Introduction Today’s nurses have the view of being very academic and respected individuals; however this was not always the case. Nurses in present day now have the view of professionals by definition. To be a professional, there are a many attributes that are required. More specifically, nursing professionals have precise attributes that are needed for the job. Nursing is a very demanding job that not every professional can do. Being full of integrity, confidence, and having effective communication skills is what nurses require to be professionals. Professional Integrity Professional integrity accomplishes the need to be ethical, honest and most of all, for patient safety. Without integrity, there would be no structure in the workplace. Moral distress is often an integral part of proving one’s integrity (Laabs, 2007, p. 806). Oftentimes, a lack of courage during moral distress causes compromises to moral integrity. When pressured with a productivity quota and the need to maintain employment, the risk of accepting integrity-compromising activity is common (Laabs, 2007, p. 809). Because of the many instances of moral conflict in nursing, practices of integrity are vital and need to be sought after. It has been argued that from moral conflict in the nursing profession, nurses have a better grasp on how to be ethical than the average person (Laabs, 2007, p. 809). Nursing professionals need to be constantly learning how to use their integrity in the workplace to maintain
Sometimes, our daily lives do not always allow us to operate in a in which our integrity is not compromised. For example, in daily nursing practice,
How do you conduct yourself as a ‘professional’, not just generally but with specific reference to ‘professionalism’ within the HR function? What improvements could you make?
I learned that as a nurse it is my duty to always consider my own well being, along with my patient’s. I must keep a high moral character both in the workplace and in my personal life. I must continue to educate myself and keep myself up to date with all the latest nursing practices and research. I must subject myself to peer review and evaluation. I must never let my personal feelings about a patient’s lifestyle affect my care for them. When met with a tough choice that places me in an ethical crisis I must keep a good head on my shoulders and always have my patient’s best interests in mind. If I feel that a situation at work is in direct conflict with my personal values or my oath to be an ethical nurse I must go through the proper channels to work through the problem.
Nursing has emerged throughout history from being task oriented to what it is today, where education and research lay the foundation of our profession. There has been ongoing controversy on whether nursing is in fact a profession or an occupation, even among nursing organizations. Lucie Kelly has spent most of her career exploring the dimensions of professional nursing. She is a registered nurse (RN) herself and also is a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and a member of the Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing (FAAN) (Chitty & Black, 2011, p. 66). The eight characteristics that she uses to describe professionalism are what I believe nursing to be. Kelly’s model
On a research paper, how much information can you “borrow” with or without citing the original author? How do you cite the resources you “borrowed” or quoted from the original author? Will anyone know if you submit a friend’s research paper? No one can see you taking an online test from your living room – should that change how you take a test?
Nurses must display a knowledge of skills by portraying a functional ability to assess, treat, and prevent illness in the clinical setting. “The nurses are obliged to gain specialized knowledge, skills and training through the rigorous study of biological, physical and behavioral sciences and then use this knowledge to diagnose and treat patients suffering from different ailments. The patients treated must be under the supervision of skilled medical practitioners and the nurse must be equally directed by the expert medical practitioner. The prevention and management of illnesses, injury and ailments also forms some of the major tasks that have to be carried out by nurses. Politeness in expression, compassion for patients and proper uniform are also some of the main parts of professionalism in nursing.” (professonalism in nursing
I believe that most important indicators of professionalism that I possess are respect, accountability and tenacity. I show respect by listening, being fair, and following through. Instead of seeking to control children’s behavior, rather try to respect and understand it. Being accountable not only means being responsible for something but also ultimately being answerable for your actions. Being engaged as a teacher is important to professionalism because
Professional nursing practice has been developing for several centuries. Nursing as a profession can be traced back to the early Christian era. Since then the perception of nursing practice has changed significantly. “Nursing is caring, commitment, and dedication to meeting the functional health needs of all people” (Craven &
Integrity is a vital quality as a nurse related to the fact that patients literally entrust their lives to their healthcare team. According to Proverbs 10:9 "whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out." God is pleased with a person of integrity. I Chronicles 29:17a states "I know, my God, that you test the heart and are pleased with integrity." Nurses have the ethical obligation to maintain competence and proficiency, and as Christians, they also are morally bound to develop the virtues of honesty and integrity.
Nurses follow the morals of acting honestly, fairly, and ethically while caring for the needy. They must hold colleagues to the highest standards of ethical conduct and professionalism. Additionally, nurses must show accountability in providing quality, safe care towards their patients. This is the core value of integrity, which nurses should uphold at all times. This paper will discuss the value of integrity in nursing and describe examples of the use and lack of integrity.
Accounting and management are the major pillars of an organization that contributes to the country’s economy. Introduction of AICPA Code of Professional Conduct helps in controlling the business operation especially in the accounting and management departments. Accounting and management fraud have been experienced whereby through corruption or other means, entrusted managers and accountants tend to be selfish in undertaking their duties. These factors are well addressed by the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct principles. Therefore, the study seeks to introduce two case studies whereby the management fraud have been experienced. Furthermore, the study will incorporate the use of AICPA Code of Professional Conduct in controlling the situation to ensure harmonious business operation in the management.
I also believe nurses are professionals, and it is vital that nurses portray that role, no matter the circumstances. The nurse that cared for me acted very professional. Although she was funny and down to earth, she portrayed professionalism every time she was in my room. I knew she respected me, my friends and family and that made me respect her even more.
Professionalism is an adherence to a set of values comprising both a formally agreed-upon code of conduct and the informal expectations of colleagues, clients and society. The key values include acting in a patient's interest, responsiveness to the health needs of society, maintaining the highest standards of excellence in the practice of medicine and in the generation and dissemination of knowledge. In addition to medical knowledge and skills, medical professionals should present psychosocial and humanistic qualities such as caring, empathy, humility and compassion, as well as social responsibility and sensitivity to people's culture and beliefs. All these qualities are expected of members of highly trained professions.
If I were the director of admissions at a graduate school or social work, I would want to be sure that potential students sincerely want their graduate degree to be in social work. I think a good way to do this would having a system set up that is similar to the process of getting into the social work program at Northwestern. Interested students should have to write a personal statement and explain why they want to be a social worker and what has inspired them. They should also write out their long term goals as a future social worker who holds a Master’s degree. In addition, I would want to have an interview with the potential students, so that I can hear them verbally explain what they wrote. This would be helpful in understanding that the individual was not just making stuff up in his or her responses for the writing sample. Letters of recommendation would also be helpful, because I would have the chance to hear what other people think of the potential student and it would help me in getting to know the student better.
Honesty, Integrity, and Trust are all key factors in the cohesion of a unit. Knowing you can trust the other preforming members in your respective unit, builds a good team building environment that leads to the highest quality of success and increase of morale within the unit. Honesty above all is not only expected, but is a standard within the 75th Ranger Regiment, It builds character within an individual soldier, creates and maintains teamwork within the inner workings of the unit, and also improves self discipline. Integrity is also another standard that is held highly within the 75th Ranger Regiment. Integrity shows a soldiers level of maturity, self discipline, and leadership