Reilley Delage
What’s different about me from the other submissions is that I have come through hardships. When I was three my mother went to jail and I had to live with my grandparents. Eventually they got a divorce and I had to move again. It’s hard moving to a place where everyone already has friends, where no one wants to be friends with the new girl. I ended up with no friends, eventually later in my high school years I found a few good friends. I was bullied for being overweight. Being overweight is bad because it’s not only bad for your health but it gives you restrictions on stuff you like to do. Like walking and playing games with your friends. Games as in football or soccer. I grew up believing that being over weight makes you ugly. I always had very low self esteem but I’m getting passed that where I’m pretty by being myself. Another hardship I got through was with my father. Your probably thinking why I didn’t go live with my father. Well me and his wife didn’t get along. After I turned 12 I decided that I didn’t want to visit them on the weekends, they started blaming me for it. I fell through this
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My goal for school is to go to college. I’m half way there, I got accepted into one of my colleges already. My goal in life is to be a graphic designer. I love everything about being a graphic designer, from thinking of an idea to make to actually making it from the vision inside my head. I currently go to Center for Technology in Essex. They have a program called Computer Animation and Web Page Design. They do a lot of 3D modeling, building websites, photography and a tad bit filming. I’ve been in this program for about two years. Since I have started I’ve been expanding my interests and have been more into computers and all the programs we use. Once I’m done with school, I hope to live in a town where it’s nice, calm, and not that loud, plus with good wifi because you kind of need it to be a graphic
Topic B: Some students have an identity, an interest, or a talent that defines them in essential way. If you are one of these students, then tell us about yourself.
I was born _name__ on _date__ in _place__. I am a son, brother, uncle, nephew, cousin, and friend. I was desperately shy as a small child, but grew out of it. My teen years were happy times sports, friends, summers spent in __place_. It all helped shape me into who I am today. My interests are many. I have always enjoyed reading about history and follow the history channel faithfully. I love music. It's been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I find it calming when life gets rocky.
People who know me typically find out pretty quickly that next to my passion for medicine, I am actually one of the world’s hugest computer geeks. In fact, when I first entered college, I toyed with the idea of studying computer science before I realized that the study of the human body was so much more exciting because it allows me to combine my fervor for computers and merge it with my interest in medicine.
Unfortunately, my family cannot afford to pay for my education,However I plan to continue applying for financial assistance online , work part time, whether it's delivering pizza,helping clean up around the gym,or doing local yard work, also maintain a good academic standards, although I haven't had the best of grades years past,slowly but surely I will get on the right track. It is my hope to receive a sports scholarship playing football and hopefully getting accepted into EIU,within time it would benefit me greatly.
It all began 7th grade year when I was struggling with my weight.I already felt worthless about myself, not to mention getting bullied by people I called my friends. They would body shame me and call me various names that added onto my stress. They would call me things like cow,fat ass, fatty patty etc. I wanted it to stop, but I didn't want to get bullied for being a tattle tail or a sissy. Holding in all the stress and depression caused me to cry to every night before going to sleep. I finally realized that I could change it and transform myself into the “ideal image” that everyone wanted me to be. I worked out daily and begged my mom to enroll me in an actual gym. She took me, and I began to see progress a few weeks later. I finally began to feel good about myself, but they still seen me as fat. I was a little hurt, but after finally coming to my mom about everything that's been going on, she sat me down and taught me about how to love myself .
Looking back on my life then, I can see how some of my personal identities play into my missional calling. I am a person that really likes helping and taking care of people. I hate seeing someone in pain or having a hard time. It really plays a role on my emotions, so I always feel the need to help people in need. But I also really like taking care of children. Children are so fun and free. These identities all played into my missional calling to help people and be there for someone who needs support. I think I always wanted to help people growing up because I didn’t know how to help my dad when I was little. And I felt guilty about standing around and ignoring the problem. Right after I graduated from middle school I had the opportunity to volunteer for girls and boys club for the summer. With this program I got to be with children everyday and look after them. I got to take care of them and have fun doing activities that were carefree and life changing. This is when I knew I wanted to work with children when I got older.
