Personal Statement
My goals are to graduate high school and get to college. I want to go to college because I don’t want to live paycheck to paycheck. I want to live comfortably and not worry about financial problems. I also want to go to college to explore and experience new things that Hawaii doesn’t have to offer.
I received many honor rolls throughout high school. My recent honor roll was last semester. I maintained a cumulative of above 3.5 the whole semester. For sports, the Honokaa boy’s basketball team and I worked very hard to win the BIIF championship, First time we won it in sixteen years.
I volunteered over the summer in the Honu Triathlon race where I passed out waters to the racers and we got to pick up the water bottles afters
-I have been in the high honor roll for most of my high school career
Throughout my time at Cedar Creek High School I have achieved High Honor roll every semester. Currently I have a cumulative GPA of 97 or a 4.0, although this is commendable personally this is proof of my abilities but also ushers me to further my achievements. High academic achievement is of utmost importance in becoming a constructive and upright character. By reason that academic achievement is only attainable by possessing strong convictions, a desire for
As a member of National Honors Society, I hope to contribute towards being involved and helping to improve our community both in and out of the school environment. Within school, I do my best to represent myself academically and challenge myself to new material when given the opportunity. This can be reflected by my grades and GPA, which I will continue to work on as my high school career progresses. I have always done whatever it took to keep myself in the honor roll, and have kept myself within that range ever since middle school when honor roll started to be announced. I not only represent myself academically, but I represent our school when doing activities such as sports and music. My skills are well pronounced in whatever extracurriculars
National Honor Society recognizes students who attribute remarkably brilliant grades, which I currently believe to respectively possess a cumulative weighted 102% GPA. I have been attending advanced and honor classes tracing from the 7th grade in Benavente Middle School which I fully credit for greatly preparing me for present day high school honors courses. Furthermore, to my academic success, I participated in many scholastic competitions such as Trivia, Spelling Bees, and Essay contests. My grades are one of my top priorities along with my character and attitude that will promote my future after high school.
Overall, I just want to be contented with my life in the future and not realize that I am miserable and that I have wasted my life. In the near future, I also aspire to do well in all four years of high school. This also applies to college. Another goal for the future that I have is to get a scholarship for college because of the fact that I want to go to college, but I don't want to drown in college debt.
My College and Career goals include graduating college and getting a job. I wish to attend the University of Alabama. I plan to major in occupational therapy or speech therapy. After I graduate with my bachelor's degree I wish to get my master's degree. After I finish my schooling I want to receive a job that allows me to provide for my family. I wish to receive this job in my degree's field. After receiving this job I wish to improve to reach a leadership role.
The most important long range goal I have ever had was to graduate high school. This has been one of my goal's throughout my career as a student. It has been my main goal because I will be the only child of my mother's to graduate from high school. My mother has always pushed me to my best and has always told me to reach for the stars with this goal, because she did not want me to get a GED like she did. My education goals consist of learning something new every day. Throughout my educational career as a student there were major and minor bumps in the road, yet my goal of being able to receive a high school diploma kept me thriving to accomplish it. Now as the last few months of school wind down closer and closer to graduation my heart grows
My most important scholastic honor was to be placed on the Dean’s Honor Roll during the Fall Quarter of my junior year of college. It signified renewal in my college career and was directly resulted from my improved living situation. My grades initially suffered during the first two years of college due to my home responsibilities of raising my sister, helping build the family business, and getting married. I also had to deal with my immigration issues and find the means to afford college. I confronted my conflicts head on by taking the initiative and adapting to solve them. By junior year, I had solved my immigration issues and funded my education from the family business that I helped manage and build. This allowed me to dedicate more time
I have worked hard through my education and extracurriculars in order to attend a university which will give me the best connections and opportunities to propel me forward. I want to start my own business because I enjoy creating, delegating, and having a leadership role in whatever I am involved in. I want to be financially stable enough to help my family and still travel the world. I want to continue being involved in community service in my college education and into my future. I also desire to have a career in which I make enough money to help and donate to the underprivileged people of the world. After doing all of this I want to start a family and design my own home. I love interior designing, decorating, and organizing and this is something that I really look forward to in my future. I want to raise children who are not only educated in terms of academics, but also educated in the problems of the world like racism, sexism, wars, etc, and how to help these problems. I want to help raise a better future generation. That is my overall American Dream. I believe attending college will be the starting point for my American Dream. It will allow me to gain more experience and skills in terms of businesses which will later help me start one of my own. It will allow me to connect with others and gain a more unbiased view of the world. Attending college will provide me with a
During my four years at Anacortes High School, I was on the honor roll every semester. In 10th grade, I was in Spanish 3 and was invited to go on the trip to Spain with the 11th and 12th graders. In 11th grade, I was student of the month, captain of the JV softball team, and elected president of the Key Club. In 12th grade, I placed 1st and 2nd in two statewide speech and debate competitions, was president of the Key Club, was invited to attend
I also have many plans after High School and graduation. I plan to continue my education by going to college for likely another four years, instead of joining the workforce immediately. I want to go to college so I can expand my knowledge and also so I can get a better job. In college I plan to continue swimming probably on my college’s club team. I will also want to find a college youth group to participate in. Obviously, my college decision and activities in college will differ greatly depending on what profession I choose, but those things are very important to
Three reasons I have made getting a college degree one of my goals in life are to be the first generation to go to college, to further my education, and to have something positive going for me. In my first paragraph I'm going to talk about being the first in my generation to go to college and inspire my family members who will come after me. In my second paragraph I will be talking about going to college to further my education and make something of myself. In my last paragraph I will be talking about the positive things I hope to accomplish.
so I know I am prepared for high school. Another goal I have is to improve at running by achieving faster times at meets. Improving my running times will help me achieve my goal of running in high school. Lastly, I hope to become a better writer because it is a very useful life skill.
I have many goals in life such as to have a good strong career and family. What is important to me is graduating Central high school and go on to UND. While at UND I plan to get my nursing degree and specialize in pediatrics and truama. I have
Throughout my high school career I have been able to accomplish several of my personal goals. One of the goals that I accomplished was being on the honor roll every nine weeks throughout my four years of high school. With maintaining a spot on the honor roll, it has earned me a grade point average of a 3.214 out of a 4.0 scale. Another goal that I accomplished for myself was, being able to participate in school actives such as the varsity scholastic bowl team and the Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America. This was an accomplishment for me because while I was participating in these organizations, I was also able to give back to my community and the people in it. The last accomplishment that I have achieved throughout my high school career, was being able to gain acceptance into the college of my dreams, that I will be attending in the fall of 2016.