During freshman year, I hope to step out of my comfort zone. I feel as if I have lived in a “Northeast Jackson bubble” for my entire life, and I am ready to experience life in a new and exciting place. I have gone to Jackson Academy for a majority of my life, and I would not trade the experiences I have had at JA for anything. The teachers and students here are incomparable and have taught me so much both academically and socially. One thing Jackson Academy lacks is a diverse student body. At least ninety-five percent of the students at JA are Caucasian and have very similar socioeconomic backgrounds in the Jackson metropolitan area. Transitioning from high school to college will be a challenge because I have gone to school with most of the
Pursuing college has always been one of my biggest goals to achieve in life. After high school, I will higher my education by attending college. My ultimate goal will be to one day become a veterinarian. The love and compassion I have for animals plays a big role in choosing this course of study. Growing up on a ranch, I am exposed to animals such as horses, cows, dogs, chickens, and rabbits. Tending to the animals and keeping them in good health gives me the experience I need to see if the veterinarian study is fitting for myself. Furthermore, I plan to attend BYU-Idaho which offers a pre vet course that gives students who are seeking to become veterinarians the opportunity to intern at a vet
Success comes in many shapes and sizes. My parents have helped me achieve this success with their motivation, nurture and emotional support. Secondly, their endless efforts. They have been extremely involved by visiting my campus, interacting with my instructors, and taking part of my personal interests which has helped me with my transition from high school to post-secondary.
While in high school, I took advantage of office hours and after school programs that were offered on campus. When I transition to community college, I got involve with programs including but not limited to; EOP, Dream Weavers, the writing and math center, the library, and tutors who provided help via the EOP office. My college grades are a merely reflect my academic achievements. They also synonymous with challenges I faced while being a student at the community college level. As I began my first few years in college, it was absolutely tedious and at time confusing because I was unaware of career counselor guidance, financial aid opportunities, and even lacked the social support to continue my studies. I did not let these challenges affect
Many minority students who attend predominately white institutions find it difficult to succeed at a predominately white institution because of feeling unwelcomed, unsupported and a hostile environment. However, diverse undergraduate populations have many resources that are strategically in place to support them through their academic career. There are orientation programs such as ‘Jump Start’ that helps students get acclimated to the campus, learn to utilize its resources and become comfortable navigating the system. Jump Start accomplishes this by inviting first-generation multicultural students to campus a few weeks early for an intensive week of programs, activities and residential living that prepares them to be better prepared by the start of the semester. If a student needs additional support throughout the semester, they are given the option to participate in student support services programs or utilize the writing and
After recently graduating from Fullerton College with two associate degrees in psychology, I could have not accomplished this goal all by myself without the proper guidance that I received from EOPS and FYSI at the time. These programs were established to support former foster youth at Fullerton College in their education as long as they met all the conditions for each semester. As a result, this was valuable for me during my time as a community college student, allowing me to guarantee that I would finish all my requirements on time to transfer to a good university, and becoming more involved with the campus each semester. That being said, this is one of the main reasons as to why I am applying to your program, so I could receive the support
Becoming a college student whether it is online or in an actual brick and mortar building requires some lifestyle changes to get the most out of your program of choice. Although some may have opinions about online courses as being “the easy way out”, because of the convivence of studying in the comfort of your own home, it still requires lifestyle changes as any college study requires. Practicing time management techniques according to individual lifestyles is an important start to becoming a successful college student.
“College is a balancing act” I have personally heard this quote numerous times; however, it did not forecast its complete meaning until I began college myself. High School counselors prepare you academically and allow the paperwork process to run smoothly when entering college as a freshman. Although most of these counselors work hard to help High School senior’s transition into college, I believe no amount of paperwork or aid prepares you for such change. According to this survey, career uncertainty leads to anxiety – I couldn’t agree more with the findings of this study and to me it is no surprise. It is evident that the change of majors and anxiety created by the pressure of future satisfaction of jobs remains evident present day. Personally,
For a year now I have worked as a waitress and a hostess at the independent living side of a retirement home. This has been a very large impact on my life financially, emotionally, and academically.
