Everyone has their own opinion on what they should do after high school whether that be college, vocational school or starting into the work force. Some people want to be engineers, nurses or even stay at home moms. I decided that going to college was the best thing for me. Even though the cost, college is important. Growing up I saw how difficult not having a college degree was on my mom. We struggled paycheck to paycheck for as long as I can remember. I don’t want that for my family. I want my kids to grow up and not be afraid to do sports because of how much it’s going to cost. I want my family to be financially stable enough that we can go on family vacations. I want my family to have everything that I didn’t. Other than making more
Going to college will set the basis for your career pathway in the future. High school students contemplate that college is not the right choice for them, but there are multiple benefits that come with a college degree. If students decide to attend college, they may considerate it a waste of time and stress. Unlike high school for some, college needs taken seriously. Attending college prepares and gives you knowledge on what to expect when you start the career. Those who attend college are more than likely to get a higher wage job then individuals who decided not to join.
What to do after college? This question plagues many students, who barely think past the next test, but I believe that I will be able to achieve my aspirations after college. The diversity of a finance major excites me because I believe, at this time, that I want to go into the business world, but on the numbers side of things. From the stock and housing market collapse of 2008, I knew that I wanted to demystify the seemingly omnipresent market. As I dug deeper, I simultaneously confused myself, but never lost interest, instead as I faced increasingly complex terminology and processes I continually wanted to learn more.
Being a high school student college is a huge thing to think about. College is a great opportunity to makes new friends and open up a whole new chapter in your life. I believe that everyone should go to college, and receive a college degree. College could benefit everyone. The benefits of a college degree are endless. With a college degree you could accomplish anything. You would more likely to get a high paying job, and are able to build a better life for yourself.
First reason why you should go to college after high school is because of future opportunities. When applying for a job you wanna look your best and you want to look professional and experienced at whatever you want to do. Going to college after high school can prepare you for the real world and make you more responsible. The more experienced you look in whatever field you wanna do the jobs will be looking for someone with at least some experience. Even if you do not agree with going to college after high school you will still want a job and college can make you look like a
Congratulations! You have finally finished high school, so what do you do now? Do you go off into the real world, or go to college? College is a huge investment, but is it really worth it? Well if you don’t have the proper education your life will most likely be more difficult than a college graduate. College is valuable and you should attend it.
Going directly to college after high school can be completely beneficial to one’s life. It is what the government encourages while in high school and can easily be accomplished. By attending college at a young age you can live the infamous college life that so many adults speak of as “the best four years of my life”. These four years can be achieved and should be enjoyed. As a young student, one can have the stamina to attend class with hours on end. As a current college student, I see many adults coming back to college because they have been part of the group that has tried to succeed while only having a high school diploma. The truth of the matter is those high school students that realize that a four-year degree in college can secure a place in life that is acceptable for them will be the ones to succeed; furthermore, these students are the future of America.
It is strongly suggested to go right on to college after high school. However, in some cases, it can be a good choice to take a year or more off from school. Most the time, young adults do not know what they want to do after high school, much less know what they want to study at college. Nevertheless, high school graduates should be required to take a year off to think about their academic direction and to get working experience to save enough money to pay for college tuition.
Many high school graduates go to college or get a job after graduation. Some people think college is a waste of time and energy. What they don't understand is the benefits of college if you strive to be the best and achieve your goals. Many opportunities can be handed to you if you finish your education. College is worth the cost.
One question that comes to mind when graduating high school is, “should I attend college?” For many graduates this question have a very obvious answer. A high school graduate may state that, “college is the best option if one is trying to get a higher level of education, and will help one compete for a higher paying job.” However, in my opinion most graduates do not consider the fact that going to college is a very big decision to make and that the schoolwork will not be easy. Going to college is not the best choice for every high school graduate because many students cannot handle college, colleges’ lower standards, and not all jobs require a college degree.
I believe I can help to be a positive influence on the incoming freshmen by using my skills, qualities, and experiences to help their transition into a new beginning.
There are lots of ways to further your education. Most everyone instantly thinks about college as the next step in their education after high school. Some people just simply aren’t ready for college yet, or do not think that it is their thing. The next thing people consider is to join the workforce out of highschool. That is not always the best idea because you do not get any education by doing so. A better way to further your education would be to join the military. The military can give you education in things that no college is able to, help with expenses (including helping pay for college while you serve), and has an interesting daily lifestyle that is unique and different than college would be. The job I want to do in the military is to
After high school students have the opportunity to attend a college. Today, it seems like fewer people go to college. People will say “It’s too expensive or I don’t have the time” however that's just not the case, in my opinion, college is worth it because if someone is seeking a long-term job with security, mobility, and pay increase must attend college. Having the degree is better than not having one at all.
In a few short months, I will be graduating from high school. With that comes large responsibilities to take care of my own schooling and my own needs. There will be no one there to motivate me to finish my homework or to push me to school everyday. I am in charge of myself now, and it will take some time to get used to. Going to college is a big part of 2018 for me, and I want to start the year strong. Instead of picking a resolution or goal, we picked a word that we wanted to work towards this year. My word is strive. I want to strive to do and be better than I think I can be. To make my resolution easier this year, I picked a word that I can drive towards to get me through any trials.
My goals for after high school, is to got to Greenville Tech. I have different ideas of what I want to do for my career. I have a lot of plans after high school career-wise. My goal for sure, is to finish college, but there is so much to study,
Many students take this approach: they go straight to college; a lot consider this the safe approach. A large number of students then are about the same age and have the same understanding of life and where they might want to take it. Going to college after high school can help students finish their education and career earlier than others. Students will be in the mode to study and learn. College offers training toward a career, as well as a great education. Plus, studying abroad is available if a student feels as if they need to travel. Nevertheless there are a couple of disadvantages of going straight to college. You won’t be able to discover the world, discover yourself.