
Personality Analysis Paper

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Each one of us has his or her judgment about different issues that affect us on a daily basis. It is because we have different genes that result in different traits to thereby resulting in different reactions to different situations. While some people are profoundly affected by the death of a family member, some are strong and gather the courage to move on with life. Personality allows us to express our emotions differently. In this case, our gene composition will enable us to be in a position to react to different stimuli influencing daily decisions. The purpose of this paper will be to define personality at a deeper level while focusing on various personalities domain and how they apply to different personality theories.
What is Personality?
Personality is a unique endowment that every person possesses. It differs from one person to another. The difference makes people have different jobs, attitudes, ambitions, dreams, goals, reactions and perceptions. Personality is defined as “a set of …show more content…

mistrust in Erikson’s theory of development, the individual should be trained on how to adapt to the different environments around them. In addition to that, they need to have a feeling of themselves functioning well among others. Therefore, increasing the sense of whom we can trust is the central core of the treatment plan. Understanding our self- confidence by learning about different situations and different reactions. Here, parents are involved indirectly in the treatment plan, the single doubt their abilities with mixed feelings such as shame and guilt. While, in the third step, individuals start imitating the world around them building initiative skills is essential in the treatment to expose the case for the world around them. Fourthly, we work on assuring activities of increasing self-confidence activities. And so on, each phase requires different intervention plan depending on the needs

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