When that year ended and I was transitioning to high school, Mr. Joyner made a decision to move me, Ja’quez, and Emmaus Holder up to the high school team known as HYPE. I was unsure of myself at first, I didn’t think I could or would make it on the varsity team of the organization. But that year, I saw a great improvement in myself. I got straight A’s that school year. I started becoming a better leader in the organization. That year we went undefeated and won the NC Step Show Championship, the Battle of the Border championship, and we even won the CIAA step show in the high school division. At one point, I was told I was going to be the next captain of HYPE. But, it was given fairly to my Immanuel Thomas and he is doing a very good job and has really taken up the mantle as captain. In the organization, I am know as “Grit” because of my impressive grit face. It originated from the first CIAA the organization ever went to and I was told I needed a new and
t's very sad to this school year coming to a end... Yes, I would love to be in the high school with my high schooler friends but i'm going to miss walking in the small little hallway everyday i'm going to miss my teachers more than anything. My teachers are what taught me everything that leads up to high school. Sometimes they can be very strict but they just want us to get better and be a better person ! Some of the kids in teh 6-8 hallway can be a little bit annoying since they have not matured all the way yet. I'm not saying that 8th graders are all the way machured but they are pretty close.
I remember when I was younger, I used to have trouble adding and subtracting. It constantly confused me on where the "1" came from and why it's "carried". Something about it I just didn't understand and it frustrated me. I recall crying in the back seat of the car complaining to my mom about not having enough fingers to solve a complicated subtraction equation in a mathematics workbook my mother bought from family dollars. Then I would sometimes use my younger sister's fingers to cheat, in order to remain tranquil. Finally, my mom decided to sit down with me at the kitchen table to analyze the steps to conquer these monster problems. Once I comprehended this lesson, I was no longer in the dark. Everything after that was as simple as pie. In
Starting college, being in a new environment, and possibly not knowing anyone are the most nerve-wracking experiences you will encounter. Coming all the way from New York I was out of my comfort zone; in a completely new environment, not knowing a single person, and just being by myself. That is why we have Peer Leaders and the FYE courses. For student, like me, who need a sense of belonging and to have a successful transition. As a Peer Leader, it would be my responsibility to be a mentor and role model for first year students. If they have questions that they are afraid to ask the professor, I will be there to answer them personally. If they are having difficulties with the transition into college, I will try to help make the process easier
Moving away from home has been one of the biggest challenges that I have had to face so far in the eighteen years of my life. Moving from my home town to the collge dorm was a difficult transition that was necessary for growing up both mentally and physically as an individual. The little more than five hundred miles that separates me from my friends and family has allowed me to become the person I am today, and the distance allows me to grow and become more familiar with things that are a whole new experience for me. One of the many new things that I have had to deal with was making new friends in my environment.
I believe the manner in which I was raised sets me apart from other UC applicants. Before I was born, my parents worked from dusk until dawn in restaurants across New York City. Their lives became a lot tougher when I was born. Without money, time or other family members to raise me, my parents were forced to make a difficult sacrifice and send me to China to be raised by my grandparents.
As a child everyone has goals of being successful in life no matter what and how you do it. At one point we are all dreaming of having great things in life such as, having the highest paying Jobs, having the hottest wife, having most expensive cars, and having a humongous house. I am one of them, who dreams about success and hoping to make it true one day. When I was in high school I used to just play around and not pay attention to studies at all because I was just thinking that being successful doesn’t require human work and brain. Transition from high school to college was a huge change for me because I wasn’t exposed to a college life before. Once I came to college I knew that I had to step up my game in order to fulfill my dreams. First year of college year I had no idea what I wanted to be, as the year went by I figured out my major.