The Personalized License Plate process is currently not being monitored to ensure consistency with plate approvals/denials, voting trends and issuance of inappropriate plates. Additionally, a feedback process does not exist to advise committee members of the outcome of the voting. Without monitoring of the process and proper feedback, Personalized License Plates that should be denied may end up approved or vice versa, resulting in customer disputes and potential legal or political action. Additionally, the reputation of the BMV could be impacted. The Personalized License Plate process should be monitored and feedback provided to committee members to ensure
An authorised driver must notify the department if there is a change in their medical condition that makes the driver continuously unfit to safely drive for more than one month.
Analysis: (1) Katz’s right to express himself remains totally unimpaired because he is free to put on his car or in the metal frame surrounding the license plate any combination of words/letters that he chooses - the only restriction on his conduct is the use of the government-issued vehicle identification mechanism for “EZ LAY.” (2) The statute is not directed toward the suppression of any specific idea or expression on the car; it simply excludes from the very limited confines of the governmental mechanism of the license plates those alphanumeric combinations that the DMV deems offensive to good taste and decency. While the licensee may have both possession/title of the license plates, the plates are also an official mechanism of the state performing the vital governmental function of vehicle identification
Owner Operators Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA) filed a lawsuit stating that the ELD mandate violates the drivers 4th Amendment rights. OOIDA argued that “the ELD mandate that requiring electronic monitoring devices on commercial vehicles does not advance safety, is arbitrary and capricious and violates Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable searches and seizures.” (Dills, 2016) The reasons being that the ELD will automatically flag every violation that the driver has and will show every violation on command to the Department of Transportation enforcement official. If it is a new violation then a ticket can be issued to that driver. If it is an already cited violation the driver will then present evidence of that to the
(Name of the Company) is a promising projected premier car wash & detailing service that will cater to and serve the Colorado Springs, Colorado auto enthusiast. Our initial location for operations will be in the northern part of the Colorado Springs area, but our clientele will encompass individuals/ or their families from across the wider Colorado Springs area. (Name of the Company) will be operated under the principle ownership of; Ricardo Arellano, Allen Guggisberg, James Mathews, Richard Molina, and Jonathan Arango-Ruiz. Ownership for the forthcoming business has a solid foundation under the guiding leadership of former, and retired military veterans.
Beck later emphasizes that “the other crucial element of this campaign – increased public awareness – did not occur” (Beck 375). Therefore, the method of enforcement itself is not necessarily at fault when it comes to the shortcomings of the Checkpoint Strikeforce campaign, since the effectiveness of the method also hinges on the level of public awareness. This is supported by the conclusion made by Beck that “the dosage and duration of Maryland’s public media campaign was insufficient to produce detectable and sustained changes in public perceptions or behaviors” (Beck 376). Furthermore, it is stated that “some police chiefs [were] not really on board with this program,” which lead to lighter enforcement than what would truly be needed in order to have a measurable impact (Beck 376). It would appear evident, then, that a change in public consciousness in Maryland would be instrumental for the implementation of a campaign such as Checkpoint Strikeforce to be effective, which aligns well with the methods employed by MADD. Additionally, MADD itself is cited by Beck in having issued a report which gave Maryland a composite grade of a “C for its anti-drunk driving efforts [and a] D for its administrative measures and criminal sanctions for drunk drivers, indicating a statewide tendency to be rather lenient when imposing consequences on drunk drivers” (Beck 376). Therefore, it is clear that MADD is aware of and decries the inadequacies present in Maryland and that tactics akin to those employed by MADD in order to raise awareness, lobby legislators, etc. could aid in improving enforcement in Maryland. Beck also states that “the national success that MADD has had during the past several decades at making drunk driving a prominent issue of public concern and the resultant legislative changes that have ensued suggest that it [is] possible to do this at the state level with citizen activist groups” (Beck 376). Thus,
You've undoubtedly heard about the MAR Charitable Foundation License Plate initiative through email, social media, the MAR Conference, or have been approached by a MAR Charitable Foundation Trustee, but have you submitted your application yet?
