I graduated from BCHS in 2012 and got my high school diploma, where majority of the extra curricular classes I took were in the arts with a goal aiming towards film making. Outside of school I would work on electronics and help my mom with projects around the house since it was the two of us, so we would frequent menards, especially when I started making spray paintings. Right now I'm helping my grandparents around their house with general maintenance, but I would like to do so much more for them. I am very proficient with math, so since my first job at McDonald's I've had quite a bit of register experience. Working at Target gave me the skills needed to stock and backstock while being organized, and Valvoline really taught me how to suggestive
To start I plan on going to post secondary school after high school to get my bachelors degree. I plan on majoring in finance and then becoming a CPA. I am still unsure what I want my minor to be but I’m pretty positive it will be in the business field. There were a lot of different things in my life that made me want to take this path. One of which is the financial situations of my parents. After my parents divorce, it came clear to me how important it is to go to college. My dad who went to college and got his degree has found great success. Whereas to my mother who decided to work after college struggled after the divorce to get everything together. She was changing jobs constantly trying to find one that paid more so she could provide
Hi everyone, my name Emily Hernandez and my goal is once I attain my associate degree at Valencia is to transfer to UCF to the Social Worker Master degree program. I recently bought a fixer upper house because I thought it was going to be easy fixing it up by myself, you see my favorite TV show is HGTV. Well after much pain and tears I can say my kitchen looks beautiful, lesson learn next house will be a move in ready.
I have always been a fun and happy person. I loved to dance, go shopping, hang out with friends,watch movies with my family and go on vacations. Many people go through adversity that change them in significant ways and I was one of them. My way of getting through my issues was going to activities such as dance, cheerleading, and wrestling and it seemed to be working until one day at wrestling practice where I hurt my foot and had to go to the nurse. At the nurses office I had to take a survey that asked if I had ever been sexually assaulted, I answered truthfully and circled “yes.” I figured they would ask me about it however I didn’t expect them to call my mom and social services. I cried
When I filled application to FSU I was told that I don't need any documentation about my previous education if I have an associate degree. I will be graduating with an associate degree from MWCC in December 2016.
I am applying for college admission, educational opportunity programs, and special opportunities following high school graduation. I would appreciate your recommendation to include in my applications.
Everyone has their own opinion on what they should do after high school whether that be college, vocational school or starting into the work force. Some people want to be engineers, nurses or even stay at home moms. I decided that going to college was the best thing for me. Even though the cost, college is important.
Never be afraid to pursue what you love I’ve heard this throughout life from my parents. My first job was being a Library page at the Bellwood Public Library sparked my interest and passion for educating others. In that job I worked with Adult literacy program, assisted with planning for the Movies in the Park series, Youth reading program, and assisting with educational services. Once in college I realized the resources available to me and how I could not only pursue what I love, but provide tools that I can share that with community. The post-secondary education taught me that one does not always know all of what they will do in life and that their interests, passions and choices can change because as human we grow, change, and adapt.
Going into college, I expect many challenges. The biggest challenge I expect is all of the environmental changes. For eight years now, I’ve been attending Julia R. Masterman School. For eight years, I’ve seen the same people, at the same place, every single day. Every day, I’ve woken up to the same daily routine. I wake up, go to school, come home, eat, sleep, and then repeat. Usually, there’s someone to wake me or feed me, but in college, there won’t be. Ultimately, I’ll be responsible for myself and everything single thing that involves me.
Getting a college education was never a thing I saw myself doing as a child. College wasn't a coveted thing in my household, I was always told that I needed to get a job and work for the rest of my life and that if I didn't do well in school, then I wouldn't get into any college. I had never been the best student, so I assumed that I would never get to go to college. I only recently started wanting to get a college education because I really want to work in the United Nations. Even after graduating high school with acceptance to a university overseas I thought I should take a year off to think about if I really wanted to continue my education or not.
In a few short months, I will be graduating from high school. With that comes large responsibilities to take care of my own schooling and my own needs. There will be no one there to motivate me to finish my homework or to push me to school everyday. I am in charge of myself now, and it will take some time to get used to. Going to college is a big part of 2018 for me, and I want to start the year strong. Instead of picking a resolution or goal, we picked a word that we wanted to work towards this year. My word is strive. I want to strive to do and be better than I think I can be. To make my resolution easier this year, I picked a word that I can drive towards to get me through any trials.
My high school involvement has been as broad and developed as i could make it thus far. Throughout my time at Putnam City North I have played football, basketball, golf, tennis, ran cross country, and am a member of the swim team. I served as class president sophomore year, and am now an executive board member of our S.U.N. (Students United (at) North) council which is a much larger, school-wide student council that caters to the entire school’s events rather than just the events of my class. I also am a junior representative officer for National Honor Society, a member of the Spanish Club, and was Putnam City North’s recipient and representative for the Hugh O’Brian award. My S.U.N. council and National Honor Society council are currently
“Tomás, what school do you want to go to this fall" my mother Martha, said to me. This along with the many “Hey, where are you going this fall? Want to room together at Ole Miss?” forced me to think about my impending future after my high school experience. Being from Mississippi I was not an Aggie from birth, my mother attended the University of Texas makes hissing noises* and my father, Thomas Braly Jr., attended a little school on Mackinac Island that ceased to exist only 4 years after opening. So with little to no major direction or fixed plans for my future I went with what I know and love, the water. All of the schools I applied and got accepted to had a sailing team or had maritime related courses, but Texas A&M here at Galveston just seemed to work
I am getting my degree because I want to inspire others to explore careers and professions that quite often underrepresent people of diverse backgrounds. Many social, business, and personal products used today are typically created with a euro-centric type mindset and can neglect to meet underlying needs or wants of different groups of people. Studying Computer Science will allow me to use my personal identities and experiences to create programs that will be innovative in attending to qualities and entities that are often lost in the bigger
During the course of my undergraduate studies, I knew that furthering my education would be something I would strive to do. However, I felt that obtaining work experience first would be beneficial to my capability and knowledge for graduate school. Moreover, I felt that the work experience would help increase my basic practice skills and give me the capability to see areas that I could better improve in.
I have always been proud of my education. One of the proudest moments of my life was the decision to earn an undergraduate degree in Behavioral Healthcare. The road to acquiring this degree was not always easy. I started my education later than most; to be precise, at thirty-two years old. I was diagnosed with Autoimmune liver disease during my youth and needed a transplant, but I did not let this become an obstacle