
Personal Statement: My Classroom Culture

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If I was a teacher in the Harrah Hotel College, the type of culture that I would like to create within my class would be mainly based on respect and the importance of teamwork. In my classroom culture my students will be expected (will learn) to respect different things. The class culture will teach my students to respect the time that the class starts, and the opinions’ from their fellow students. Also my class culture will create a sense of “brotherhood” between students and will promote the importance of working as a team and hopefully will teach my students to work as a part of a team.
The first way in which I will try to share my cultural vision to my students will be when reading the course Syllabus. When I am reading and explaining the class rules, I will tell my students that attending class is not mandatory, but is encourage to attend class if they want to pass the course. I will also explain to my students that I they want to attend class they need to be on time because once the class starts I will lock the door and …show more content…

I will have each student introduce themselves to the class and tell something that they like and dislike to the class. By doing this I will start developing a bond between each student, which will allow them to get to know each other. In this part of my class culture the artifact that I will use is, a ritual that will be created for my class. In order to increase the sense of brotherhood in the class ,every time that a student wants to talk to the class they will have to say their name (for the first three weeks) and share something personal (it will be different each time). By doing this I am hoping that my students develop a friendship with every student, because everyone in the classroom will learn at the very least something different from each student and it will probably bring them close

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