1a) In the research article “Personality Predictors of Successful Development: Toddler Temperament and Adolescent Personality Traits Predict Well-being and Career Stability in Middle Adulthood” by Marek Blatný, Katarína Millová, Martin Jelínek, Terezie Osecká. The problem that these researchers identified was the relationship between personality and psychological functioning and well-being, or the relations between personality and social functioning. The authors conducted this study mainly to determine whether ones’ personality affects his/her satisfaction with their quality of life in adulthood. They believe that personality traits play a major role in who/what you become in the future and they wanted to see if they could predict it. If yes, they wanted to know how early? – As early as childhood, adolescence or early adulthood. 2b) The authors provided the reader a lot of information on the topic. Each topic was very well explored. A lot of different information on different but similar studies. The authors seemed very knowledgeable on the topic. This article lacked a few things. A clear research question and a hypothesis. The paragraphs were not clear and consist, I felt that I had to dig to get certain information. The paper was very wordy, which made me have a hard time understanding the substance. 1c) They had so many different relations that were being tested, they did not really emphasize on one question. The two questions they seemed to be more focused on
IN YOUR OWN WORDS, and using no more than 3 sentences, what was this study about and what were the key variables? – 4.5 points
Personality is a complex area of Psychology, which has been studied for many years, by many experts in the field. Each having their own ideas about how to understand, study and evaluate it. Here I will introduce personality briefly, looking at the theories behind it. Then explain the need for testing. As there are many test that are available to use, for the purpose of this essay I will look at The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) and discuss the reliability and validity of some studies around these tests.
_ This article was quite statistically focused, which contributed to it being somewhat difficult to read. I admit, I didn’t fully understand all of the tables, relating the variables of each group study. However, the results were well stated, making the experiment more accessible to people that are less statistically inclined. I thought the article, even though it was quite dense, was an appropriate length and stayed well within the realm of relevant information. I could not honestly recommend this article to someone who is not interested in
This article was presented in an appropriate manner. It was easy to read and follow along to. I felt that the author did not present the information in a biased manner and the author did have multiple facts to back up the claims. New information was presented in this article that was not in any other source I
Personality and social development in the area of Lifespan development emphasizes "enduring characteristics that differentiate one person from another, and how interactions with others and social relationships grown and change over the lifetime." (My Development Lab, 2010, p.7) It is reported that each of the "broad topical areas of lifespan development physical, cognitive, social and personality development plays a role throughout the life span." (My Development Lab, 2010, p.3) The consequence is that "some developmental experts focus on physical development during the prenatal period, and others during adolescence." (My Development Lab, 2010, p. 8) However, others examine social relationships in late adulthood or cognitive
From my standpoint, the researchers presented their conclusion well. There a couple concerns that I would like to
4. What is the most significant finding in the article? Summarize this clearly in several sentences.
While psychology theorists vary greatly on their theories of personality, they all concur that numerous elements go into the creation and development of personality. The elements used in the creation and development of personality are: nature versus nature, the unconscious, view of self, development, motivation and maturation. Each of these elements contributes to the understanding of personality theory. To better understand the connection of these elements and the formation of personality theory researchers have conducted cases studies, surveys, and laboratory observations in order to observe the relationship between these elements and personality. Based upon the research that has been conducted correlations and casualty can be formed
Personality and learning development will continue from childhood into adulthood. Understanding personality and the different theories associated with it is important. The knowledge obtained from research of personality can have importance not just in counseling but other areas in life. Whether this is in the health aspect, business, and other
The evaluation of personality stability and change across the life span is largely determined by theoretical beliefs. While some scholars have a more deterministic viewpoint and consider human personality as fairly predictable and stable over time (e.g. biogenetic determinism), other theorists view personality as fluid and highly malleable (e.g. behaviorism). The intermediate stance assumes a bidirectional relationship between heredity and environment, which allows for both consistency and change in personality. Moreover, some theorists introduce a third element to a biosocial model - the individual (e.g. transactional model of socialization). Evaluation of personality stability is difficult, seeing lack of consensus on what
The purpose of this paper is to discuss characteristics of my personality. The main focus of this paper will be how my personality has developed over time. As I age and encounter new and different experiences, my personality has adapted and developed further. This paper will give an in-depth exploration into the people and events that have influenced my personality.
Cobb-Clarke and Schurer carried out an investigation to determine whether they could answer three questions in regards to personality and stability. “Does the overall change in personality traits depend on age? Is adult personality change related to adverse life events? And, are changes in adult personality economically meaningful?” (Cobb-Clark and Schurer, 2011) In order to answer these questions Cobb-Clark and Schurer retrieved data from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey by Summerfield in 2010 from 2005 and 2009 which represents a national panel study of over 7,600 Australian households. Respondents were asked how well 36 different adjectives
All in all, the article had potential to be very informative and influential. I found the lack of explanation about the importance of the study to be a detriment, as well as the small population size in the study. The authors also neglected to address these issues by including a list of limitations within the studies, which could be misleading to readers. Maybe the authors could perform another study to rectify the mistakes found in this
The information from this survey parallels similar studies in the field to contribute a deeper understanding of personality in
The persistent personal characteristics that are revealed in a particular pattern of behavior in different situation are known as personality. This paper will explore the cognitive, social and personality changes that occur when a person is 24 years old. One of the major issues in cognitive development has been “nature and nurture”, i.e. if cognitive development is mainly determined by an individual’s innate qualities (“nature”), or by their personal experiences (“nurture”). First, the age is characterized by physical changes because it is the period when adolescents are almost becoming adults. Therefore, the age is a transition period from adolescence to adulthood. The person undergoes cognitive development whereby he tries to understand his real identity and becomes more sociable than before. Moreover, the personality of an individual is subject to the person’s need to be recognized and appreciated.