered nurse team because they take on multiple medical settings. Registered nurses are known as RNs. They are responsible for multiple things. Being a RN has a lot of responsibility. The topics I will be covering are: job description, specialties, trends, salary, benefits, and required trainings. These are essential things that a person needs to know before going into nursing school.
Since I can remember I have always had a compassion and natural desire to care for my fellow man. Now having this opportunity, I remain committed to this task. During my nursing career as a Registered Nurse, I allow myself time to grow clinically and to expose myself to a variety of health care emergency situations which continues to be very valuable to me in strengthening my career. It is very fortunate that I have the opportunity to be in a position to where I am today.
Guaranteeing that all people have a level with access to amazing remedial administrations to help those live solid and valuable lives is a central goal of a world class prosperity structure. In the United States, in any case, where you live matters, particularly on the off chance that you have a low wage. In many states, there is a wide bay with access to and nature of care between those with under average pay what 's progressive, whatever left of society. In actuality, report disclosures demonstrate that in today’s unquestionably engaged and complex condition,
After I am finished with my education, I see myself in a career in public health, specifically as a HIV/AIDS Research Associate or an International NGO Aid Worker.
I spent my formative years growing up and surrounded by my family’s motel business. As a young girl, I observed deaths, strifes, happy occasions, and new life throughout the span of my childhood and adolescent years. My first hand exposures to daily struggles sparked my passion in aiding people in some form, hence pursuing
Entering the healthcare profession comes with great responsibilities and many new experiences and challenges that most have never faced before. With any new job, whether it be a Doctor or a grocery store clerk, some type of change is required in us. With a new job, we are faced with new people, new rules, and new expectations. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to adjust to all the “new” and it can become overwhelming. As humans, it’s easy for us to fall into certain patterns or habits in which we find it truly hard to break from. For example, hitting the snooze button every morning, even though I specifically make notes to myself to NOT HIT THE SNOOZE BUTTON. I personally feel that the job I chose to pursue is a very important one and I need to make some lifestyle changes in order to be the best I can be. Among other things, I’m mainly working to improve my promptness as well as my collaborating skills, my overall attitude, dependability, and how I can better prepare myself.
My interest in Health Sciences started in 2013, my freshman year at Health Sciences High and Middle College (HSHMC). Prior to high school, I wasn’t sure what my passion is life was and every time someone would ask “What do you want to do when you grow up?” it was followed with a bow of the head and a shoulder shrug. As I moved into high school, I was offered an internship at SHARP Memorial Hospital and I decided that if I wanted to go into healthcare I would only know if I tried. My second internship at SHARP Mary Birch really started my love for health care and was the spark of a future career that I would make me smile when answering the aforementioned question. Health Occupations Students of America: Future Health Professionals has helped me work toward my goal in more ways than one.
Your choices will affect you throughout your life, whether it is a big or small decision. For example, it could be something simple like eating fast food for the third time this week or it could be important like going to an interview for a new job position. When you are young, you change your mind every chance you get. This might be why deciding what job you want for the rest of your life is difficult. Currently, 1. I want to be a RN, which is a registered nurse. Registered nurses do a lot to help their community and the people in it. With this job, I would be able to give back to the community by helping people. This makes me feel like I would be a better person.
The reason I wanted to be involved in the health field is because I wanted to pursue a career that gives back to other people the blessings that I received when I first entered this world. I was born prematurely and my mother often reminds me that it was the dedicated hard work of the physicians, nurses, and other health-care workers who saved my life when I was born. Throughout my life, this has always been an inspiration and motivation for me to help others. Having a profession in the health field should not be treated as just a career to earn a salary or a paycheck, but as a career where you will be helping to make the world a little healthier and better.
Go outside ask any teenager what their greatest accomplishments are and I assure you some will respond with playing for their high school team, winning a championship, or many will not even know what it is. Yes I ran cross country for my sophomore year and had to opportunity to be varsity by junior year, played club and got third place our first year going in, but those are not my greatest achievements. Many teenagers do not have one, not because they do not do anything, but because most high schools do not offer great real life opportunities for their students.
An awakening transition took place in my life when I began the first steps toward my career. I quickly realized the importance of where the beginning would take me; It enhanced the vision of what I had already desired for my future.After graduating high school and taking the initiative to seek what my heart desired, I found that I was drawn to the business and healthcare industries. I decided to take my newfound discovery and become involved in business surrounding the healthcare industry with the intent to ensure quality care to patients in the business realm. Thus, directing myself on this right path of beginning my career I knew would be imperative for a successful future.
Healthcare has many different areas one can go into if interested in this field. I have chosen two that have always been an interest to me; Nursing (particularly registered nursing) and an EMT (Emergency Medical Technician). Both jobs are very demanding and extremely important. Both are respected jobs and require a tremendous amount of caring for others.