
Personal Statement: Working With Young Children

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I like to work with young children and I have skills that make me suitable for this type of work. Also, I gained experience of working with children in different places. Nowadays, many children engage in different types of activates to have some kind of support and self-confidence for themselves. However, that will be good for their development and personality.

I love working with the children and they inspire me so much. It is so amazing to think that at some point in your life you were that age and now here I am helping these kids to get the most out of their education that they can at this age. I have learned to express an even greater amount of patience by working with the children and realized that these kids when given the proper attention …show more content…

Taking the child care class next year would allow for me to increase my knowledge even more and see how much time, effort, and responsibility is really needed to be put in to be a teacher. I feel as though this class, although will be a huge responsibility will really help me to get the experience I need for later in life to continue working with young …show more content…

Your interaction with children is a chance to pull them away from the virtual world of computers into a real life sensory experience. Children love what they can touch and taste and smell. Reading about animals is no substitute for meeting real live animals. Hearing about the life-cycle of a plant bears no comparison with getting to dig up soil and plant your own seeds - then checking back on how they grow. Not to mention cooking and eating the product at the end! Even if you can't get outdoors, you can still offer a real life experience - crafts are great for this, so are hands-on science experiments and dramatic

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