I seek to join Teach For America because I want to make a difference. Living overseas has shown me that there is true poverty in the world. This poverty still exists in America as well. I believe that no one should come to school hungry, that each child should get the individualized attention they need, and that the inequality between the rich and poor students should not exist. If the next generation gets the teachers and schools they deserve, we can fix these issues as a nation, then begin to try to help the rest of the world.
TFA is actively trying to make this gap disappear. I was lucky enough to grow up with a great education, and I want to help others get the same education I got. I love to help others understand, and learn
Why should i be accepted into Aveda? I have a really big passion for hair. Ever since my fifth grade career project. I have been so dedicated the past four years of high school. I have had many early early mornings just so i could ride along to with a lady that does weddings and just watch her techniques while she did hair and makeup. I spend countless hours watching youtube videos on different hairstyles and makeup application.
I believe i should be in National Junior honor society because i work hard to keep my grades up, I take responsibility for my actions, I join in on school events like the dances and make sure i'm polite to my peers. I show leadership when the teacher leaves the room and i decide not to mess around, listening to the teacher in class and showing up to school with a positive attitude. When i show up to school with a positive attitude i smile say good morning and i’m ready to learn.
I would like to be part of Teach for America due to my love and ethical responsibility to teaching students. I have an ethical responsibility to teach because of my in-depth knowledge of student development in the areas of physical, social/emotional, and cognitive domains of children. Another aspect of my ethical responsibility that verifies why I would like to be a part of Teach for America is that, like Teach for America, I believe that every student deserves an education that is developmentally appropriate and meets their individual needs. I would be working alongside professionals whose main focus is on the concept of equity for all. Every student has the right to education no matter their race, gender, or economic background. Coming from
I seek to join Teach for America to give back to low income communities I have always had a passion to serve my community, rather if it was by volunteering at the local Boys and Girls Club, visiting the elderly, or lending a helping hand at Habitat for Humanity. If given the opportunity to join Teach for America I would be able to not only serve a local community but also teach the future leaders of America. I believe that a quality education should not be upon the basis of race or family income, but from the quality of the educator that comes in contact with each child. It is as if the quality of the teacher can somehow have an everlasting effect on the students that he or she comes in contact with. It is an endless cycle of an unmotivated and uncaring teacher’s coming into school districts and helping to further hinder the students. The
I am seeking to join Teach for America for a few reasons. The first reason is because I want to make a change. So many of today’s youth are lacking the required educational foundation needed to succeed. The problem is not that they aren’t smart enough or that they are not capable of high achievement. The problem is that they are not given the same opportunities that are found in a different zip code or a neighboring town. The lack of equality in the education system is disparaging and is a social injustice effecting children that do not have any control over the area where they live. It is my belief that many students in low-income communities can benefit from having someone who believes in them and can help them reach their highest potential.
I desire to join the Teach for America organization in order to help me establish my teaching abilities. I have a passion for teaching children. I have always wanted to teach others rather children or adults alike. I first found my love of teaching at Wednesday night bible study class with the two and three year old class. I enjoyed seeing how much they loved learning the lessons and how they interacted with me and the other teacher. I know your organization will help me to achieve becoming a teacher through your training and hands on experience that you offer to your applicants that are chosen for this task. Teach for America will help me to grow and develop the necessary skills that I will need in order to be successful within the classroom
Teach for America is an organization that helps in need schools. Every day my professors tell us that that is where the teachers are needed most. Because of high rates of teacher turnovers, lack of school funding, and the negative impact of society some students fall through the gaps in the education system. I want to be a part of this solution and through Teach for America I will do that.
Teach For America has a huge impact on low-income communities' education. This is one very important reason that I would love to become a part of this organization. I want to be a part of a group that creates a lasting impact on children's education by giving them the resources necessary to succeed. With the proper education, I believe that students can reach their highest potential. When students are reaching their fullest potential, gaps in education can begin to close and we can begin to have equal education for all children. This is something I want to help accomplish with Teach For America. Another reason I am seeking to join Teach For America is because, it will give me the opportunity to better train and prepare myself, as an educator,
I am looking to join Teach For America because I am interested in exploring a possible career in education but also in giving back to my community in a significant way. As a recent graduate, exploring opportunities that help me decided the best possible career choice is a priority. Teach For America provides hands on approach for me to really understand what is required to be successful. I look forward to meeting the high expectations that TFA has. As the first in my family to graduate from college, I understand some of the various obstacles that are present in our current educational system. But I have also been fortunate enough to benefit from the work of those looking to make education more accessible to everybody. I am inspired by the positive
I would be honored to attend Benet Academy for various reasons. After reviewing the website and seeing all the school has to offer I have decided Benet would be the best school to help me develop my catholic faith, prepare me for college, and have many people who care about me. I strongly feel after considering other schools that these things will be best taken care of at Benet Academy.
I am attending college in order to better the life of myself and my family to come. I would like them to be able to have everything they need, without worrying about money. I am originally from New York, because of this I saw the way my single mother struggled to pay bills on time. We needed to keep our payments to a minimum due to how expensive rent, clothes, and food can be in the city. This motivated me to get a higher education in order to ensure I will have a successful career. I want to enjoy my job while not having to live paycheck to paycheck. This will enable me to make milestones as simplistic as possible to overcome.
I already know that I don't have the funds to make it through all the schooling it takes to be in the medical field. So my investment is not in terms of money, more so in time, concentration, and deep commitment. Just looking to my desired future I can tell it’s gonna take more than just time, concentration and deep commitment to make it.
This is Mary McLeod Bethune School of North Lawndale in Chicago, and I am the new principle this year. Due to the poor economy around the school, things have been left to the way side, but I pray help give some hope back. Students are set back and 8th grade for some are their big celebration but I want to see them graduate high school. I want to be sitting in the audience at high school graduation and go those are my kids. Some issues at Bethune are based in the school makeup and location, teachers, readings levels, and the children encouragement.
I believe I should be in this class because I’m a hard worker and someone that will never give up and will always try my best. But I can say I’m not the best english student ever but I will never stop trying with that I always want to try to get the best grade possible that I can get. Another thing I can bring to class is a good attitude I love to laugh have fun I can always take a joke or give one and I’m always there for anyone in need I love to help others. Lastly I love to be in a fun environment and bring the fun environment also I do best when I have a teacher who isn't 24/7 about work and can ease up and be cool. But don't get it twisted I’m always grades first then games later I think that is what separates from everyone else I want
I deserve this scholarship because through my education I have discovered who I am. Years pushing myself to achieve perfection on assessments have proven my ambition. I’m driven to succeed in every aspect of my life. For example, I’ve maintained a weighted average above 100 for all of middle school and high school as of now. Additionally, I scored 100% on the NYS Living Environment Regents Exam. Although I’m a girl with drive and determination, I’m also compassionate. I adore animals, and cannot stand by as humans decimate their natural habitats and animal population numbers plummet. I learned much about the worsening conditions of our natural environments in my Earth Science class this year and I’ve become an avid proponent of animal population