Stressing out on things is very common. Everyone goes through stress on various levels, and a lot of people complain about being stressed as they do not understand why we even stress at all. Stress is what you react to that could possibly interrupt your daily routine or your planned activities(Wong, 2017). So for me to understand what it is about, I will explain the results I got from taking the stress tests and all the factors that render my focus away from my tasks due to the topic at hand. How should I deal with my stress level to ease everyday situations?
According to the Social Adjustment Scale Stress Test I took earlier, my stress level is relatively moderate, almost too high, which is a score of 178. Meaning that there are things to work on in order to find out how I can deal with situations in better ways, especially since the number itself looks huge. It is recommended that I should find ways to relax myself whenever I need to. As a music listener, I should listen to music that I enjoy and can calm my nerves when I feel overwhelmed. I should also do my best to find more free time earlier to complete my tasks comfortably so that I do not have to stress about the deadlines coming too soon and work too hard to finish my work at the last minute. I have looked online and found more suggestions I could try.
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I have read on a website that the world may be not the best place, but it certainly is the only one that we are bound to live in. So I am going to try to follow what is said about the world coming from a positive perspective and solely focus on the good things that are still happening such as the love of family and friends. Worrying is not going to get me anywhere. It only adds more weight on the burden I bare for not moving forward to make a positive difference, so that puts a final stamp on what I should start working on in the beginning to better
You must try to change the situation or change your reaction to the situation. At times stress can be avoided. You must know your limits and stick to them. You must try to avoid people who stress you out. You must look at your daily work and decide between the “should” and the “must”. If you can’t avoid a stressful situation you would change things to avoid the problem in the future. You must focus on the positive things in life more than negative because by keep thinking about the negative things u will be more stressed. You must share your feelings with others and learn to forgive. You must also make time for fun activates and relaxation.
Our book describes stress as “any circumstances that threaten or are perceived to threaten one’s well-being and tax one’s coping ability” (Weiten, 2014). Stress is not necessarily a traumatic, life destroying event. It can be as simple a small change in one’s daily schedule. People will have multiple stresses throughout their lifetime. Some will be little and daily, but overtime these add up and can affect you in many ways. Stress can be positive or negative and can take many forms; a few being frustration, internal conflict, change, and pressure. All of which make almost a daily appearance in my life (Weiten, 2014).
In contemporary U.S.A, it can be very challenging keeping up with our fast pace society. Since we are a nation where everything is expected to get done as quickly as possible, and everything seems to have deadlines that must be met especially in the work field; it’s no surprise when we must stare stress right in the face at one point or another. For some of us, it’s as frequent as every day that stress arises and luckily for others, it’s not as much. However, whatever the case maybe we all have had and will go through stressful events in our lifetime. How one chooses to cope with stress is solely up to them. Although, there is one thing that is for certain and that is high levels of stress can be detrimental to one 's health, but there are a variety of precautionary coping methods in which one can defeat this ongoing battle with the evil entity—stress.
When I was gathering resources for my first stress portfolio, one picture left a deep impression. It says: “there are only two times I feel stress: day and night.” Yes, stress exists along with our whole life; it may seem that there is nothing that we can do about stress. The homework and exams will keep coming, there is endless study and work in the day, and our career and family responsibilities will always be demanding. However, the good news is that stress can be managed. The simple realization that you are in control of your life is the foundation of stress management. Managing stress is all about taking charge of your thoughts, emotions, schedules, and the way you deal with problems.