The proposed measure can then be submitted to the Arizona Legislative Council for review. Next, the petition is circulated to obtain the required number of signatures. The required number of signatures is based on the number of votes cast for the office of the governor. In addition, citizens have twenty-four months to acquire all signatures on the
As of current you can only drive unaffiliated to the DMV with at extreme inconvenience, not only due to the fact that structure of our society pushes pack so strongly, but also because those who choose to travel freely in this manner are often regarded as members of the sovereign citizens movement. Sovereignty by definition means to possess supreme power, to identify as a sovereign citizen simply means that you hold the powers granted by our constitution;
As stated by the daily newspaper My Central Jersey, “Jack Molenaar[Head of Department of Transportation at Rutgers University] said the school is looking into adopting License Plate Recognition (LPR) in the next few years to allow officers to quickly spot an illegally parked car.” Some schools are going away from the regular parking passes you put inside your car, to the extreme of putting something on your license plate making it easier for the school to see if you are illegally parking on campus. In the meantime while students are being discriminated against, stressed, and spending an excessive amount of money on school, the school boards are coming up with new and easier ways to be able to demand more money from their
With key aspects of the Voting Rights Act being returned to the regulation of the state governments, there has been a trend of the defunding and stricter rules directed toward voting registration drives. These drives have long been problematic with the concepts of “priming” and “fraud” being discussed in relation to their existence, but they have played a huge role in the outreach program to increase overall voter turnout. There have been arguments that they decrease the urgency of the vote which has also been applied to early voting periods and Election Day Registration acts, but they succeeded in increasing the voter turnout rate overall and decreasing the wait lines at the poll, bringing forth the question as to why voting urgency would be a necessity in the process of the vote. Since the changes to the VRA, many states have gone forth to defund these drives, seeing them as having no purpose and being a waste of money. Many states that kept the drives added strict regulations. These include not allowing blank registration
“We’re grateful to all residents who completed the National Citizen Survey and helped to create a blueprint for how we can better serve the community. Our goal is to see continued improvement when we survey citizens in 2019.”
It seems like my parents think that modifying my car depreciates the value of it. Sometimes it feels like we have a family mediation to always talk me out of it. They think that I want to do it wantonly, but I have my reasons. The thought of not personalizing my car seems like a repugnance to me because of my certain set of goals in life that many people do not understand. My mom really has no place to make erroneous statements about my creation and how modifying it will make its value lower. The way I brought this car back to life consecrated it to my eyes. It has already made me have many adversaries and people who just want to race. People try to gibe me into joining them at night to race, but I really do not want to bother with their
The variation in the photo identification legislation helps some voters that do not have the proper identification to still vote. For example, in states that have non-strict identification voters can cast a provisionary ballot that will be counted in the event of a close election. Supports of the legislation use these variations in the enforcement to help fight against the opponents. Supporters say that this legislation allows for variation and opportunities for citizens to get the proper identification before Election Day. Supporters believe that this legislation will not decrease voter turnout as a result.
As part of our MIS 4163 class, we are going to work in a project that will prepare a system design for the application we select. Our team, the Purple Pirates, is a team composed of 5 people. We have selected to put together the design for a service order and invoicing application for an auto repair business. We have named our project ARS which stands for Auto Repair System.
A recount of votes in Maryland could only consist of re-reading the smartcards, even if the DRE recorded the vote improperly; there is no way to verify their accuracy. Avi Rubin (2004), a Computer Science Professor at Johns Hopkins University, notes on his weblog how he had many chances to manipulate the outcome at his voting poll. At one point, he held the entire precinct’s smartcards allowing him to swap them or damage them. This assumes the DRE recorded the votes properly, which cannot be determined without Diebold disclosing source code for the machines. After other groups across Maryland mirrored Avi’s findings, hundreds of people testified in front of the Maryland General Assembly demanding a vote-verified paper trail. At each hearing, security experts testified about security concerns and the need for open source software. This objection to current standards sparked legislation requiring a voter-verified paper trail in the last two legislative sessions. In spite of the bill passing the house and the senate without