
Personal Well-Being Research Paper

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Through this experience I have become a more balanced person because I have achieved personal well-being as well as the ability to care more for the well being of others. One reason I believe I have become more balanced is I have learned to care more for myself. Personal well-being is not only physical but, emotional too; emotional well-being is the the presence of a healthy amount or lack of stress, anxiety, and or high levels of self-criticism. After my experience with bullying, these traits are all characteristics that I have recently adopted into my daily life. Furthermore, achieving well being of others means being there for people you care about. Well being for others does not mean that you have to make sure they aren't stressed or that you have to force them to be happy all time; it means you care for others, and you offer a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen if someone asks, and sometimes even if they don't. …show more content…

Lastly, achieving personal well-being and the well being for others means one is generally a confident and caring person. I believe that through my experience I have been able to become more confident and caring because I have learned to unwaveringly care for my family and friends, I’ve learned to love myself enough to respect and embrace who I am and I've learned to live and let live instead of obsessing over other people's opinions of me. Therefore, through my experience I have become a more balanced person because I have achieved personal well-being as well as the ability to care more for the well being of

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