
Personal Statement: Finding A Cure For Cancer Among Children

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Imagine that you are a detective, and you have just been assigned the most challenging murder mystery case. Everyone is depending on you to solve this mystery that has cost dozens of people their lives. However, there is a catch: you do not have any evidence, clues, or an overall starting place. Your job has now become nearly impossible. This arduous scenario is similar to that of finding a cure for cancer without scientific research. Finding a cure for cancer is thought of, by many, as infeasible and nearly impossible. Finding a cure to cancer is an extremely rigorous task, and without scientific research the job is even more challenging. Scientific research is the clue to solving the mystery of cancer. Research brings you closer and closer to the ultimate goal of curing cancer. …show more content…

For this reason, if I could be a scientific researcher I would study the main cause of cancer amongst children. I would study children’s diets, habits, environments, and other factors that could contributed to cancer among children. In the future, I plan to work toward this goal. Once I graduate from high school, I will continue on to college and then medical school to pursue my dream of becoming a

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