We have been talking about personality, ethics, and different aspects of the psychoanalytic theory in these past two weeks. There has been more information that I have learned, along with information I was already familiar with, however, it certainly cleared up things that were a little foggy from before. This class is by far the most interesting class that I have taken and it keeps me engaged every day. I am still looking forward to learning everything else that I have yet to learn. First, I want to talk about the aspects of personality that we had covered last week. We were challenged to ask people if they think whether I am an extrovert or an introvert. I asked several people on my team, my family, my friends, and even some people that I barely knew. Most of their responses were that I am an extrovert. One interesting response that I had from someone I barely know was, “Well seeing that you’re reaching out and asking me this tells me that you are extraverted. You are not scared to go out of your comfort zone and I can tell that just by the way you came up to me.” I hadn’t really thought about it like that until she told me that. Personally, I think that I am very extroverted, just like my mother. Another thing that we did that dealt with personality were correlation studies. There were ten different subject that we looked at. Some of them had negative correlations and other contained positive correlations. The second thing that we talked about over these past two weeks
Psychoanalysis is also used in the treatment of anxiety disorders and depression. It states in the behavioral observations that this is evidenced by the shaking hands the tearing when fill out the intake forms. I would then use free association in
Personality Results Extravert Personality Type The Jung Typology test revealed my personality type as an extravert more than an introvert. I prefer to deal with the world outside myself versus dealing with the world internally. As a newly identified extravert my “source and direction of energy expression is mainly in the external world” (Personality Type Explained n.d.). The personality test exposed me to a perspective I have not
Following the publication of Freud’s ‘Papers on Technique’ between 1912 and 1917, there have been papers and symposia on the subject. Four symposia in 1937, 1948, 1958, and 1961 were devoted to the examination of therapeutic results of psychoanalysis, the mechanisms behind its curative factors, variations in technique and the ego-psychological approach to interpretations (Rosenfeld, 1972, 454). In 1934, James Strachey published his paper on “The Nature of the Therapeutic Action of Psychoanalysis,” which has since been considered one of the most seminal works on the subject. He holds that his paper is “not a practical discussion upon psychoanalytic technique,” and that “it’s immediate bearings are theoretical” (Strachey, 1934, 127). However, as Herbert Rosenfeld points out in his 1972 critical appreciation of Strachey’s paper, “this is clearly an understatement; the paper both challenges one’s clinical experience and has important clinical implications even though actual case material is not quoted” (Rosenfeld, 1972, 454). It would not be difficult to summarize Strachey’s main points regarding therapeutic action and mutative interpretation, and it would prove similarly sterile to simply compare his ideas with the views of other psychoanalysts, contemporaneous and contemporary. Instead, as Strachey concerns himself primarily with the structural nature of mutative change, this paper will aim to delineate a more in-depth exploration of the way different structures of the
In Nathaniel Hawthorn’s Young Goodman Brown and Washington Irving’s Rip Van Winkle share a common ground of witchcraft and a man vs man inner conflict of the unknown. We witness our two protagonist Goodman Brown and Rip endure life or death situations and what they conquer throughout their self-entitlement.
The first subset of my personality is Extraversion, as opposed to Introversion. As an extrovert, I would describe myself as social, external and gregarious. This characteristic helps me communicate and reach out to others. However, there are cons that go along
Initially, my quiet and introverted personality awaited the direction from those with more experience. Today, my experience and outgoing personality allows me to be the one to provide direction to those who are less educated and to the newly hired employees. The reward of seeing the employees grasp an instruction or direction pays off
A person’s personality says much about who he or she is. People define personality in different ways. Researcher after researcher has tried to come up with the best definition for what personality truly means. Case studies, correlational studies, and experimental designs are some of the most commonly used methods of research. These methods help better define personality. The advantages and disadvantages of each method differ and can be helpful or hurtful to the research of an individual’s personality.
Everybody is unique or special in one form or another and each personality has a theory. For many years psychologists have based theories upon individuals and I the writer will compare and contrast three well known psychologists Sigmund Freud, Alfred Alder, and Carl Jung. Sigmund Freud was one of the greatest psychologists in time he Alder and Jung’s theories were very similar but then again very different. Within these theories we will discuss characteristics with which I agree and disagree with, explore the stages of Freud’s theory explaining characteristics of personality using stage components
The benefits of using medical cannabis to manage such conditions as chronic pain or anxiety have been proven through years of effective testing. Even as Canada moves to legalize recreational marijuana at the federal level, however, there are still many questions surrounding medical marijuana. Many doctors still feel uncomfortable authorizing cannabis as a solution. But the largest question for new patients is often, “Where can I get medical marijuana?” which in the age of the internet becomes, “Should I buy medical cannabis online?”
Personality is a combination of factors in human beings, that is the expression of inner value, learned reaction to others, life experience and beliefs. Our life is shaped by our personality, lifestyles, and gender. I make a connection with many people in my daily life. Those connections have a positive or negative impact in my life. I am an extroversion personality. I have a strong feeling of wanting to find out about something new. I like to ask a lot of questions, because that is the way, I get new knowledge. I am being aware of through questions to collect information. I like to discuss matters from A to Z. Some they encourage me by giving satisfactory answer, and others, they give me warning not to ask too much questions again. That
Over the course of this class I have pieced together many things about my own life that before went unnoticed. I am now able to see things in a bit of a different light. Now that I have been introduced to the realm of psychology I understand some of the reasons for behavior around me. I have learned that there is a reason for most everything and a lot of our behaviors and mental processes can be explained through psychology. Studies have been conducted for many years to try and pinpoint the source of our behavior and it is not something that most people think about every day. Having a better understanding of why we operate the way we do will help me to better understand myself and the others around me.
Capital Punishment is the legal infliction of the death penalty on people convicted of a crime. Today, in modern law, the death penalty is corporal punishment in its most severe form. It is irrevocable: it ends the existence of those punished, instead of temporarily imprisoning them. Few states have both capital punishment and or life imprisonment. Capital punishment is the only corporal punishment applied to adults. The usual alternative to the death penalty is life imprisonment and only applied to the greatest criminals
Also, extroverted people tend to act impulsively without thinking of consequences. An introverted person will think about his or her actions before committing to them (Extroversion). After taking the Myers-Briggs test, I discovered that I had an extroverted personality (Flynn). This is very prevalent in my job, as well as school. While I benefit from some time to myself, I enjoy working with groups of people. If I must choose between conducting a project on my own or with a group, I will usually pick the group. I also have a job that requires working with large groups of children. While some individuals may find such a large group overwhelming, I find it easy and comfortable. Another indicator of my extroverted personality is my tendency to act on impulse. Many times, I will enroll in classes before I take the time to see if I need them or will do well in them. I also make choices without considering consequences. Last semester, I chose to skip class to attend other events. While friends thought it made me a fun, flexible person, I ended up failing my class due to absences. Being introverted and extroverted both have their positive and negative qualities, but I typically benefit from my outgoing personality.
Personality is the enduring and unique cluster of characteristics that may change in response to different situations. It can be asses via different approaches such as Self-report or objective inventories, projective techniques, clinical interviews, behavioural assessment procedures and thought and experience-sampling procedures. In the study of personality ideographic research and nomothetic research are used and the major methods that the clinical method, the experimental method and the correlational method.
The following will reflect this researchers understanding and reflection on personality, how it defines one, what it means, and if one’s personality changes to fit certain situations. At the end this researcher may have a better insight into herself as well as the personalities of others. This insight can help her in her future endeavors.