
Personal Strengths and Weaknesses

Satisfactory Essays

An individual's personal strengths and weaknesses are life learning experiences and we all as human beings have different levels strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes a person's strengths and weaknesses may seem very difficult to discuss at times. No one ever wants to admit that they have weaknesses because they are feel ashamed or embarrassed to let others to know that their weaknesses exist. It is best for a person to really know himself or herself in order to accurately evaluate the areas that require additional personal development such as determining their strengths and weaknesses. We have to be totally honest to paint a true picture of where we are now and where we want to be. I understand that there are certain areas of my …show more content…

Sometimes my weaknesses tend to take over my strengths. As I stated earlier, I have an issue with procrastination in my personal life. I wait until the last minute to complete things in my life, if it is not on a deadline. I believe I am organized, but sometimes I become lazy and forget the important things because these things do not concern other people. There are many things in my life I believe need to change for the better. I am striving to improve my weaknesses, but sometimes I feel that I can not seem to get things back on track. Another one of my weakness is not being able to save money. It seems like every time I try to save a little, there's absolutely nothing left to save. Although, some of that has to do with today's economy. I hope to have some improvement in my personal life and strengthen my weakest points of my personal life.
In my learning team, I think I possess some positive strengths as well as some negative weaknesses, but I believe my strengths out weights my weaknesses. I enjoy working in teams. Working in teams enables me to believe that my strengths are greater than my weaknesses. I bring many positives aspect to my team. I try to communicate with my fellow teammates to complete class assignments. I believe I am a positive attribute to my learning team. I feel that there are some improvements that I can bring to my learning team. I

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