I will be writing on the topic of personal identity. Personal identity is the issue whether a person whose growing, changes and life experiences changes one self’s. It can possibly be that a person may still remain with the same personal identity over the time only if that person doesn’t lose their full memory. In that case are we the same person we used to be even if we lost our memory? In the other hand, are we going to be the same person in the future? Personal identity can be either classified or define in the soul/mind or in the body. According to Locke, our personal identity is defined in the mind and according to Reid who critiques Locke theory by stating that if his theory is correct then someone conscious can move from one person to another person. They both have very different perspectives on this certain topic in which I will be talking about furthermore.
With given a choice of what to write this paper, I could not get past the subtle nature of who we are as God’s creations. This fundamental truth of our identity is simplified with the truth of our identity in Jesus. We are created in God’s image with a purpose here on earth to display all of God’s greatness, His beauty, and to reveal all of His character aspects. Best of all, we are completely dependent on God. This new enlightenment of my identity in Christ as God’s creation will allow me to help people around the world become one with Christ by revealing the truth of their identity.
Personal Identity deals with philosophical questions that arise about ourselves by virtue of our being people. Man must have a relation in order to thrive in an abundant communal environment, in this essay I will be talking about identity and purpose, and how my experiences have shaped my identity and shaped my belief on the telos of humanity. The telos is related to my personal beliefs.
My results after taking the o*net interest profile test I have found that my results lead to artistic, social and enterprising as my highest ones. When I read all three of them I mostly agree with the artistic and social portions. I've always had a big passion for art, when it comes to making something boring too great i find alot of intrest. When I think about doing anything art related I think about doing it as a side job, I don't think I would like it much as an everyday thing.
To start, I have gone through a lot of troubles that has changed me both physically and mentally. On the other hand, the hardship that has influenced me the most happened in elementary school. I was a small, timid 3rd grader, terrified to talk or even make new friends. Additionally, I was struggling on every subject, and receiving grades from Cs to Fs. My teachers tried to put me in special classes, yet they did little to no use to help me move forward. Eventually,
Growing up my childhood was perfect. I had loving parents, a happy home, and the best sister anyone could ask for. Never in my life did I believe something like this would happen to me, but when I entered the 7th grade my life turned upside down. Insecurities about my body led to a self destructive hole that i’m still attempting to crawl my way out of. My eating disorder has been the biggest wrecking ball to ever enter my life. In my darkest hour of starving and freezing I became who I am today.
Everyone is unique in their own way, no matter how small. Many things show who you are as an individual. These “things” are beliefs, traditions, interests, hobbies, passions, skills, and even family. These contribute to you as a being, if you are one, and who you are. This essay will help you understand who I am.
Identity criteria is a main component of who a person really is, central elements of how someone sees who they are and essential properties are argued to determine a person’s identity. How philosophers view the soul is essential one’s personality. The dualists believe that wherever the soul goes, that’s where the mind goes. The dualists view is based off of the fact that there is more to our brain and ourselves than just the physical aspect, the soul strongly supports this claim. Materialism argues against the dualists because they only believe in the physical component of the world, in their eyes a soul does not exist. Lastly, in the psychological view, John Locke implemented memory into personal identity. Leibniz and Reid challenged Locke’s ideas and came up with a reasonable conclusion.
In our lives, we have to make important choices, and sometimes our choices determine our happiness or sadness. As a Filipino, our families tell us to do well in school and to not make bad choices because they want us to be successful and to have ethical morals. Growing up as a Catholic, I was taught to be obedient and respectful to my family which has shaped who I am today. Yet, I too made some mistakes, and I learned from the consequences. From my failures, I learned to not belittle myself, but to grow.