Growing up shapes and defines our personalities, our personalities develop the most based on our experiences as young children. I once had a pre-school teacher write about who I was at close to the age of four, this is what she said, “Ivy- she presents herself as being very timid and shy, but can be as rough and tough as any of the boys. She likes to play with the boys and is rumored to have a boyfriend. She also likes to giggle with the girls and becomes very excited to see her friends and her brother Evan. She has the sweetest grin and assures her friends that ‘Mommy will be back soon’.” Even as a young child my teacher was able to gather my personality accurately and some of those traits have stayed with me as a growing adult, I believe they define me and make me unique.
In the five-minute personality test about animals, it clearly states that I have a similar if not exact personality as a golden retriever. This particular personality type is very sensitive and caring which suits myself perfectly. The golden retriever personality type is very accommodating which means we get along well and can adapt if needed. We are very calm which allows us to evaluate any situation and hold our ground. We are also affirming when it comes to certain things we will hold our ground. These strengths are what help us get along well with others and make friends easily. Making friends has always come easily for me but I can come across as reserved or indecisive which is why I
A psychological force that shaped my personality from childhood was that I was a realist and more conscious of the real world than most of my peers. My perception of the world as a child was more adult like than Disney sugar coated. I've always taken a realistic approach to life.
Good morning and thank you for your time. Throughout the course of this deliberation, we must picture Miss Briony Tallis as what she was at the time of the crime: a naive and sheltered child. Haven’t you made mistakes in your life? I, personally, find it quite hard to go even a day without doing a minimum of five things wrong, and, ultimately, Miss Tallis might have made a mistake in her insistence of Mr. Robbie Turner’s guilt, but she did not commit perjury. The key factor in this is the difference between outright malicious lying and a more nebulous idea of “not knowing.” Miss Tallis, in drawing a logical and analytical conclusion based upon her surroundings, has done what we are expected to do in this class. She first saw her sister strip naked in front of a man without reason, then she read a borderline perverted note from said man to her sister.
A person’s personality is his or her essence. It is what guides decisions, emotions, and even thoughts. Some may wonder if it is possible to explore every nuance of such a complex part of a being, but there are ways to determine what type of personality a person has, and then branch off into a more detailed examination of that person specifically. Combined with other factors, such as personality disorders and the environment that someone has grown up in, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, or MBTI, test (Enrichment 1) and analysis can determine an accurate portrayal of a personality. Created in 1943 by Katherine Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers, it is a system made up of four basic functions and sub functions that combine to make a personality type. The mother and daughter team constructed it off of Jung’s theories (History 2). Based on this system, one of the most common personality types in the US population is called an ESTJ, and one of the least common personality types is called an INFJ. There are many differences and similarities between these two types. An ESTJ personality, overall, is practical, fact-based, and outgoing, whereas an INFJ personality is more private and makes decisions based on feelings; however, both are organized people who make good leaders and are capable of great success in roles that involve helping others.
In the past couple of weeks I found a common theme about my personality and my strengths through Strengthsfinder, MBTI, and the FOCUS 2 assessments. I have come into touch with my strengths of adaptability, competition, empathy, curiosity, communication, and consistency. On all three assessments I have learned that I am an excellent communicator. For example, on the FOCUS 2 assessment I scored a high of twenty five for the strength of being social and had a score of zero for conventional on the bottom of my chart. As for the personality assessment, I learned I was a campaigner. This is somebody who enjoys emotional connections with other people and somebody who thrives off curiosity and energy. Lastly, the Strengthsfinder assessment allowed me to come in touch with
It has been shown by many historians, scientists, and psychologists that people are affected by the world around them. This is exactly what caused Karl Marx to write his Communist Manifesto. The living conditions of the working class-his proletariat, as well as that of the bourgeoisie (the upper class) must have had a profound effect on his views and ideals. In France the living conditions spawned from the actions of the current economy and ruling body. Some of these conditions included poor waste management and the spreading of diseases.[1] Enlightenment ideas developing in France brought him to the theory of socialism, a radical change to self-rule. While maybe not
Upon receiving a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the Haskayne School of Business (HSB), I aspire to graduate with marks of excellence. Through constant perseverance, I aim to increase my communication skills to make me an excellent team player and become a reliable leader. As a result, I will have a vast network of business contacts.
