Dunman is an institution that nurtures ethical change makers and the teachers are very dedicated to helping us in times of difficulties not only in acadamics but also regarding our characters. Dunman provides many leaderships opportunities for different student groups to engage in which helps to improve our leadership skills and through the leadership programmes we were able to pick up many important values. We learnt to be more initiative and learnt how to work well as a team. I personally have participated in many programmes such as the Leadership training camp and Sec1 orientation camp as a trainer. Even until now i am still actively looking forward for more leadership opportunities.
There are many memorable moments in my past three years in Dunman. For instance, my form teacher in lower sec Mr Jeffrey has made an impact in my life. He is very caring and he understands us. He makes extra effort to make sure we have fun in class but at the same time able to understand what he was teaching. He gave us oppotunities to voice out our opinions and our personal thoughts regarding issues in class which allowed us to actually understand each other more. He is the role model we all look up to. I am most grateful for Dunman teachers as they never fail to bring out the best in us and they are constantly willing to help us.
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Dunman Secondary school is recognised as an outstanding school with academic excellence and character development and i definitely have not regretted coming to
When I first went back for my last middle school year, I secretly hoped that I would get a great English teacher, and I liked her from the first day. She had us do what is called Daily Grammar Practice (DGP), which greatly strengthened my grammar skills. Mrs. Dunlap also did a unit on World War II, which I loved, for it combined my two favorite subjects together: English and History. Her
Of the many classes that I chose to take, my two favorites were an English course and Health course. I may want to be a K-9 Officer, and these have few things in common with that career goal, but they were my favorite courses because of the professors who taught the course. Janice (Meredith) Privott for the English course, and Matthew Harpold for the Health course. These two teachers helped push me to better myself in almost every way. Mrs.Privott helped me on a personal level with stress and trauma; from her support she made me a much stronger person. Mr.Harpold helped me with my self-esteem, he took the time to help me when I needed it, even when I wasn’t in his class, just as Mrs.Privott did.
I’m going to start by saying we have some very good educators at Durant Public School that, make sure we are well prepared for college. Here at Durant Public School have been wonderful, exciteful, and delightful, I completed ninth, tenth, and eleventh grade here at Durant Public School. I’m currently attending the twelfth grade. Now I’m about giving you a brief summary of my experience at Durant Public School.
There is a quote that I have embraced during my professional journey I like that state, “The influence of a good teacher can never be erased”. As a product of the Muscogee County School district, my life mirrors that statement. If it were not for my awesome teachers I would not be the person and teacher I am today. Growing up poor, I lived in Wilson Apartments and attended Fox Elementary School. It was my kindergarten teacher Mrs. Vignery that ignited my passion to become a teacher. She would always hold my hand and made me feel loved despite my many issues. As a result, I wanted to pass this love to my students. I cannot remember not one single thing that she taught me, but I will never forget how she made me feel. I find myself holding
There are few teachers who are as caring and kindhearted as Mr. John Cox. Mr. Cox is a special education teacher here at Potosi High School and it is safe to say that I have known him for most of my life. I have never had Mr. Cox as one of my teachers personally, but he taught my oldest brother, Floyd, from 3rd grade until he graduated his senior year. Floyd is pretty unique. He has been blind since birth and has developmental delays, meaning that he needs patient, understanding teachers. Mr. Cox is definitely one of those teachers. My family was quite close with Mr. Cox because Floyd (and the rest of our family) loved and appreciated him. I remember several times when I was young, when Christmas rolled around, Mr. Cox would send a gift home
few genuinely great instructors at this school that left a positive imprint on all of the students that
I was very happy to see that she got the teacher I wanted. This teacher was the most popular and highest rated teacher in the school district. She won many teaching awards and was honored for her teaching skills by her peers and community. This particular teacher was also teaching at the same elementary school that I was attending when I was a child. I remember her because she was always kind to her students, not to mention very pretty and immaculately dressed every day. I never had her as a teacher for kindergarten but I remember walking past her classroom often.
