I received the personality of ESTJ. The description of my personality seemed tp be pretty spot on. Although my chosen career of nursing was not on the list for my personaity type I still plan to persue this career. However, I did once consider becoming a business administrator. Overall I have mixed feelings about personality tests. The result from a personality test do not make me want to change my career pathway.
With the purpose of determining whether my personality, interests, and values meet my premeditated career, I carried out the TypeFocus assessment accessible through Tyler Junior College’s Career Services. First, I created an account with TypeFocus. Secondly I was able to obtain a few tests that would assess my personality, interests, and values. Next, I went forward and completed each test. Each analysis prompted me to answer a series of questions pertaining to the subject of that particular assessment. These questions that I was asked during the assessments were very straight forward, and easy to answer. Then, after completing all of the assessments I continued on to view each of the results. As the assessment taker, I had a choice on how
After doing the personality tests on Indiana Career Explorer, the tests gave me a couple of examples of fields I would be successful in, it told me what values may be important to me in a workplace environment. I feel these assessments were spot on and I have more confidence in my ability to be successful in my career choice.
Knowing and analyzing your personality test is like taking a picture of yourself while in front of a mirror. Taking the time to make an honest assessment of your personality and how that affects others around you is an intimidating self-reflection. Before to taking the Jung Typology test, I expected generic results, but once reading the test questions and receiving the results I was hooked. Uncovering my personality preferences allowed me to understand why I gravitate to certain activities and norms in my personal and professional life. Edgar’s Personality Type
The My Plan (2016) assessments is a program that examines your career interest. This is determined by taking several assessments on your personality, interests, skills, and values. Based on my personality report, it indicated my personality type is ESTJ ( extroverted, sensor, thinker and judger). Some words used to describe me based on my personality report are social, patient, thoughtful and in control. On the My Plan (2016) my personal interest top two were investigative and social. My Plan (2016) concluded that I would work well with others and like communicating with others. Ultimately, I would agree that these results are correct and correlate well with the career I am going to pursue as a dental hygienist. Prior to taking the My Plan (2016) assessments I was undecided about wether I wanted to pursue my career as a dental hygienist or a registered nurse. Now I am confident about what I choose to do, because it is something that I have always been interested about and it is something I would actually enjoy doing.
My career assessment test turned out just the way I thought it would the results was very interesting. From the assessment test the results touched base in many areas for the career I’m interested in such as psychology. My test results are :
From the first survey, Jung Typology Test, I figured out that my personality type is ENTJ. ENTJ stands for Extravert, iNtuitive, Thinking, and Judging. It means that I am outgoing, rational, and perceptive. Prior to this test, I only have a slight idea that I might be confidence, logical, and have a talent in management. After taking the test, I got confirmed that I am indeed the type of person I think I would be. In addition, the extra links under the result gave me information about what potential occupations I could take in the future by giving me a thorough interpretation of what ENTJ really means. Honestly, I am going through a time of struggling: I am not sure about my major and what I could be at the career fair. Although I vaguely think that I may want to be a manager working in the technology-related areas. The result tells me that I am suitable for managing resources in companies as well as one of
I was interested in what the test would say about me as a person. The test labeled me as an ENTJ. What I understood from the explanation of an ENTJ personality type is that we enjoy a challenge, and will not quit that challenge until it is finished. “My story” relates to this in the sense that my teacher presented me a challenge, to a write a story, once I had accomplished that, I wanted to keep pursuing that challenge until I felt that it was truly finished, once the first grade had ended was when I felt the challenge was finished. It was also stated in the ENTJ description that we have great communication skills. I believe that I used my communication skills and transferred them into my writing. I then read that although ENTJ’s like to be in charge but they need to have support from other people. I think that could also be a reason why Murphy and I had so much success with writing our
I believe the TAT test sums up my desire to achieve, and that I see positive relationships of high importance in my life. These intrinsic motivators of striving for success in both academics and relationships are my top priority and the two things I am most passionate about as they increase competence, autonomy and relatedness. As an advocate for the power of education, and my deep care for others and their potential to succeed, I feel that my personality test results demonstrate reasons for being well suited for the major and career path in
Companies have started to use personality tests in the past five years so that they can find a potential employee’s strengths and weaknesses. If questions and answers are quite accurate and test is done properly it can help an employer to find more about person’s advantages and disadvantages. It is very important to know because one of the most important points is that most of personality tests help to recognize unqualified candidates. “Although experts warn that many personality assessments don't deliver what they promise, legitimate scientifically validated tests are helping employers evaluate job candidates to select those best suited for particular positions. Other tests are designed to measure intelligence, honesty, management aptitude and other qualities.”
Myers and Briggs created a personality test that not only will help people to figure out their personality types, but at the same time it aids in the discovery of which career pathways people should take based on their specific personality traits. Based on the personality trait INFP that was given to me from the Myer-Briggs test I have quite a few career pathways that fit my personality. Some of the career choices suited to my personality is a writer, counselor, teacher/professor, psychologist, psychiatrist, musician, or a religious worker; which seems like a pretty broad selection. Although there is a broad selection of careers that would suit my personality none of which are the career path that I have chosen; which is to become a physical therapist, but if I was not set on a goal some of these career ideas would not seem too bad. While reading the list of jobs suited for my personality I was surprised to see that psychologist was on the list because before I decided to go for physical therapy I wanted to pursue a career in that exact field. As for most of the other fields mentioned above I
When evaluating my personality type, I scored as an ENTJ on the 16personalities.com personality test. 16perosnalities.com says that only 3 percent of the population score ENTJ, and maybe that is a good thing. According to personalitypage.com, the ENTJ is titled the executive and suggests, “ENTJs are natural born leaders”. I am strong minded, quick witted, and I thoroughly enjoy a challenge. I am
After answering multiple questions for different situations I was able to obtain information about my personality. ENFJ is a very unique and has various skill sets that will allow me as individual to work in multiple roles. Occupations with good interpersonal skills that allow productive collaboration through any working process. Although this personality can be challenging it still has many benefits to help build careers successfully. There are many high rank positions that this particular personality type would be effective in. Some examples are sales, social services, community care, legal and the list goes on. In all of these roles there are a broad range of occupations that would fit perfectly based on the personality type. However, the ultimate focus is to reach their main dreams. Although they may see their selves as helpers or enablers, this creates the challenge.
My personality score was an ENFP, I thought of myself more as an ESTJ. According to the Jungian 16 – Type Personality test, I am an Extrovert, Intuitive, Feeler, and Perceiver. I am also learned that I do in fact have a Type –A personality
I believe that the job analysis was extremely accurate; however the Myers-Briggs Test was not what I expected. All these years I had thought I was an ENFJ, but this test classified me as an ISFJ. I hypothesis this change was due to me taking the test much later. We as people go through many changes and develop different habits throughout our life and the last time I took this test was in high school so perhaps I too have changed.
Have I ever took a personality test that answer will be no I have not taking one but will like to take one to learn more about what type characteristic shape my personality. I would expect the personality test to show my caring ability, motivation levels and strength ability. Also I would like to test tell me about my social skills as a child I did not have good social skills now as a adult I have better social skills do to self confidence that I lack as a child. My personality has grown since I was a child. A personality test will open many doors to my colorful mind.