After receiving my results of the StrengthsFinder 2.0 test, I’m left to reflect upon my personality and analyze the accuracy of the test’s evaluation. Following are my strengths:
My personality has changed a little bit since I was little, but I am still the same person that I was when I was little. My personality type is an ENFP so I am 22% Extravert, 9% intuitive, 41% feeling, and 44% perceiving, and it has been proven that you only change a little bit as you grow up. That is why Nurture plays a bigger role in our life. It is the
The fourth letter represents how I prefer to organize your life. The way in which I prefer to organize my life is Judging. When I saw the word judging I was for sure this was inaccurate because I associated that with judging people. I never judge people and this word really made me feel insulted and uncomfortable. I was sure this was going to be inaccurate. In Gifts Differing: Understanding Personality Type, Isabel Briggs Myers and Peter B. Myers wrote:
My Personality Strengths as identified are being curious, observant, energetic, enthusiastic, excellent communicator, ability to relax, popular, friendly. Curiosity is very much a component of my success in life. It motivates me to pursue knowledge and answers far more than the average person. As a soldier in the military I was allocated to the assignment of creating, maintain and completing TDY orders. My curiosity aiding me in mastering the entire operating system as well as along with being the foremost person in the brigade at this. My clients appreciated my proficiency for clarifying any misunderstands. I tended their needs in the friendliest, professional manners while establishing trust that I would insure perfection all while maintaining
As I evaluate myself as an imperfect human being, I have discovered that having an A Type personality is one of my biggest weaknesses. To start, I constantly view situations as a competition.
People may say that they would come to the rescue of one in need, however they are truly tested when they come face to face with a life or death situation. In “Is Survival Selfish by Lane Wallace,” Wallace refers to a “famous mountain climbing accident.” Where one climber Simon Yates had first attempted to save his friend Joe Simpson who was hurt and fell down the mountain. However, when his plan to save his friend did not go as plan. He realized that he too was at risk of dying. So, he cut the rope that connected Joe to himself in order to survive. People may say that they would save others however, when in the process of being in risk. This further explains how one would give up another’s life for their own. They will to anything
As living organisms, humans are prone to change. Evolution teaches us that those more fit and adaptable to their environment are more likely to reproduce and create offspring effecting the future behavior and structure of the population or species. This will lead to new adaptation suitable to the environment. Because humans are constantly evolving they go through many biological changes throughout the course of their life. Such changes include: puberty, menopause, and growth in general. However, have we ever thought of personality being something that changes over the course of an individual’s lifetime? Does personality change or become altered in humans as we grow and experience life and do these changes have an impact on our behavior and world view and if not will our childhood personalities predict what our personality will be as adults?
Outgoing and spontaneous, or level headed and reserved: these are ways in which people identify the others surrounding them every day. These personality indicators may seem easy to distinguish; however, at times, finding one’s own personality type can be difficult. In the early 1900s, a Swedish psychologist named Carl Jung introduced the idea of categorizing personalities into identifiable types (Boeree). By investigating the subconscious, Jung was able to classify personality types that have certain characteristics in common. This became known as typology (Boeree; Several years later, Katherine Briggs and her daughter, Isabel Briggs-Myers, took Jung’s typology to the next level. Together they separated
My current strengths include; my honesty and passion towards my work. I have always been positive and confident regarding my aims and targets. Along with these, I am a good decision maker, due to which I can make right and quick decisions. Moreover, I have ability to motivate others and do team work. I am also a responsible person, when I make a target; I work day and night to achieve my goal.