We learned about space, atoms, and doing experiments with Bunsen burners, which made me excited to take chemistry in high school. Mr. Hovinen and Mr. Hageman were the most enthusiastic and amazing language arts teachers. In Mr. Hageman’s class, I remember reading Night and how he taught the value of reading books. Mr. Hovinen’s class prepared me so well for high school by learning how to annotate books, which is critical in high school and how to analyze texts. I remember the grammar lessons that he taught and watching Spirited Away and Edward Scissor Hands in order to learn how to read a film and directors’ decisions. I remember reading Zoe’s Tale and The Princess Bride and learning how to enjoy writing in his class. Overall, Manning teachers gave me the tools to be successful in high school and now onto college. I will be attending Colorado State University with a major in Biomedical Science and continue on my journey to becoming a surgeon. I will use the tools like annotating from my language arts classes, critical thinking from my math classes, and passion for science and learning from my science classes to help me through tough courses in high school. I look back on my Manning experience with many happy memories that made a solid
Although most of the material being covered was at elementary school levels my service at this school was very fulfilling. I was able to hone my one-on-one tutoring skills more than I ever had before. It gave me the confidence to want to achieve more and connect with more students. My biggest fear was whether I would be able to cultivate relationships with my students, I don’t want to end up as a cold or distant teacher.
I have learned a lot these past four years at Union High school. This year, however, I was a student aid for Mrs. Bestgen, she is one of my favorite teachers here at Union High school. In her class, I helped several students a day and it really helped me learn a few strengths and weaknesses about me.
It gave me an outstanding education for my high school future. In Kindergarten, Mrs. Cordia taught me sight words, math, and Jesus. In Mrs. Cordia class she had Mrs. Cordia Corner, estimation jar, bad name book, and stuff animals that we could take home. I remember when I got the prettiest pink angel statue for her corner that i still have. She used to throw cheeto balls and candy at us while we were watching a movie;everyone would fight over them. She introduce me to celery and peanut butter together I love that snack! Everyone fought over who gets to sit next to her in church or the classroom. As I graduated and moved on to first grade I could hear Mrs. Cordia saying, “Good bye my little souls!”. In first grade, Mrs. Broshears taught me me how to use money with Broshear bucks. With those bucks you can get something from her treasure chest or if you reach a certain amount you can eat lunch with and a friend. I remember when I brought Ben Watkins and we got Mcdonalds and sat and watched sesame street in our classroom. We thought we were living the life. In second grade, my teacher was Mrs. Smith. We learned the start of multiplication, crusave, I started to read chapter books, and we received the sacraments of Reconciliation and first holy communion. Mrs. Smith was so fun, she loved Frank Sinatra so sometimes she would turn it on and the whole classroom would dance together to it. She introduced me to my favorite book, Because of Winn Dixie. If we were bad we would have to put our name on the board. One time she put me and Ben Watkins next to each other and we would talk so much so we had to put our name on board. We both started to cry and the next day me and Ben came back and apologize to Mrs. Smith and she erased our names. Out of nowhere one time she jumped on the table and started to dance and kicked all our books on the ground. She was so funny! In third grade Mrs. Resiak
Attending this leadership program will allow me to sharpen and gain new skills which will benefit KPMG internally; I will gain skills that will allow me to perform as a better team leader, and provide more focused and relevant upward feedback to my leadership. This will also benefit our clients; having expanded my knowledge through others experience and perspectives, I will have the necessary tools in my hand and contacts in my network to provide viable leadership and solutions for any challenges facing our clients, as they arise. The ability to ‘step away’ from work, to network, and learn how to be a better leader is something I personally feel is essential in shaping more effective, diverse, and influential leaders which is my personal goal.
I began the Leadership MBA program this April because I wanted to obtain the skills to effectively lead in my field. I have primarily served as a Case Manager or as a Program Specialist in several non-profits and have seen many programs fold and/or fail the communities they sought to serve. I now want to use my experiences and knowledge working in and for several to help administer policy and business practices that will help an agency and community reach its full potential. Through this program, I expect to polish my
Gdovin was always there to help and encouraged people to come to his office to ask or discuss any topic whether they were understanding it or not. He gave us so many opportunities to help us in our class since it was so difficult. Information and has been always accessible because if he wasn't available there were always people in his lab that were able to help. Not only did he help me in his class, but he talked me through other programs that would be good for me in the future and strongly encouraged me to consider them. He was always enthusiastic and uplifting and made the class interactive and fun to be in. He has far been the best teacher as well as person at UTSA I have
My leadership can be seen in my experience as the Director of Resource in my school of 600 students, Preschool through the eighth grade. I supported parents, teachers and administrators as they maneuvered the obstacles involved in identifying learning needs as well as the challenges that follow after identification. I worked directly with teacher and families to complete the necessary paperwork and advocated on their behalf with the public school system. Under the role as director, I was solely responsible for