If I was a teacher in the Harrah Hotel College, the type of culture that I would like to create within my class would be mainly based on respect and the importance of teamwork. In my classroom culture my students will be expected (will learn) to respect different things. The class culture will teach my students to respect the time that the class starts, and the opinions’ from their fellow students. Also my class culture will create a sense of “brotherhood” between students and will promote the importance of working as a team and hopefully will teach my students to work as a part of a team.
The first way in which I will try to share my cultural vision to my students will be when reading the course Syllabus. When I am reading and explaining the class rules, I will tell my students that attending class is not mandatory, but is encourage to attend class if they want to pass the course. I will also explain to my students that I they want to attend class they need to be on time because once the class starts I will lock the door and
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I will have each student introduce themselves to the class and tell something that they like and dislike to the class. By doing this I will start developing a bond between each student, which will allow them to get to know each other. In this part of my class culture the artifact that I will use is, a ritual that will be created for my class. In order to increase the sense of brotherhood in the class ,every time that a student wants to talk to the class they will have to say their name (for the first three weeks) and share something personal (it will be different each time). By doing this I am hoping that my students develop a friendship with every student, because everyone in the classroom will learn at the very least something different from each student and it will probably bring them close
try to give my classmates a better understanding about the way this culture lives, in what is to
Classrooms will be filled with a variety of students coming from many different cultures and backgrounds. Teachers need to acknowledge each student will be different in this aspect and will have had different experiences in their lives. As the class moves forward, the goal is to provide students with the same experiences, just with through different lenses. To do this, the classroom must have a strong sense of community and a
In my classroom, I would create a welcoming classroom environment. I would teach my students to accept diversity and respect differences because that is part of a learning community. I would also provide an environment in which all students can exhibit their potential to grow. My goal would be to maintain a personalized and open classroom which allows all students to learn at their own rate. I believe a stimulating environment that attends to the cognitive, emotional, social, and physical needs of all students should be provided as well. The curriculum should be varied to focus on different styles of learning and different paces. By differentiating instruction, gifted students can move through the mandatory content quickly and on to more complex
In this week’s lecture notes and text, the topic of discussion is culture, namely the significance of culture and its implications to students today. Culture acts as a pair of goggles and it defines, not only what we see, but the way that we interpret what we see. When working with students, it is important to practice tolerance, appreciation, and acceptance for individual cultural differences. Furthermore, it is important to recognize that some students may have only experienced exposure to their own family’s culture and may be a little close-minded to the way others think and live.
and I am going to be a junior this school year. I have three siblings and a pet turtle. My favorite color is blue and my favorite person is Beyoncé. My last science teacher was Mrs. Conyers and I took Chemistry. I have taken Life Science, Physical Science, Earth Science, and Biology (all honors). I'm not sure what science class I will be taking next year maybe Physics. I love listening to music, baking/cooking, spending time with familty and friends, volunteering, making arts & crafts, trying new foods, and shopping! I do not currently hold a job position but I want to get one soon. My weaknesess include not being able to learn a new topic through labs, group work, and I have no strengths.My most effiective way to prepare for a test is to not study the day before, but to take the time to study, looking through notes, watching lectures, playing kahoot & quizzez, and quizlet.
Most of my direct experience working with curriculum is as an public elementary school teacher. I prided myself for many years in aligning the state curriculum frameworks and objectives with the instruction going on in my classroom, and received praise from administrators for sticking to the “playbook”. As time went on, though, I realized that my mixed ability classes were simply not performing up to my personal expectations. I began to create flexible groups for math and language arts, and differentiate instruction based on group needs and student interests. I saw significant improvements in student engagement, behavior and overall achievement.
I have learned several lessons since I started at Augsburg University in September and more specifically in my “Teaching in a Diverse World” class. Furthermore, I have many hopes for the next three and half years of my college education here at Augsburg. As a future elementary teacher, I found my Augsburg Seminar important and useful in moving forward as a learner.
Upon the completion of the HSIE unit, it became clear to me that there are a variety of teaching strategies available to use in my classrooms and beyond. As a result of this students supplement inquiry based learning to improve on learning outcomes. The pedagogy that I have gained throughout the HSIE unit has given me the perfect to opportunity to implement a high quality education for my students in the future. Geography, History, sustainability, project and placed learning, Civics and Citizenship and global education are all concepts that helped me develop project- learning and place based learning skills to integrate into my classroom. When I become a primary school teacher I want to deepen students understanding and prepare my students
I see students as the next generations’ heroes in so many fields. In my vision, I have to inspire students and prepare them with confidence, knowledge, experience and skills. Which means I encourage, communicate, guide, teach, and assess students in order to enrich their infrastructures.
My own personal journey through my education and reflection as a student studying, teaching, and learning has shaped by beliefs in the way I learn and the way I want to teach. My personal teaching philosophy consists of several teaching philosophies. It is a mix of progressivism and existentialism. I believe in progressivism, I believe the concept that students should be provided with learning experiences that are dynamic and teach using hands-on approach. I think when a student is learning about a subject that interests them and is relevant to them, learning is improved. Lessons should boost curiosity and be thought provoking. Although, funding in some school makes this difficult due to lack of materials, teachers should attempt to improvise
Ms. Rollison needs to approach the classroom with an open mind and interact with the kids and learn their behaviors. Moreover, she needs to learn what impact their behavior and understand that not everybody views the world the same because outside factors play a role in the student’s behavior. Something that Ms. Rollison views as being impolite or rude, might be seen as something suitable in her student’s culture. Understanding other students culture is extremely important because when she creates her classroom management plan, she will know what will be appropriate for her students.
To create a sense of community the teacher needs to share their families, interests, and lives to their students. The students must feel comfortable enough to share the same thing within the classroom (Rosenberg, Westling, & McLeskey, 2011). Lastly, explicitly teaching the behaviors and routine to the students would allow them to have a clear expectation of what they should demonstrate daily. This is important because the explicit instruction can be effective to any student no matter their cultural
want the atmosphere of my classroom to reflect this it is important that the class follows
* Try to create a sense of community where the students feel more comfortable in front of each other. One suggestion made was to have the students sit in a circle.
In order to create a positive classroom culture, teacher need to promote positive relationships between students and with students by taking an interest and have respect for each other. It is extremely important for teacher to get to know the students, their families, and their culture. When a student knows their teacher cares about them, then a relationship of trust will exist between a student and teacher. According to Sayeski and Brown (2011), “teachers who had positive relationships with their student had 31 % fewer discipline problems and rule violations over the course of the year than teachers who did not” (p. 12). In order to know more about them, I will send home a poster board where the students can fill it with any information they would like me and their classmates to know. This constructivist approach gives them the opportunity to be creative and choose what they want to share. The essentialist approach of sending home a questionnaire for the family to fill out will help collect information important to understanding the student. This is the only category where I consider myself an essentialist and constructivist due to how information will be gathered about my students, but this will allow me to build the framework for a positive learning environment for everyone. Having students create a poster will allow their peers to get to know them as an individual. Another way to create a positive environment is having students work together to keep