I like to work with young children and I have skills that make me suitable for this type of work. Also, I gained experience of working with children in different places. Nowadays, many children engage in different types of activates to have some kind of support and self-confidence for themselves. However, that will be good for their development and personality.
I love working with the children and they inspire me so much. It is so amazing to think that at some point in your life you were that age and now here I am helping these kids to get the most out of their education that they can at this age. I have learned to express an even greater amount of patience by working with the children and realized that these kids when given the proper attention
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Taking the child care class next year would allow for me to increase my knowledge even more and see how much time, effort, and responsibility is really needed to be put in to be a teacher. I feel as though this class, although will be a huge responsibility will really help me to get the experience I need for later in life to continue working with young …show more content…
Your interaction with children is a chance to pull them away from the virtual world of computers into a real life sensory experience. Children love what they can touch and taste and smell. Reading about animals is no substitute for meeting real live animals. Hearing about the life-cycle of a plant bears no comparison with getting to dig up soil and plant your own seeds - then checking back on how they grow. Not to mention cooking and eating the product at the end! Even if you can't get outdoors, you can still offer a real life experience - crafts are great for this, so are hands-on science experiments and dramatic
I am a qualified Childcare Practitioner with 12 years’ experience, who would love the opportunity to embark on a career as a Primary Teacher. I am currently employed in a local authority pre-five nursery class within a Primary School. I aspire to become a teacher as I feel it will offer me new challenges and a chance to further develop my love of teaching. I am a dedicated worker and continually strive to provide high standards. I also promote confidence, respect and compassion to ensure all members of the nursery and school are respected.
Hello, my name is Yajaira Gilkes. I am a mother of three and a grandmother to one. I have worked with children for over twenty-two years. I love teaching children and most of all I know that God's plan for my life is to work with children because when babies or children in public consistently have conversations with me I know that this is beyond me. So far, being a substitute teacher or working with students in an after-school program has grown my love for children.
Introduction The purpose for this essay is to discuss the skills and attributes that are required to work with children, young people and families. Throughout this essay the factors that will be discussed are; The CYB (Children Youth Board) and what this is, how is was formed, what the services provides and what came out of it. Then it will go on to every child matters, what this is about, how this programme came about, what were the five outcomes from this. The five outcomes will be discussed in detail, and how each concern the child’s, young person and family’s welfare.
I first found my passion for early childhood education soon after my son was born.
Ever since when I first started working with kids; I have always wanted to follow down this path and get a degree that would allow me to be able to work with kids. Kids are such a blessing to be around with, especially little ones because they sure can make your day fun and full of laughter. You never know what kind of suprise you will get when working with kids.
I grew up as a at risk child who live in lo income housing and lost my mother at the age of two years old. Today the demand as impact the lives of children to be delayed in schools, drop out of school, addition to drugs and crimes. I love to show the children at risk their is hope and some dreams come true if you work hard and gain high quality education. My passion and personal experience for teaching children and families at risk have allowed me to use my creativity and wisdom to help other children and families at risk within my community to reach their individual goals to become successful in reach their full potential as productive citizens. I live with my father auntie who live in poverty as a senior citizen in low- income housing and
As my experience working with children grows, I would like to gain the skills necessary to run a preschool program. I have worked primarily with infants and toddlers in the past few months, which has become a new focus of mine. Working with such young children allows me to have a productive impact on their cognitive development. This opportunity has been a great encouragement and I hope to run an infant-toddler program within a larger school. My more immediate goals are centered around gaining experiences in different facilities. By exposing myself to different programs and their unique styles, I will be able to see how different procedures, like those for resolving conflict, work for children. With time, these ideas would be integrated into my own program.
This unit will be assessed practically. To complete this unit you will need to show that you will:
When working with children and young people it is important that they can all access the
Building a strong, caring, and positive relationship with children is extremely important. This is when a child first learns how to form a trusting bond with an adult. The adult is usually a parent, grandparent, a care provider, or another key adult in a child’s life. A caring relationship with an adult is essential to a child’s social and emotional growth. Through a strong, trusting relationship with an adult, a child learns that the adult will protect them, nurture them, and respond to their needs. This also helps the child learn how to form healthy relationships with others. “How you approach children, what you notice about them, and how you respond to them will either boost or detract from their confidence and social competence”
I have chosen to go into this field because I want to be one of those early childhood teacher that get children ready for important part of life. Having little cousins to watch growing up as well my own children and see them grow in their early education has shown me that I want to be part of that. I love the thought of being the first person to get the children started with their education by helping them along the way with fun filled classroom activities and games.
“Why am I here?” In May, this past year, I was offered a Teaching position at our local Head Start. I was hired contingent on returning to school to obtain my Bachelor’s Degree in the field of my choice (Human Development), but related to Early Childhood Education. It has always been a personal goal of mine to teach a class of my own. Having a job already secured, returning to school seemed to be an added bonus in allowing me to further my career therefor has become my prime motivation.
In my experience in working with children, I have been placed in sites where the population was diverse.
One of the greatest pieces of advice that I have received is that if you do something that you love, you will never work a day in your life. It took me changing my major three times to find what I am truly passionate about. After I changed my major to child and family studies I enjoyed learning everyday and applying what I learned from class into the real world. The knowledge that I obtained through my classes assisted me through my experiences as a nanny, a student worker for the department of child and family studies at Tarleton, and lastly through my internship at Gladney Center for Adoption this past summer. I had thought about pursuing a MSW since I switched to child and family studies. The few social work classes I was enrolled in have been some of my favorite material. Ultimately my internship through Gladney and my passion for adoption led to my final decision to pursue a masters in social work.