
Personal Statement : Leadership Skills

Decent Essays

Reflexive Part: I watched a video in YouTube and it was named as “important leadership skills”. From that video I have learned that, communication with the followers plays a vital role while playing the leadership skills. To accomplish any tasks, it is important to discuss about the mission as well as vision of the particular task. I believe that, my followers must not be confused what job needs to be performed. I will make a vision and then justify the vision to my followers. Bass mentioned that, exchanging of information properly is not only an important part of communication skill but also understanding the intension of communication is vital (Bass 1985). According to Caruso, Mayer and Salovey, effective communication has two central parts and they are; the messages will reach to the followers properly that leaders intended (Caruso, Mayer & Salovey, 2002). Another important part of communication is to listen properly from the followers if they are facing any problems to understand the full meaning of what is being said. Carlopio and Andrewartha mentioned that, while engaging in listening activity, a leader needs to make the followers believe that, the leader is listening deeply and it will make strong connections between leaders and followers (Carlopio & Andrewartha, 2008). According to Chan and Drasgow, increasing interaction eliminates any kind of misunderstandings between leaders and followers (Chan & Drasgow, 2001). As a leader, managing stress of the followers is

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