By taking stress-level assessments, I have determined that my main stressors are mostly triggered by school and time management. Back when I was a student athlete, it was extremely hard for me to organize my time and be productive. I had a job working a minimum of 30 hours a week, on top of practice and games and other sports related commitments, along with regularly attending classes and finding the time to complete my homework. I was always a very social person, so not having that time where I could socialize was hard for me.I constantly felt burdened by obligations and responsibilities. I now realize that I also stress about school and what the future may hold. I am currently in a position where I am considering changing my major, however,
We all know what it's like to feel stressed, but it's not easy to pin down
When a self-assessment quiz was assigned I was curious of what the outcome would reveal. The quiz consisted of various questions relating to my responses to specific situations that required a truthful answer in order to determine how I manage stress. The results of my stress self-assessment stated I have scored between 5 and 25. My score indicates that I exhibit normal levels of stress and due to my lifestyle my body can manage stress in a way that is non-aggressive. It also states “think carefully about the lifestyle choices you make, and take time to relax every day” (Stress Management Society, n.d.). I was pleasantly surprised by the results of the quiz and felt a little more comfortable with the choices I make to address stressful situations
On my stress assessment quiz, I scored an 8. It was on the AllPsych website and called the Stress Vulnerability Quiz. My score was relatively high because the high vulnerability range for the quiz was 6-10. I was recommended to focus on the more positive aspects of my behavior and change the negative ones that affect my stress level/vulnerability. Some stressors in my life would be school, SAT and ACT, college, and money. The biggest stressor would be school. My need to maintain an A in all my classes combine with my parent’s expectations overstress and worry me. I also don’t manage my sleep very well and tend to overreact on small matters. To reduce my stress at school, I need to manage my time better. I need to plan out what I need to do
My life is fairly stress-free, which makes it difficult for me to give a good detailed example. However, like other students, school work is a main stressor. I tend to complete work the day it becomes available to me, I view it as a challenge, rather than a hindrance. So, my need to complete work right away; rather than relaxing and completing it over time is my main source of stress. I would consider this a challenge stressor since I start with an elevated level of stress, and relax later after completion. Once I am finished, I often experience positive emotions, from knowing I no longer need to worry. In conclusion, I would say I have pretty good control over my stress, which leads me to believe I do not poses the Type A behavior
A way one can manage stress is to build their physical reserves. This includes exercise for cardiovascular fitness three to four times a week (moderate, prolonged rhythmic exercise is best, such as walking, swimming, cycling, or jogging), eat well-balanced, nutritious meals, maintain your ideal weight, avoid nicotine, excessive caffeine, and other stimulants, mix leisure with work, take breaks and get away when you can, get enough sleep, and finally be as consistent with your sleep schedule as possible.
1. Reflect on your score on the Perceived Stress Scale. Why do you think you fell in that range? My total score was a 14, which is considered moderate stress.
In the book “Discovering Psychology” Stress is defined as “A negative emotional state occurring in response to events that are perceived as taxing or exceeding a person 's resources or ability to cope.” (Hockenbury, 2014, p.497). Everyone deals with stress at some point or another, it’s part of life. How that stress can affect a person all depends on their personality. A person can have a personality that allows them to deal with stress well, or one that doesn’t . In this paper, I’ll be analyzing multiple sources of stress in my life, how I cope with each of them, and what contributes to them. After doing so, I’ll also analyze my personality, and give ways I can prevent and reduce future stress.
There are many ways to reduce or handle stress in your life. The easiest and one of the healthiest antidotes for stress is laughter. Just smiling helps because it releases blood flow to the brain and endorphins are released. (4.) This gives a sense of well being. Some other simple techniques are doing uninterrupted breathing. Another stressor is lack of sleep. Therefore break the stress-sleeplessness cycle. You can help relieve your sleep problem by developing a daily sleep routine and don’t drink alcohol or caffeine before bed. Another thing is to reserve your bedroom for sleeping and sex only. (4.) Writing down your feeling in a diary may help relieve emotional stress. (4.)
Stress is an ongoing dilemma that occurs in each and everyone’s life. It is a factor that is undoubtedly a part of daily living. Due to the trivial problems that occur in people’s daily lives massive amounts of stress can arise. People perceive and manage stress in many different ways. The causes and effects of stress are numerous and one’s ability to manage stress is vital in maintaining healthy living.
Personal Stress is something that everyone experiences at some point time in their lives, and for the most part, most people experience high levels of stress. As we experience stress, there are some basics responses that apply to each person. “Each individual exhibits the same basic response to similarly perceived acute stress exposure, although the immediate and long-term consequences of the stress response vary greatly among individuals” (Quick et al., 2013, p. 43). This is a direct connect to our own personal cognitive appraisal, and according to Quick (2013), the process of cognitive appraisal that includes perception and interpretation (p. 44). Cognitive Appraisal, is defined as the process by which the physiological