Carine Green Since childhood, I have tried my best to find something in which I excelled, a path in life that I could turn into a career choice. However, it had not been as simple as I thought for as I developed, matured and refined my academic skills, my passions changed as I gained a love for the sciences. Initially, I wanted to explore a career in detective work, which I pursued for two years. Then at age fifteen, I had my heart set on pursuing law, primarily because I wanted to help people, especially those who had been faced with injustice. However, as I enrolled and completed more advanced and challenging Science classes, I began to develop a passion for pursuing a career in science and its related field. The constant that remained true, though, is that in every career path I desired, I knew that I wanted to help others.
Where did this desire come from? The only explanation I found is that while growing up in a poverty-stricken family of 16 and living in a small apartment, I needed someone to help, guide, and mentor me. Sadly, no one was there and I felt very alone. The experiences lived have served as the
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I hope to gain an opportunity to work with a diverse group of people who share similar interests and goals. This will help me to further deepen and solidify my passion for Medical Science as I learn to develop the skills and the habits of mind needed to be successful in the pursuit of higher education. I know that the college will help me to gain real-life experience that will be valuable in college. It will vastly improve my scientific content knowledge, critical thinking skills, scientific reading and writing capabilities as well as oral presentation. Hence, my communication skills will be significantly
My name is Elana Sanguigni, and I am a sophomore student at Pine-Richland Senior High School in Gibsonia, Pennsylvania. My interest in the Health Career Academy is immense, and I exhibit a profound interest in a future career in the health industry. The Health Career Academy, would provide enlightening educating opportunities to gain valuable knowledge, pertaining to various health careers. Though I have conducted some research and analyzed various health career fields, I truly aspire to explore and learn more in order to academically prepare for a future in the health industry. My academic love for Biology, Chemistry and all science courses, in addition to my love and care for people have led me to inquire a path of future health careers to utilize my desire to help people.
On May 27, 2011, I sat in the crowd of thousands of people waiting to see the cheer from the football field. No, this wasn’t a professional football game, or even a college game. This was the graduation and commissioning of 1000 men and women from the United States Naval Academy. As the covers of all the former midshipmen went into the air, and the crowd went wild, I stood in awe, speechless. Even as an 11 year old boy, I knew that I wanted to be that young man standing on the ten yard line, in an immaculate white uniform, jumping up and down and hugging his buddy next to him. As I read stories and biographies of men like Marcus Luttrell and Chris Kyle, some of the most courageous men in the world, I realized my calling in life. I was to be an officer in the United States Navy.
To be honest, I am not really sure what profession I want to pursue after college. I would actually like to try many different things in hopes of finding a career that matters to me personally and that is why I am drawn to the idea of a liberal arts education. I am drawn to the schools peaceful surrounding community and its motivation to instill a sense of civic duty. When I visited Bates over the summer I was intrigued by the campus and the students that were still there. The serene nature of Maine was another one of the factors that interested me. I was in awe at how tightly connected the alumni was to the school and how all of the students were treated the same. The idea that no one will slip through the cracks and that the teachers and
This class has overall been one of my favorite classes that I have taken over the past four years five years at DeSales. I learned more than I expected and have implemented some of these learned lessons towards simple excel calculations into my work at my job. For my chosen project, I decided to take a look at one of my hobbies. During my senior year I took a personal finance and discussed with one of my professors about my collection of trading cards. The result of this conversation, had me start thinking about the overall value of my collection for insurance purposes and if I ever sold the collection.
Please explain what art materials/camp projects you are most interested in? (ex. claymation, stop motion, drawing, painting, fashion, etc.)
When I think of my career goals, I ask myself what I want to accomplish in life. I know that I love helping patients and families, and I want to continue to do that. I always am changing my mind on what I want to do after my BSN. I don’t know when or if I will get my masters or continue to work at the bedside for a while. I love what I do and what I do for other people and families. Working in the critical care unit feels like home. I get to do what I love.
Throughout all my years of education in elementary, math was the subject I hated the most, but now that I got older I realized that this subject has started to grow on me. Not until like about the 7th grade was it that I realized that math is really useful in life and I also realized that I wasn’t bad at math. The reason math interests me is because I like a challenge, if I don’t understand an equation I try to find out the steps myself and try to break down the steps in the equation in order to comprehend the problems. By doing this I ended up improving my analyzing skills. Because of my interest in math I gained an interest in the field of engineering. I looked further into the field of engineering by shadowing a mechanical engineer. I reached
From a young age I had a good idea of what I wanted to be when I grew up. (1) In elementary school I professed that one day I would become a doctor. At that time I had no idea what the career entailed but for some reason I have had my heart set on it ever since. I have always had the mentality for helping other people and it is a core value that I have maintained for as long as I can remember. I remember taking a career assesment during my middle school years that everyone was required to take. As everyone else wondered what their results would be, I had already known my own result. The assesment results told me that I should pursue a career in the medical field. This is something that not many people would be able to tell about
I read with interest your job posting on the ASAE website for a PBL Program Manager.
Over the past ten years I have had the opportunity to connect with many people on a professional level when either I or my audience have joined the location I was working in at the time. Typically, when trying to connect I like to share a story where I take them though my career path as well as share a little about my personal life. This story comes to mind when I think about what drives my desire to go back to school and earn a bachelors degree. It really comes down to my family and a clear career direction that will allow me to spend more time with my family. I am now a husband and father of three children who are now involved in various extracurricular actives. My career path has been anything but standard. This has provided we with varying experiences which has resulted in valuable skill sets, however they are not
I do not know. Four incredibly hard words to say. Four incredibly rational words to say. I have only been alive for 18 years, and I do not know how I will spend the rest of my life.
I am currently a student at Barton Peveril college studying: Biology , Psychology and Sociology. I chose these subjects because I enjoy science and I have a particular interest in child development and behaviour,due to these interests I am keen to pursue a career in education as a primary school teacher. I particularly enjoy psychology, so far we have investigated: child development and behaviour. Within this we learnt how children of different ages are able to learn different things at different stages. For example a child does not acquire the cognitive ability to conserve until over the age of seven. This is where they understand that something stays the same in quantity even though its appearance changes.I found this particularly interesting because younger children would think that the amount has changed because the appearance has changed.
When we were little we were all asked the infamous question of, “what do you want to be when you grow up?” Back in elementary school the most popular answers were teacher, fireman, and of course a superhero. As college students we are expected to know what we actually want to be, now that we are paying for courses that will give us the knowledge to excel in the field of our choosing. Some of us still want to be a teacher like we did back in the third grade but the majority of us have moved on. Personally, I want to be a Design Psychologist and to explain myself I am going to describe my interests, experiences and my personality to allow others to understand why I picked this career path.
I have chosen a career as a paralegal. This is a field that I expect will be both challenging as well as professionally rewarding. As a paralegal, I will assist attorneys in the delivery of legal services (National Association of Legal Assistants, 2008). A career in paralegal studies is a prestigious, professional adventure and offers a wonderful opportunity while enhancing ones knowledge of the law and provides for challenges, growth and advancement.
(Describe your previous involvement with relevant coursework, clinical work, research, and indicate your future career plans as they relate to your selected Pathway.)