Financial Need Statement
From taking my first steps at the age of 8 months old, to walking alone to a friend’s house at 3(kids don’t try this at home), followed by cooking dinners autonomously at 10 years old, my life has accumulated to a series of beautiful memories that my father has meticulously sculpted to raise me as an independent young lady. He taught me the virtues of such self governing and the beauty of freedom that such a gift dons. Every day I strive to honor such teachings. It is no wonder that these lessons have led me to strive to pay for college by myself.
I don’t have to pay. I know that… but I want to.
My father and my mother work very hard at what they do. Since I can remember they have been saving for my college education. They have put away every penny for the life they dreamed that I would have. It
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In one of the best schools in the state, I worked to be ranked in the top 3%. In one of the toughest regions in the country, I fought to become the 3rd best figure skater in the region. In such a world, I strove to find passion after passion to aid me in the journey to college. I got a minimum wage job and save every penny I can for such expenses. I have applied to so many scholarships my fingers have grown weary of keyboards. I am working for this. And I pray that the hard work I have put in will come full circle. If I can’t afford school this year I will take a year off to work even harder. I will find a job as an AuPair or go intern with an NGO such as GIV. This will help my education to further, my resume to grow, and my savings to augment.
I am going to college. I know that but I will go on my terms paying my own way. I want to have responsibility for my education and my future. I want my mom to have every resource at her side to get better. I want my dad to have the money to escape his current inferno to sail to his paradise. Most importantly I want to be independent because I want to earn my
I did not get to where I am today alone; I had mentors and teachers who believed and invested in me. I had Upward Bound as a college preparatory program to assist me in attending college as a first generation student. I had generous friends who provided me transportation and meals in high school: things that my parents could not provide all the time because of our circumstances. A
I have come from a struggling background. My parents never attended college and my mother has been the sole provider for my family for many years. I have watched her struggle trying to provide for us and I determined long ago that I would strive to do more for my future family than what she was able to give us. My dreams required that I attend college. It is because of the financial hardship my family faces every day that the financial burden that comes from attending college rests solely on my shoulders. Although I am employed, I do not make enough money to pay for the cost of living and my school expenses. My goal is to become an attorney and I do everything in my power to attain that goal. I excel in all of my classes and have become a leader on my campus and in my community. I rely on scholarships like the Silas Purnell Scholarship to recognize these attributes in me and with the help of this award I will be able to take my last step in my path of earning my baccalaureate degree and making my goals my
Growing up in a family of eight and seeing my parents struggles to provide for us had always made me wanted to become independent and
My most significant endeavor since attending community college has been has been protesting Capitol Hill at Washington, D.C. demanding congress to pass a clean Dream Act. As a member of the organization United We Dream, I went with them on a 16 hour long bus trip to the capital from Miami. Once we got to the capital, we went to a local church to practice how the protest was going to happen. At the church, I met many students like myself who all came to voice their demands to congress. During the lunch break, I met a student my age in the same grade. He noticed I was wearing a University of Southern California jacket and asked if I went there. I told him that I was a community college student at Miami Dade College planning on transferring there, that's when he told me he also attended a community college in Colorado and was planning to attend the same university.
Pursuing college has always been one of my biggest goals to achieve in life. After high school, I will higher my education by attending college. My ultimate goal will be to one day become a veterinarian. The love and compassion I have for animals plays a big role in choosing this course of study. Growing up on a ranch, I am exposed to animals such as horses, cows, dogs, chickens, and rabbits. Tending to the animals and keeping them in good health gives me the experience I need to see if the veterinarian study is fitting for myself. Furthermore, I plan to attend BYU-Idaho which offers a pre vet course that gives students who are seeking to become veterinarians the opportunity to intern at a vet
Graduating high school was an exciting time, but I felt lost. I wasn't sure of my career goals or what I wanted to accomplish at University. When I first decided to attend community college, I felt hesitant because I did not take the traditional route like my other classmates. However, community college was cheaper and would give me time to figure out the career path I wanted to take.
I have always been a fun and happy person. I loved to dance, go shopping, hang out with friends,watch movies with my family and go on vacations. Many people go through adversity that change them in significant ways and I was one of them. My way of getting through my issues was going to activities such as dance, cheerleading, and wrestling and it seemed to be working until one day at wrestling practice where I hurt my foot and had to go to the nurse. At the nurses office I had to take a survey that asked if I had ever been sexually assaulted, I answered truthfully and circled “yes.” I figured they would ask me about it however I didn’t expect them to call my mom and social services. I cried
I’ve made education my top priority, not only to make my family and I proud but as well to motivate others in the same situation as myself. With the help of scholarship assistance and hard work I will continue to pursue my dreams of becoming a Certified Public Accountant and reduce the financial burden college will leave. I have no doubt in my mind I will put my absolute best effort in representing the O'Brate Foundation during my college years and beyond if chosen for any of the wonderful scholarships that are
Growing up in a small town, with the knowledge of a small town community can have an effect on you. Having the respect and dignity to know between right and wrong adds and interesting aspects into a life style. Growing up in a small community makes you realize what it is like to have small class rooms and having your teachers know you by a first name basis.Knowing everyone on each sport team because “everyone knows everyone in a small town”. I had the ability to be able to ride my bike down the street without a real question of my safety where I grew up in Worland Wyoming. I have different academic interests than others may, I enjoy different extracurricular activities than other students, and life experiences that are unlike anyone else that have shaped me into who I am today.
Growing up money was an issue and currently is. I live in a single mother home with the support of my father. When I needed money my mother is who I would go to and she would do whatever it took to help me but now it is time for me to get a higher education so that I can help my mother out with a future
Whether it may be knowing how to fit in or succeed in college, everyone has his or her own views on what is best as a college freshman. In the same scenario, think of it as a process of having to go through High School and putting a similar perspective of having to transition into college with a more widespread and diverse community. Alongside, it may be difficult getting to meet new friends and those who share the same views and ideas as you. Other factors, such as doing well in college may be affected upon those of whom you work with. For instance, finding the right study partners and those who are willing to help you, will allow you to succeed throughout college and as a freshman. In my case, I feel that all these factors, in which getting
An ideal college environment should mold a strong personality within me and include positive aspects of life in addition to academics; one that promotes education as a pleasant experience. I expect to have programs that encourage diversity and accept each other's ethnic and social differences that will in return build a harmonious international community. Research centers, endorsed by renowned industries, should foster innovation and comprise of practical projects for its students.
Objective: I feel that I would be an excellent addition to a university’s student population because of my determination, adaptability, and love for learning.
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One of my academic goals is to get the best education possible at Allan Hancock College before I transfer. I will accomplish this by always paying attention to all my teachers and do all my work and most importantly make school my number one priority. Another academic goal that I have is to transfer to Cal Poly or Long Beach and obtain my Master’s degree in education. I also want to graduate with honor and with a 3.5 GPA or above. I decided that I wanted to be a teacher because I like helping people out and also I enjoy working with kids. I selected these goals because my economic background is not the great, most of the money that my family makes goes to the rent and daily expenses. We live in a small apartment and we are a family of five; we don’t usually go out and eat at restaurants only in special occasions.