
Personal Statement: Eligibility For Staff

Decent Essays

I think I am eligible for staff for a few reasons.. Some of these include, being trustworthy, being loyal and being highly active!
I am a very trustworthy person, I have been playing the net work for 18 months now and have made many friends and allies along the way, I am widely trusted across the server and I feel like I am a well known player! Allot of the friends I have made are also very well known and trusted staff members such as Kyradawn, BlackJesus, iBunnys, Mouse and Peally!
I am also a very loyal player towards arkham.. As I previously stated I have been playing arkham for 18 months and have always been loyal to the server, and have always dedicated my time to play and help other players of the server! I have also donated allot for …show more content…

Most days playing for 4-6 hours! Recently I wasn't online as normal because of exams and study (stupid school, fml). During summer I will be on allot more because I live in Ireland and we have nothing to do here! Also the weather is always terrible so it would give me tons of time to help players!

I also think I should become a staff member because I have been staff before and I know the ropes and how to handle situations, I know I wasn't the best staff member the last time I was staff but I have learned from my mistakes! I have also changed allot as a person since these events! But even at that I feel as if my demotion was kind of un fair! But oh well I'm going to burry the hatchet!

Finally I am going to finish by talking about me and my personal life! Well my real name is Zach and I am 15 years old! I live in Ireland and hate it so much due to the weather! I have many hobbies such as running, swimming and playing tennis! In my spare time I love to play MineCraft and play on ArkhamNetwork! I feel as if I have a place here unlike allot of atmospheres on other servers! I have a huge group of friends which I love to death and hate at the same time! I spend like 2 months of the year in America every year because I luv Murica... And that about sums me

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