
Personal Statement: Why I Want To Study Architecture

Good Essays

n the course of my bachelor degree, I’ve always wanted to continue studying architecture and never change the direction of my studies. Once finished with university I would like to practice as an architect.

I decided to study architecture because of various different reasons. One of the things I enjoy very much of architecture is the relationship between scientific and humanistic themes. I very much wish that in the future I will be able to design buildings that will be harmonious between scientific and humanistic characteristics and at the same time relate respectfully to the context. I’ve heard from various friendships that have studied in TU Delft that the university is well balanced in this sense and that the needs of the built environment …show more content…

I’ve always admired him for the amount of things he needs to do and the knowledge this requires. Not only does he often needs to go to construction sites to see the progress of buildings but he also leads an office and deal with engineers, clients, building regulations, etc. From having been able to understand how my father works, I concluded that I enjoy very much the way an architect needs to work. It’s not only the purely architectural design part which fascinates me but also all the other knowledge that an architect needs to acquire in order to perform as one.

Why I wish to pursue this program abroad

The time I’ve spent in Switzerland has been very beneficial as I’ve learned countless interesting things about architecture, art, and science but I feel that confronting a new university and people will help me develop the knowledge I have of architecture even more.

Before studying in Switzerland I’ve lived all my life in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Despite the fact of having grown up in Bolivia, I always felt quite attached to Europe as my mother is from Slovenia. Each time we went to Slovenia for vacations I was amazed by all the huge airports we passed by and the way life itself was completely different from South

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