Sarah perceived her personal values centered on the candidate being the right type of person for the job. She felt that it was important to her that the candidate has values and characteristics which in her opinion make them the right person for the job. Sarah posted that a nurse can have a lot of experience and have all of the technical skills, but if they have no bedside manner or respect for their co-workers the she does not want to hire them. She believes that it is healthy to have a positive social intelligence in the workplace and in order to help with this she would want to hire someone that she believe can work with people and has not just professional but personal values.
Sarah felt that it is very easy to be biased and a nurse manager needs to be thinking during the interview "does this candidate meet the qualifications for the job?" Sarah posted that the manager should focus most on qualifications instead of personal opinions. She thinks that interviewers can make mistakes, it is very hard not to. She responded that you may only see the good in people, which isn 't realistic. Or you may only see the bad. Also a mistake can be does the manager think about would the candidate be good for the job in the future ( a year later). Because if the new hire is going to quickly leave the job they are probably not the best candidate. It is easy to have bias or make mistakes, the manager needs to just do the best they can.
When it comes to a nursing philosophy, every nurse has their own values, beliefs, and ideals that are different and unique from others. It presents a great challenge when incorporating these ideas into a professional practice. “Professional values are standards for actions accepted by the practitioner and professional group that provide a framework influencing the behavior of the group.” (“Professional Values: The Case for RN-BSN Completion Education,” 2008, p.1). Identifying which values are most important will have a huge
Through this assignment, we will examine individual traits and how they integrate into organizational behavior. This project is conveyed from the first-person based on my personal experiences and results based on my answers from the “Project 2 Assessment” from McGraw Hill Connect. From the information gathered we discuss in three-parts, my personality triats, working with others, and my experience within an organizational setting. My paper will culminate by discussing my personal reflection of my strengths and weaknesses regarding the engagement of the Holy Spirit through them.
28.0 %Identify a specific instance from your own professional experience in which the values of the organization and the values of individual nurses did or did not align. Describe the impact this had on nurse engagement and patient outcomes. Identification of a specific instance from your own professional experience in which the values of the organization and the values of the individual nurses did or did not align is not provided. Identification of a specific instance from your own professional experience in which the values of the organization and the values of the individual nurses did or did not align is offered; however, relevant information is missing such as a description of the impact this had on nurse engagement and patient outcomes. Identification of a specific instance from your own professional experience in which the values of the
I learned that as a nurse I must take the initiative to regulate my work environment and myself. As much as nurses are part of the larger healthcare team, they often function autonomously. I will need to keep my skills up to date and educate myself by reading current research articles and taking classes at work. I will need to be humble and open to constructive criticism from my fellow employees. I must do my best to be hard working, honest, and helpful both in the work place and my persona life. It’s irrational to think people can be completely honest in one area of their life, but not the rest. If I suffer from any sort of bias towards my patients for the choices
This gives the implication that values can differ from person to person, so it is therefore important to identify and understand one’s own values in order to work effectively in the field.
Following certain virtues and values are important to carry on to the healthcare career. Two important virtues that I believe nurses must have are courage and wisdom. “Courage is the mental or moral strength to persevere and withstand danger”. “Wisdom is the judicious application of knowledge” and learning to improve from your mistakes. Courage is something I believe many employees of the hospital lack, but don’t actually have any idea that they are lacking it. That’s why its always important to have courage! For example, if you work in a larger hospital, or as a CAN, or in a unit which you dislike, it will be difficult to show courage. Many people (CAN) dislike cleaning after elderly patients who can’t clean after themselves. Lacking courage
Accountability, professionalism, compassion, human dignity, integrity, autonomy, altruism and social justice are the core values of nursing. (Journal of Professional Nursing Vol. 21). These values are incorporated in the caring aspect of nursing that all nurses share. With the nursing projected to reach the need of 1 million nurses by the year 2020 recruitment must target a culturally diverse population. The core values are a common ground that creates a shared professional culture across the many differences (Davis, 2008).
Nursing is an empowering difficult profession. After completing the core value assessment I have narrowed down my values to a few including honesty, respect for others and courtesy. I have learned my most important values from being a nurse’s aide in a retirement home. When coming in contact with these values I realize that I will have to set aside my own biases during conflicts with my values.
coherence between walk and talk as well as be very self-aware in relation to yourself (know your
Reviewing and examining my personal and professional values, I have to admit, there is nothing that surprised me. However, there is a lot that affirmed many of my beliefs. The values and beliefs to which I personally ascribe are undeniably impacted by my upbringing and social environment that I live in. They are the essence of who I am. My values influence every decision I make, how I conduct myself, and basically how I choose to live my life. I am fifty-two years old and in this stage of my life, I know that values play an important role in my life and I do recognize them and I know how to articulate them. Consequently, because I know my own values and beliefs, I knew what I want my employer to look like. Luckily, I was able to find a job that my values are in alignment with the values of my employer. Both, my employer and I encompass the value of caring. Which according to Burkhardt & Nathaniel (2014) is integral to the profession of nursing alongside with the value of curing.
As a future professional, I based my personal values to my values as a healthcare Leader:
A way to translate honesty into the healthcare field is being objective. As a staff nurse, it is our job to document on what we see objectively. This is the same for a nurse leader; we must be objective with our followers so that they are able to grow and gain understanding of the profession. As healthcare professionals, our primary responsibility is not to confirm the beliefs of others or even our own beliefs; rather, we are charged with the ethical responsibility of being objective (Boone, 2003).
My values include excellent communication, integrity, and empathy. The key word for an excellent communication is the connection. Thinking about the way that I am going to be in the shoes of another person will give me a connection and empathy. As I grow emotionally and intellectually, my communication and empathic skills work together to build the type of integrity that I believe a successful nurse should have. Being an integral person in relation with nursing will open a lot of doors to me. The integrity of an individual gives interpersonal connections to have some different kinds of benefits in the work area. The advantages of having personal values include: The ability to connect with other people to prevent mistakes, built a good group job, and provide a better level of care for the patients. According to Psychology Today, “Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others.” Emotional intelligence is the foundation not only for stability but also for affectivity. I think that having access to the benefits of integrity the service to others will have plenty of facilities. A nurse has the necessity to be prepared for a unique set of circumstances that not in all the cases are easy. In another word, social skills, mental control, and knowledge need to co-exist
I, Richa Dharmesh Jariwala, introduce myself as a person with values and integrity. I believe in simple living with positive attitude. I like to meet people and making friends. My career decision also help me to meet people of different backgrounds, which will enhance my overall personality. I like to live social life with family. I had set rules for my life which provides me direction.
Throughout our lifetime, us as people decide to admire different objects, ideas, and people due to what pleases their thoughts and actions. The infinite examples of things we could’ve valued could’ve been toys, friends, book, etc.. But then we began to mature and begin to come out of our little shells to discover new products, views of the world, and new ways to advance in our technology and therefore influencing what we value today. And as I matured in my lifetime, I established a novel value to my parents the greatest.