Police work is a profession or career field that is not meant for everyone. There are many benefits and downfalls of police work. Some look at it as just a job, I look at it as a way of life. In this essay I will explain my background in police work and explore the enjoyable aspects and the not so desirable aspects of choosing law enforcement as a career.
I have been involved in police work since I was born. My father spent 30 years in law enforcement until his retirement in 2012. I have always shown interest in law enforcement, since I was a little kid. My dad would instruct classes at the junior college when I was growing up and I would be his assistant. I eventually started a law enforcement explorer post with my dad’s department. Law enforcement explorers are boy scouts for kids interested in law enforcement. I enlisted into the Army as a Military Policeman at the age of 17. At the completion of my contract in the military, I joined the Clarksville Police Department and completed the Tennessee Law Enforcement Training Academy in October 2008. Since my graduation from the academy, I have
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My favorite aspect is taking the repeat violent offenders off the street and putting them in jail. When I take one of those offenders off the street, I feel I make the community a better place to live and work in. Another enjoyable aspect is the camaraderie or family feel you get in this profession. It makes my job a lot easier knowing that I am going to work with brothers and sisters I consider family. I also really enjoy the adrenaline rush you get when you are involved in a high risk situation. Even though there is a certain amount of danger that goes with these high risk situations, I still consider it fun. Last, but not least, I also like helping others when they are in a time of need. There is no more gratifying feeling I get then when someone thanks me for being there for them in their time of
My goal’s I attend to achieve in pursuing a certificate in Basic Law Enforcement are primarily to make an impact in the community. Furthermore, I enjoy the various jobs that Law Enforcement has to offer. Last reason, would be to be part of an exclusive organization that I can be proud of. My past experiences in my work history have been mostly related to customer service, problem solving, and interpersonal skills. I also have interacted with plentiful of people, on many different social levels and many diverse cultures.
Helping these people fit in to are local community it enhances my life by working side by side with new people and gives a better understand of the world we now live in
What many do not seem to realize is that a law enforcement agency is not a job, it is a career. One must truly be dedicated and determined to work in the field because it is all about your love for what you are doing.
I have enjoyed working as a co-op student at the Brantford Police Station over the past few months, I have been able to experience interesting things, meet incredible people and also increase my knowledge of the career I’m interested in going into. With that being said every day at my placement was not always the most interesting or exciting, I sometimes would be stuck with the so called dirty work.
I like to help people who need it, or even just doing something nice for them makes me feel happy and content. In school I have helped my friends many times and have helped my teachers too. At home I help my parents with anything that they need help with. In sixth grade I completed my five or more hours of service by serving as a safety patrol. It was my duty to keep children safe while boarding the bus, riding the bus, departing the bus, and in the event of an emergency. I had to maintain order at all times and had to always be extremely vigilant of any unwanted or unsafe behavior. During that year I also served as a kindergarten patrol for a few months, making sure that they knew where they were going and were safe, and as a stairwell patrol, regulating movement on the
People have always had some kind of enforcement of law to protect them. The police officer’s main focus is to protect the citizens they are around and serve justice to criminals that get in the way of protecting citizens. This is an interesting career choice because the people with this career have a daily duty to keep the streets safe and clean from any dangers. The topics that will be covered are the salary of detectives their main duty, the typical day they experience, years on the job that are rewarded in different ways like a new job opportunity or an increase in pay, educational requirements, and skills required.
This paper will show four different police departments that are currently hiring or recruiting for police officers. There will be a summary on the research found on the process used to recruit police officers. It will also show their current hiring trends and what hiring practices they have that are successful or not successful. The paper will also go over the different methods departments use to train their new officers and their values.
Introduction: Law Enforcement Foundations and similar programs in the Province of Ontario were developed in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s to provide an academic foundation for those wishing to enter into the field of ‘Policing’. Prior to this time, Police applicants need only meet the minimum requirements of age (18 or older), High School Education, Clean Criminal Record and testing that were specific to the Agency that they applied to. Security Guards and Private Investigators had fewer requirements to obtain Licensing. Adults with a Clean Criminal Record and providing the associated fee would send a Passport type photo in the mail and receive their Security/P.I. License within weeks of their application.
Law enforcement is a career that is both violent and rewarding in many capacities. Justice needs to be served in law enforcement and they have a responsibility to uphold the law and serve the people in the community. Law enforcement is crucial in the world today as a global realm as life continues to be more complex and law enforcement struggles to combat many aspects of crime. In order to combat these problems and have a positive future in the criminal justice system, everyone must work together on a bigger scale.
This job also gives me a chance to impact the lives of the campers I am working with. I am doing this by helping them have the experiences and memories every child deserves. They are learning social behaviors and how to interact and build relationships. This camp gives these kids a sense of normalcy and fun. I have built relationships with children who had started off not liking me but by the end of a week of camp they are comfortable and have fun with me. They know they will always have a place at Camp Munroe and I love being a part of that experience for
Police officers have played a major role in society by protecting us from crime. Their responsibilities include not only preserving the peace, preventing criminal acts, enforcing the law, investigating crimes, and arresting those who violate the law but also directing traffic, community relations work, and controlling crowds at public events.
The law enforcement community operates and has similarities like the military. They both have some type of basic training. They wear uniforms, have a rank structure, policy and procedures govern their actions, and in most cases have a politician as their commander or chief. Military members make up the largest candidate pool for law enforcement
For as long as I can remember I have wanted to be a police officer. I’m sure, as a little boy, what first caught my attention were the flashing lights and sirens on the police cars. It could have also been then the facts that police officer were permitted to carry a gun and had the ability to run red lights. This is why as I grew up and played games like cops and robbers, I was always the police officer. During my teenage years, I later joined the police explorer program and really started to learn about police work. That’s when I
What is a police officer.A police officer is someone who enforces the law and makes sure people follow it.For my essay I decide that for my research project I wanted to choose something in law enforcement,because I am really interseted in being a police officer because it looks like a cool and interesting job..I was not sure if I wanted to be a police officer or a detective or something else but when i looked into it more I decided that it was the right thing for me.I thought that it was the right thing for me because since i was a little kid i was always interested in law enforcement.when i was younger i would always say that i wanted to be a firefighter or a police or S.W.A.T officer,also when i was younger i like to watch a lot of TV shows about law enforcement like COPS,DEA,CSI,and many others.One other reason that i think the career of a police officer would be good for me is because i like to be active and i like to be out doors alot and i think that i would not feel comfortable in an office job because i would get really bored and i think that i would be stressed out all the time.One other reason why i think this job is good for me is because i like to help people that are in need and that need help and because i get a good feeling after i help someone.One of the main reasons that i would like to have this job is because i do not have to study or go to school alot.I say this because to become apolice officer you only need a high school diploma.This is one of the many benefits of this job because i do not like to study.Although I only need a high school diploma to become a police officer I plan on getting my Associates degree or a
My interest in law enforcement has gone back since I was every young. In kindergarten