As a senior in high school, I believe that I have personally accomplished some important milestones throughout school. However, I am still not fully satisfied with where I stand academically. With finishing up senior year, I am working to graduate with an Academic Honors diploma and obtain the “Core 30” to go into college with 30 credit hours.
As an honor student, I have made the call to further my education at a four-year university. My parents never went to college; I would be the first in the family, and I am proud to achieve that honor. I have been accepted to multiple schools, but I have not fully committed myself to one college. As of right now, Indiana University is at the top of my list. I personally plan on majoring in some sort
I have several notable accomplishments, most of them are of academics. Some of the awards/accomplishments that I can recall ever since I was in middle school are: First position on spelling contest, department award for the most Helpful student, Student of the quarter, Presidential award for educational excellence (Gold Seal), 4.0 Honor roll, Indian Classical dance, Achieve3000 state winner, department award for “Excellence in English Language Acquisition,” and Academic Excellence Lettering Award. Among all these awards and recognition, I consider Achieve3000 to be the greatest because it was a state level competition and was moderately competitive to win. In the Achieve3000 program, basically, an individual has to compete with the students
With a year full of hurdles I was set to overcome, senior year did not seem like the right time for me to defeat my dragon. My introverted qualities have grown tremendously over the course of my life due to traumatic events I have been forced to face on my own. Since adolescence, I have always been known as the “quiet girl” in the room. I always took this as a compliment, until recently, when I realized I was missing out on crucial events that would help prepare me for the future. Through careful consideration, I decided that senior year would be the ideal time to slay my dragon, introversion.
Starting high school, I was not a perfect student. However, over the past three years, it is clear that my grades have drastically improved. Whether it was adjusting to AP classes or balancing extracurricular activities and homework, I became proficient at handling the twists and turns of high school. By smoothing out my rough edges, I have become a student with distinct goals and a strong work ethic. Having experienced both low and high ends of academic success, my abilities and mindset can be molded to any situation. I am confident that I have the talent, ambition, and the adaptive abilities to become part of a guaranteed
I have a numerous amount of achievements through High School, Community College and now at A&M. I was an Early College High School student in Dallas County at Cedar Hill Collegiate High School. That experience helped me to earn my Associates Degree before I even got my High School diploma. While in High School I was named to the President's Honor Roll list 4 times at my Community College. I am currently awarded the Greater Texas Foundation Scholarship at A&M for my test score of 33 on the ACT as well as my Early College High School background. Thanks to being exposed to college level work at a young age, this past spring I was awarded the Dean's Honor Award for achieving a GPA of 4.0. The experience with Greater Texas Foundation has opened
As a student of Eaton High School I have been able to take advantage of many academic and extracurricular activities while still being able to maintain an above average GPA. I currently have a grade point average of 3.731. This was achieved through taking classes that fit the “Honors Diploma” curriculum. Including but not limited to: Honors Algebra II, History 100, Introduction to Literature, and Spanish IV (a collegiate introduction to elementary spanish). I have chosen to take these classes as they will continue to apply in the future as a student of the University of Northern Colorado. Each of these classes were not only challenging, but they had taught me skills that would extend far beyond my high school career. I had learned to
At IU, I plan to not only find what I want to major in, but also make a difference. Volunteering is something I love to do, so either joining a sorority or a community service club is something I know I will do while attending this school. Another reason I knew I wanted
Entering college, straight out of high school was a new and difficult transition for me. I wasn’t used to the systems and rules in college, because compared to high school they are drastically different. Christina was very helpful in that new transition and I am glad she was. Christina knew how difficult adjusting to a new environment would be and she made it a million times easier. She would spend the time to go over what classes I needed to take. She would help me make decisions that I couldn’t make by myself. She was always available to meet with me and answer my questions, whether it was at an advising appointment or through email.
Over the course of my career I have had the opportunity to work for dozens of leaders that aided me in the development of my leadership style. As one would easily recognize not all leaders had a constructive impact on my career but rather provided leadership traits to avoid. One person that I have learned a considerable amount from is my father. My father instilled in me the fact that I need to work hard, complete the task at hand, dedicate time to the betterment of my people, and myself and have fun while doing all of this. Another person that introduced considerable leadership influence on me are my grandfathers. My grandfathers lived very different lives; one was a businessman, while the other was a US Army post-WWII veteran, yet they had a uniformed message. That message was continuously grow, be aggressive in studies and work, stay active, and finish what you started. Two additional influencers of leadership are CDR Michael Fredie and MCPO Darrick Dewitt. CDR Fredie is a natural leader, and lives the quote made famous by Theodore Roosevelt, “Speak Softly and carry a big stick; you will go far”. He has the uncanny ability to influence others to work harder through passion and inspiration. Whereas MCPO Dewitt is an authoritative figure that demands respect and continuously inspires his workforce to better themselves in pursuit of bettering the unit, rating, and service.
Growing up in a stable household with two loving parents, I’ve been privileged to devote much of my time to pursuing good grades. Excelling in middle school classes, combined with my glasses and braces, left me open to ridicule.
Attending High School is hard enough, especially that last year in High School, yes senior year. Now let's add college classes to that and my High School routine is eat, school, and sleep. In the past, I’ve made horrible mistakes for not knowing how tough courses can get especially with an overload and not studying "right". This year I’ve made changes and improved on how, when and where I study to earn good grades and improve my knowledge.
My last few years of high school, I have thrived on challenging myself academically. I will graduate this May with not only a high school diploma but also twenty-two college credits. My senior year I completed nine college credits the first semester and I am currently taking six college
Since the ancient times, humans have questioned the meaning of life, happiness, and truth, but only the most famous and influential of philosophers have been able to stand the test of time. Philosophy, the exploration and study of knowledge, existence, and reality through observation and reasoning, has inspired many throughout history. Aristotle and Plato are two of the most well known philosophers from the ancient times because of their groundbreaking ideas, theories, and methods. While there are many similarities and differences between them, Aristotle was by far the most influential philosopher.
During the majority of our lives as children, we are consistently and relentlessly asked, “what do you want to be when you grow up?” Most children have been conditioned to respond with the name of their desired profession, from a young age being encouraged to pursue said profession and seek to reach affluence in their field of study as soon as humanly possible. From this young age society pressures us to achieve prodigee status The answer to this banal inquiry was never a simple one on my part. I always struggled to decide, it seemed so daunting, even then, to be asked where you will choose your life to lead you, to explain what might define you.
There are hundreds of songs about the heart: from falling in love to the feeling of heartbreak, the heart has become a core part of today’s media. Similarly, it is the literal core of the human body. The heart has always been the source of a profound interest among humankind. Due to the evolution and progression of medicine, doctors are now able to replace hearts where they once treated arrhythmia with beer (Science Articles). But while significant advances in medical practices have certainly been made, doctors are still human. And humans are, and always have been, biased. In point of fact, there remain disturbing inequalities in the medical fields. Specifically, the heartbreaking sparsity of women in medical studies, especially in the cardiovascular
What's mine is yours. Having lived a year in a student hostel I understood this phrase was the best to describe my first year student life. We shared everything: all of bright spots, all of difficult moments, all of the books and all of the cakes. My roommates are my best friends now and I trust them as I would myself. I believe amazing adventures and close friendship are waiting for us too! Also I believe, my dear roommate, you’ll get at least one new hobby living with me. I promise I’ll share to you with my frenzy for mountains. Oh, that’s really amazing! I’m a participant of the university tourist all around team(sports tourism university team member) and every weekend we get to go to incredibly picturesque places of Zailiyskiy Alatau.